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Working Letter for the forthcomming stadium consultation

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So we have the forthcoming consultation with the TTA. A couple of fans have stated they will not be able to attend and others have suggested putting their concerns down in writing, sending them to the club, so they can be read out / addressed at the meeting.


I would like to start this thread so the fans who post on OWTB can register their concerns. If Barry or New York Boss would then like to address these concerns either on here or at the meeting that would be fantastic. I know both look at these boards on a regular basis. As does webmonkey who can no doubt bring the thread to their attention.


I would PLEA to everyone that you simply state your question / concerns and leave the debate to another thread.

Otherwise this thread will descend into madness. Please resist the temptation to answer some ones question and lets leave that to the TTA and co. Lets give everyone a chance to have a say without being shouted down etc.


Try not to repeat a question if possible. Feel free to state what you would like to see in the stadium


  1. What is the planned capacity. Rumours which are circulating of only a 10 to 11k capacity are worrying me.
  2. What facilities will be included in the new build
  3. Will OAFC own the stadium and the external developments
  4. If not, who will and who will get the profits ?
  5. Will the new stadium be easily expandable
Edited by oafc0000
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will this new development make us self suffient and if so how long will this take


will we lose our identity by building this new ground in a part of the borough that is only a stones throw from manchester


if the stadium is built with expansion in mind,why cant we just have a 16k stadium now,instead of having to incurr extra costs in the future for development

Edited by edhunteruk
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Given that three other schemes have failed at different stages - what assurances have we that if this scheme fails the club will not simply be left high and dry?


Why did the club take the ludicrous deccision to desecrate a 1/4 of the ground, whilst unsure of any start date to the ill fated Oldham Arena project? (Simply blaming Oldham council and the credit crunch does not wash) The club had announced it's Oldham Arena plans in february 2006, yet didn't submit a planning application until over a year later (around 18 months). The delays from the council regarding the planning meeting were only a matter of 10 weeks and therefore on closer reflection not responsible for delaying the project.


Is the proposed new stadium simply an exit strategy so TTA save face?


Can you expand on the statement that almost half a million pounds has been spent on the 'maintenance' of Boundary Park?


What's being done to market the new stadium to the increasing disaffected Oldham Athletic fanbase?

Edited by oafcprozac
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Could a change in council leadership, jeopardise the whole project? If so why's the process AGAIN being drawn out when it has been announced more than once that ground was hoped to be broken in Spring? In reality the application may not have even been submitted by then.


It has been widely reported that next season is likely to be our last at BP, given the expected delays to the planning process etc... are we likely to find ourselves homeless come August 2011 or at the very best ground sharing?

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What are the slef sustainaing plans for non football club business activities planned at the new ground?

Have there been any discussion/provisiona plans to ground share at any stage?

Does the budget include plans for an innovative design

What feasbility studies have been carried to with regards to projected crowds at Failsworth.



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When will the plans for the stadium be unveiled?


Do you have a contingency plan in case this one falls through?


What are the reasons for only building a 10,000 seater stadium?


If the planning is refused will you be looking at selling up leaving us high and dry?


If the plans do go through how much will we be charged to go through the turn-styles?


Will the catering be given to a company who can handle our demands?



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oafc 0000 asked me to remove my post last night that suggested that some people are not posing sensible valid questions, but are simply making debating points dressed up as questions. So I did. I asked him in turn to ask people who were making debating points dressed up as question to remove those. he refused.


So I'll re-iterate it.



If you really want your question to be taken seriously, please think about the way you are putting it across.


Framing a question around a bunch of insults and a load of condemnation is not a valid way to go about this.

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he refused.


Not quite... I pointed out it was not my place to deem what is and is not a valid question. Yet again, real feels he has some sort of right to deem what is valid and what is not.


Can I ask for people not to take on reals attempt at derailing this thread and just stick to posting your concerns and questions.

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instead of building a new ground 4 sided with open corners to be expanded into at a later date,would it be possible to build the new ground with four sides but with the corners filled in,but not filled with seating at this point.


i feel it would be far easier to install extra seats than have to go back for planning consent and then to have to start building work again

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Well I cant make in on Wednesday now unless you fancy moving the meeting to London ? Away on business...

*no doubt to the delight of some of my biggiest fans who now have the chance at winning another willy waving contest on super fan status*


Does anyone want to add anything to this letter ?


Does anyone in the trust / club give a dam to take note of it ?


Either way its here if anyone wants to add to it / take note of it / read out the questions

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