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CD's Orange Heels

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About CD's Orange Heels

  • Birthday 03/25/1974

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    Oldham Athletic

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Danny Boshell

Danny Boshell (5/15)



  1. So 2 seasons where he clearly was good enough isn’t proof, but 4 games is? Like your logic ? Sheridan made mistakes but the circus master more than contributed to the problems. If you want some hypothetical reasoning, I’ll give you some. corney has proved he’s a crap businessman over the years. That’s not going to change if we get new investment. If corney manages to stay on in some capacity he’ll continue to mess things up. It doesn’t matter who is manager or how much money gets thrown at it, he’ll balls things up. Sheridan made mistakes this season, but dragged us out of the shit not once but twice. It’s corney who keeps dropping us in it and he’ll do it again.
  2. Agree with you, but I think Corney gets the grief because he is the link and has put himself in that position. He’s not interested in finding revenue streams into the club, his work is mainly finding revenue streams out of the club. I know I’ll get slated for saying that, with people saying we don’t make any money. That’s the point, as a business, which sadly football clubs are nowadays we’re crap. The buck has to stop with him for that. He is the reason why we are crap and I’m sure that’s why the investment is moving slowly. If I had money to invest I wouldn’t go near a club led by him. Things like the staff being paid might not seem to worry some people, but i’m sure it will bother potential investors. As people have said, if he’s looking to sell the club it massively weakens his position. If he’s looking for investment and wants to stay on as chairman, who in their right mind would want to give him money? I’m a fan of the club and I wouldn’t trust him with a fiver. If he’s worked as hard over the last 10 years to try and bring money into the club as he had getting money out, I’d believe that someone would want to invest in the club.
  3. To be honest this is the first time that I've actually believed that this investment might happen. It makes a lot more sense now this guys name has been mentioned. The problem I was having was all these new players coming in. The lower league French players just wouldn't be on the radar of anyone currently at the club. So the only way I could see them being identified and bought is via Lemsagam, which we know isn't technically compliant with the FA Laws. By bringing in this new manager it cuts out that problem and it can be explained that he is recruiting these new players. It may well be that Lemsagam is doing the recruiting, but I reckon this is how they'll get through the FA laws of agent ownership. It could also mean that Lemsagam is genuine and has been getting these players in early ready for the investment and new manager. Either way, it doesn't look good for Shez, but this is all starting to make a lot more sense for me.
  4. So if the club has to follow a similar process to that bullet pointed list we're somewhere around point 3 out of 10? Not even half way there really. How have we managed to bring in all these new players when we were under a transfer embargo very early on in the transfer window? Where is the money coming from? If we are just at 3/10 of the negotiations bringing in these new players is a massive risk if things fall through. If we're further along and assurances have been made then surely this should have been discussed at board level and the Trust should have been made fully aware?
  5. The Sports Direct deal was supposed to make us more competitive, the OEC was supposed to provide extra funds to make us more competitive. We really haven't benefited from any of these deals on or off the pitch, to be honest. I very much doubt any new investment (if it happens) will benefit the club in any financial way. The only people to benefit will be Corney and the agent investors. How any of this (again if it happens) is legal is completely beyond me, but then again Corney does like cutting corners if he can see a dollar in it for him.
  6. It's the yearly Corney smokescreen. It's the one thing he's good at. When things aren't going well he gives the fans something to talk / moan about taking the focus of the crap on the pitch. Never going to happen. He's had to bring it out much earlier than usual this year.
  7. you're entitled to. I'm not disputing that. Just seems a bit odd for you to say the board isn't balanced just because they don't share your opinion.
  8. Is the forum not balanced because not many people share your opinion? Good on the trust and those fans that are questioning the owners. Long may it continue.
  9. If the average wage is what has been stated then the entire squad should cost around 150k per month. If the monthly bills are 300k where is the other 150k going? If we don't pay any rent, I'm assuming if OEC is owned by Brass Bank then they pay the staff who work for OEC. What other things could be costing the club £150k per month any ideas?
  10. The sad thing is, all of this is just so consistent with the way the club is run. Investment isn't really the answer because the same plums would be running the show. The only real answer is for a takeover, but again sadly this isn't going to happen anytime soon because of the same problem, Corney and his clowns. No wonder Moisley has spoken to 100's of investors and nobody has bitten. It's because there is so much wrong with the club and the people who are currently in power. Corney would struggle to give the club away, but given the fact he wants millions we've not a chance of being saved.
  11. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=eden+creative+oldham&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari#fid=0x487bb9dab8ed5dd7%3A0x856956607eb75fb8&fpstate=luuv&imagekey=!1e3!2s-a-yGsSMiVw8/VwSonyUc5GI/AAAAAAAAADg/EkpA0jkjUhw3qON_UrxnUpfEKzqfKyWNACJkC&viewerState=lb
  12. You can't lay that at his door but every other decision the pillock has made for the last 3-4 years has been a disgrace. He's the reason every manager is set up to fail.
  13. Don't know why but you posting that 16 times made me think of this. At least it made me smile. https://youtu.be/fOad90BvvjM
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