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About BJBlue

  • Birthday 07/22/1989

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    Oldham Athletic

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Les Pogliacomi

Les Pogliacomi (6/15)



  1. Pre historic age covers 2.5 million years and i believe rhinos did evolve a bit in that time... Anyway, nothings going to change until the playing staff is upgraded. Unsworth seemed to say in his post match that he's had enough time to evaluate and knows that additions are needed. He will obviously have good contacts and knowledge of loan players buy we probably can't get those until Jan, which means looking at other none league sides in the short term.
  2. We had a lot of the ball for a while and got on top before their second but all that did was show how ineffective we are going forward. Some awful first touches on these players.
  3. It's all words until there is action we can see. I don't trust the guy as far as I can throw him but I'm willing to (and sincerely hope I will) be proved wrong. If he is sincere, then it's a good plan to start with. He states he is looking for a head coach rather than a manager. I don't actually have an issue with this, I think the director of football/head coach pairing can work very well. It might be difficult to find an experienced manager who will want to work in this way though. It also won't work if he gets too involved in the day to day squad dynamics.
  4. If what Scholes said on BT is true then it seems unlikely AL will keep Clarke.
  5. I think Scholes got nearly everything right yesterday. I enjoyed watching a lot of the football we played, which is always nice. As far as I can see, we just lack quality. We attacked well the whole game, but we couldn't put it away. This has obviously been a theme in Scholes' first few games. A little better game management is needed in the dying minutes of a game but I'm sure that will come. The big issue is player quality. AL needs to really back Scholes in the summer, both financially and which letting him choose his players. He knows how he wants to play, and at the moment he's being forced to put square pegs in round holes. As far as I'm concerned the rest of this season is written off as a chance for Scholes to learn, evaluate his squad and scout prospective signings for summer. I feel very positive about the future under Scholes.
  6. There's some right hyperbolic drama queens on here. The first half of our season saw us sitting just outside the playoffs in mid table, we've now lost the guy who scored the goals who got us there and we haven't got in a like for like replacement. How was the second half of the season supposed to be better than the first with a strictly worse team? I expected us to lose against a good Bury side and we did. Disappointing but not the end of the world. As far as I'm concerned it's all about setting up for next season now. Let Scholes make mistakes and learn, without pressure on him and the players from us, then he can build his own team in the summer and take us on from there.
  7. Too hungover to drive to BP today. Glad to see we're winning!
  8. Can we watch this one (those of us abroad i mean) or is it just commentary?
  9. Why is it £10? I've been paying €6 a game whilst in Cyprus and it's barely worth that.
  10. 11 minutes into the game it comes on. What a joke of a service.
  11. I've e mailed and asked for a refund.
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