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Break The Silence

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About Break The Silence

  • Birthday 06/26/1974

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  • Supported Team
    Oldham Athletic

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  • Location
    City of Salford
  • Interests
    Heavy metal, beer, football........yes i really am that shallow!

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Earl Barrett

Earl Barrett (8/15)



  1. Nearly posted that myself earlier after somebody mentioned Dean Saunders. Craig Bellamy was another one who'd run through a brick wall to win.
  2. It was my first time watching non-league today, went with the father-in-law who's a Salford City season ticket holder. I went with an open mind, and i've seen more than my fair share of shit games at BP, but it was terrible. There was plenty of endeavour but a complete and utter lack of quality, they literally couldn't string 3 passes together, either team.
  3. Hat off to those who made the journey to Bristol today, can't fault you. I opted to watch Salford City play Curzon Ashton instead, 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. I won't call League 1 ever again. That was Sunday League stuff. Ollie Banks would look like Zinedine Zidane thrown into either of those two midfields.
  4. Fuck me Prozac, I only know you to say a casual passing hello to at BP, but you've just done me. I'm in Los Christianos at the minute so have no Internet, got wifi in a beach bar so have just caught up on the last 3/4 days worth of OWTB. Without trying to sound like Bruce Willis in Die Hard, I consider myself to be a man's man. A 'proper' Salford lad. An emotionless, street hardened 42 year old cop of almost 20 years. I don't do tears. The wife's just come back from the bogs and found me sat here crying like a 10 year old girl. I go to Latics week in, week out, just me and my Dad. He's now in his late 60's. That's struck a chord, big time. Chin up Big Man. Latics isn't everything but it's what we do, it's a huge part of us. Anyone who says it's just a game can get to fuck. RIP Prozac Snr.
  5. I bought 1 standing ticket over the phone this morning, paid on my debit card. In fairness, the guy checked my ST details but then also asked me how many tickets I wanted so they're definitely not enforcing the 1 ticket per ST thing.
  6. Great news! With the exception of The Darkness announcing their UK winter tour dates, that's the best news I've heard all day...
  7. I hate Manchester United with every fibre of my being, made worse by living in Salford. You wouldn't take the piss out of Hillsborough or the fire at Valley Parade so knock it off. Very poor taste.
  8. I work within the criminal justice system and have done for nearly 20 years. The system isn't perfect but it's all we've got. There are no grey areas here. The lad was found not guilty by a jury of his peers, at crown court. He is innocent. End of.
  9. Good grief BP1960. I don't agree with what he said for a minute, but you're being a bit of a mad arse.
  10. He's a very good player at our level, I don't dispute that, but for a professional 'athlete' to be so overweight is unforgivable. It's all about opinions but, for me, he was nowhere near Man Of The Match.
  11. Ha ha, fair point. I'm doing a disservice to Guinness...
  12. I think we will stay up, but it's going to go right to the wire.
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