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About Gemma06

  • Birthday 11/24/1982

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    Oldham Athletic

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Les Pogliacomi

Les Pogliacomi (6/15)



  1. Are people buying in any particular block in the home end?
  2. I didn't go yesterday, first time I've missed a local away game in 20+ years but I just couldn't be bothered, first time I've felt like that about a latics game. I've never really agreed with booing players after they've lost a game I don't see that it achieves anything - I get others disagree with that and that's fine each to their own, but this season especially is it going to get us anywhere? I really don't think the shit performances are due to the players not trying, they're just mostly crap it's not their fault our club has chosen to sign them and try to get them to player at a level above their ability. It's going to be a very long, frustrating season unless we manage to pull off a couple of decent signings in the next couple of weeks. Sadly it will be taken out on this set of players, but it's not them who's got us into this position it's a culmination of the last few years and the anger and frustration of fans is starting to boil over
  3. This for me, huge overreaction to Gardners performance, he is far from the complete midfielder but he's nowhere near as bad as he's being made out to be. He's one of few players in our team that will try to make things happen but he's a league Two player so they are not always going to come off. But you cant have a team of players who are just going to go for a 5 yard sideways pass you need someone who is going to at least try to create something, Lang looks willing to run at people and looked promising for the most part today, Baxter doesn't appear to be able to play 90mins and something didn't look right with him when he came on today, at the minute Gardner is the best bet we've got for midfield, if the villa lad gets fit maybe he'll be better but until then we don't have many options
  4. I'm probably in the minority but I hope he doesn't get sacked, I think he can make us a success, not this season but did we ever really have a realistic chance of promotion this season? He needs to sort out the defence but can't do much with that until January now really unless stott can change it when back from injury, sadly I don't think edmumson is the answer at the moment. But going forward we have improved greatly on the last couple of seasons, I hope he's given the time to get us sorted and next season if we're able to keep hold of some of these short term loans we've acquired he could make a real go of a promotion push after probably flirt above the relegation zone this season but doubt we'll go down. I'm sick of all the swapping and changing every few months if we're going to give anyone a chance it mays well be someone be who knows the club
  5. Is davies on the bench? Thought I heard his name when they announced the teams but not seen him warming up
  6. Crossley Eardley gregan Hill Armstrong Liddell duxbury Sheridan eyres Porter Andrews Pogs Hall Lee Forte Wellens
  7. Why would they come over to get even more abuse? I get that people are pissed off but ironic cheering of cornell at the end of the Southend end have was bad enough (I know he had a bad game but still it really isn't going to help is it) that it carried on into this game was pathetic. A guy sat behind me seemed bemused that our players were scared of trying to pick out a more difficult pass and kept playing the easy ball, well of course they will, their confidence is shot and they get dogs abuse if what they try doesn't come off. The constant booing and anger towards them isn't going to help improve things. Yes they've been crap for the most part and yes people will say they've paid there money they can do what they want, but we need to move forward and we need to do it quickly otherwise this may be the season we don't avoid relegation, and there is no reason for us to think we would bounce right back. We need to try and get behind them. I don't think Dunn is the right man and I don't think some of the players deserve their place in the team but Dunn probably isn't going anywhere and he's going to continue to pick these players so we need to support them and they need to turn this round. They don't go out there and play badly on purpose, and just because they don't all run round like headless chickens doesn't mean they don't care. Next Saturday league form goes out the window, let's go there support them and hope they put a performance in and we can get a decent draw in the next round. We went to forest a few years ago in bad form got behind them and grabbed a win which help put us on a decent enough run in the league to stay up and we got three great fa cup games thrown in there too, you never know it could happen again
  8. Really enjoyed the game today plenty of positives and think we would have won had we got the equaliser earlier, however I really didn't like how the midfield was set up, we have some quality players in that area for this league and I don't think that formation suits them at all, will be interesting to see who gets picked when they are all match fit
  9. I don't normally bother when players/managers leave us, I had no problem with Porter/Furman/Baxter etc and I clapped Dickov when he came back, it happens, clubs show very little loyalty to them at times so you can't really expect it back, but I believed in Johnson, believed that he was here to take us forward and improve with us, in all that one team one dream :censored:. First time in a long while I will feel really let down my someone if they leave us.
  10. We haven't played as well since Winchester was dropped. Forte on the left, Winchester on the right, philliskirk behind ibhere and jones and Kelly in the middle (when Kelly's back fit) it was working.
  11. I had no problem when we signed Hughes, he served his time and said all the right things about doing voluntary work in the community about drink driving etc, however once he'd been here a while his attitude just didn't sit right, instead of keeping a low profile and just getting on with rebuilding his life and career he was out getting drunk regularly and goading the opposition and his silly little dance when he scored just didn't seem right
  12. When I got my season ticket I believe there was supposed to be some infomation given with it regarding the trust but I didn't receive anything, is it anything that can be emailed over on a pdf or something?
  13. He made a great late run into the box in the first half which nearly led to a goal. Keeps improving with every game, he reminds me a little bit of Lee Duxbury, does the simple stuff well, is 100% committed, if he can chip in with a couple of goals he will be a good player for us. I would like him to be a bit more vocal as captain though
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