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    Oldham Athletic

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    Shitty Australia

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Danny Boshell

Danny Boshell (5/15)



  1. Tell me, is the drum as loud in the ground as it appears on TV or was it just really near the mics?
  2. Couldn't agree more. Let's face facts, the number of people who want to pump millions into the mighty latics is zero. People wanted Corney out, now people want AL out. Without AL, the club will most likely cease to exist. I know I am a little far removed, but as far as I can see AL hasn't really done a lot wrong. I would be worried if our owner wasn't interfering with the running of the club. Surely that shows he cares about the club doing well. If he was just here for another reason he could spend all of his time in Dubai and leave the club to rot. This is not the time to protest, I think it is a very dangerous thing to do. Scholes leaving looks to me like he was out of his depth and jumped because management was harder than he thought. Really, how likely is it that AL would not tell Wild as the caretaker manager who to pick, but would tell the full time manager (who happens to be a footballing legend) who to pick in the team. It doesn't ring true to me. I lost quite a bit of respect for Scholes even before he took the job, if the rumours of his high wage demands are true. He hardly needs the money, and any wage he takes surely takes away from the playing budget. Scholes is gone, AL is still here. I hope he proves all the nay-sayers wrong and makes us stable and we can push for promotion next year.
  3. I can totally understand why people are a bit funny about him starting, but the issue is with the whole loan system - not the player. The recall option should only be there for if the club needs the player back for themselves, not because he has done well and bigger clubs want to loan him. Seems stupid that Lang, who we loaned for half a season, will be here for the whole season; but Surridge, who we loaned for the whole season, will only be here for half. We should play our best 11 though, and if that is Surridge in the Wild man's eyes, then he should start.
  4. Did you check your bank account BP? My annual subscription balance was refunded over a month ago, but as mine only ran until August, the amount refunded was small. I am so excited I get to actually watch the matches now with ifollow, just hope the quality is good enough. I also wish Gordon was still with us, I am really going to miss his commentary.
  5. Well, that may be the last chance I get to watch Oldham live. What a shower of :censored: we are.
  6. There are bad tackles, then there is common assault. This well crossed the line into common assault and should be charged as such by the police. If not, where is the line?
  7. I thought that at the time, but now I read it as being sarcastic. OAFC will be pleased etc Just a thought.
  8. Anyone else think Dunn was being a smug **** on Twitter when he talked about the transfer, knowing full well we had sold the clause?
  9. Dunno if it has been mentioned elsewhere, but the reason Tarky wasn't even on the bench was because he refused to play.
  10. Not sure if has been mentioned before, but I am hearing JCH is all set to rejoin the midget at Barnsley. Not sure if loan or transfer. $400k and has done nothing so far for Rotherham
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