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About c.hill12

  • Birthday 07/01/1985

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    Latics and lager!

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Earl Barrett

Earl Barrett (8/15)



  1. We have 59 new likes since we promoted it. That doesn't specifically mean extra cash. But id does mean our next even can be reaching more people that way.
  2. download the app if u can mate. If not you just find the retailer you want, click the link and shop as normal.
  3. George cost us £10k in august and rhys cost just over £10k. Over £20k raised in 12 months is an emmense effort from everyone. As tracy says, there are currently around 60 contributors, but i think that has shot up in the last fortnight. The potential is there for all to see. Thank you all for your continued support. If anybody has any questions, or wants a standing order form, feel free to PM me.
  4. There was an issue with shading on the pitch due to the roof being installed.
  5. Thank you ktf. Any pledges gor tonight? I will pledge £5 if we are 5th after the game and another £5 for a mills goal tonight.
  6. It was the legal advice given when the trust was formed. I wasn't around the trust then so i personally can't go further than that.
  7. We're working on getting it in the program and the chron but having some formatting issues.
  8. Playershare has a seperate bank account. My apologies tracy. Got a bit keen with the notes.
  9. Trust fans meeting 02.02.15. At the laticZone 7.15pm In attendance from the Trust: Diane Mellor, Simon Colebrook, Simon Brook, Rick Attwood, Chris Hill & Tracy Wright In attendance from the club: Jenny Warburton & Mark Moisley Guest: Paul Whithead Fans: Jan Curtis, A Binns, M.Lund, B.Griffiths, J.Griffiths, E. Winterbottom, J.Winterbottom, Kevin Birkett, Martin Brierley, Tom ODea, Will Gough, Mark Harrington and Trevor Varley Welcome by Simon Brooke to the fans, guest from the club and Paul Whitehead. A whos who on the trust committee and then opened the question and answer session Q) On the main stand by fan Martin Brierley A) Confirmed it is on time. The finances are in place. Bars have been re-designed. Paul & Jenny have been fact finding and viewing other clubs facilities. What works/doesnt Work There will be disabled facilities covered by the Green guide Mark Moisley confirmed the club needs this soon Paul Whitehead confirmed the final plans to be drawn after speaking to commercial partners and then approved Official site there used to be blogs/updates/photos and they seem to have stopped. Can we look at getting them going again New stand capacity is 2,600 Corporate boxes are 10 Q) How do we attract the fans back? By fan Mark Club lost fans when the lookers stand was demolished, lost its family engagement area, commercial limitations etc. The fans engagement has been poor. Mark Moisley agrees about fan engagement and at the last home match, decided to go around the stands, meet the fans and take in the match day experience and has ideas on improvement. Certainly the new stand will help too Cont. Q) Fan Facilities home and away A) Jenny Warburton confirmed that her role as fans liaison is help log, record and find resolutions for fans and can be contacted to log this. Fan Janet Winterbottom, mentioned the state of the ladies toilets in the main stand. Jenny responded that she creates maintenance list after every game from fans input. But there is a budget Will Gough and other fans raised the away issues, specifically at Fleetwood where viewing was poor and why where not purchasers informed of restricted views etc. Jenny apologised and explained how usually the good tickets go on sale first. She has though, received complaints and fans captured photos of the views and these are logged by the club, and then forwarded to the relevant club of feedback. Jennys response time from first contact to response is two weeks and they were reported. Q) Fan Suggestions from Tom ODea, Can we look at organising events pre/post match like BBQ in a temporary marquee on little Wembley for the short term? A) Yes we are looking at sourcing/sorting something out, again the new stand will help Q) Safe standing? A) Paul Whitehead explained the club history and laws with regards to safe standing and why it is not an option for the club at the moment. But if the law changes who knows Q) Commercial products lack of them A) Jenny Confirmed that merchandise franchise is owned by Sports.direct. Jenny admitted there has been teething problems with merchandise and how to /where to buy them. Suggestions are passed onto Sports direct and the club are hoping to have a meeting with them W/C 05.02.15 Q) Smoking area in the ground, it happens at other why no BP? A) Its not an option and its also not allowed as per the football regulations Q) Can we look at seating/picnic tables at the back of the RRE? A) Yes the club can Q) How can we the fans help promote the club? A) Can we look at offers for fans to recruit friends to watch us, EG Bring a friend, bring 10 friends Q) Lapsed Season ticket holders are the club looking at ways to get them back A) Yes the new CRM the club have in place will help with this. The club are still cleansing the data in order to do this Q) Trust/club and AGM coming up. How are fans/ST holders being notified? A) Jenny confirmed that the clubs CRM will help with this. It has been installed but the cleansing of the data so it accurate, is still ongoing. Both Jenny form the club and Simon B from the trust are working to get this resolved quickly. The trust does have other alternative ways of contacting fans if this is not ready, Advert in the local press, the official club and Trust website, advert in the programme, presence on match days too. Q) End of season marketing A) Look at something to thank Season ticket holders, look at family days like the Rugby days. The club will look into this Cont. Q) What are we doing to encourage younger generation? A) We use to be in schools, gave tickets away. The club will look into this Q) Strike it lucky no sellers on last Saturdays home game against Notts County. A) Jenny Apologised as she had a number of staff who could not attend the match. Jan (fan) works the turnstyles and suggested that maybe turnstyle holders or programme sellers sell them too. Club to look into this End of club input, Jenny, Paul and Mark left and the Trust and fans thanked them for their time. Next part of the meeting was Trust. Over view from Simon Brook, committee member ___________________________________________________________________________ Simon confirmed that the Trust will now have more fans only meetings and the club will send representation too Confirmation that Barry Owen has resigned from Trust Oldham Acknowledgement that communication by the Trust has been poor but we are working on this as we are all volunteers. Use of social media more, advert in programme/Chronicle, announcements on clubs official site too Confirmation that the AGM is in April; Now is the time to remould and revamp the trust Request for more volunteers, specific job roles to be announced but no request will be turned down Q) Mr Winterbottom advised that as a Season ticket holder, he did not receive the initial letter with regards to his voting rights. A) Simon and Rick confirmed that the club were to issue these on collection/postage of season tickets and to check, Rick personally contacted approx. 20 fans to see if this was done and we are confident that about 90% of fans were advised. We can only apologise that Mr Winterbottom did not get his letter. Simon confirmed that a copy was posted on the trust official website With regards to contacting ST about the up and coming AGM, as reported earlier once the club has cleansed the CRM data, all ST will be contacted. There will also be a bulletin on the official club site, Trust site, in the programme and Chronicle too Q) AGM is 8wks off Fan Mr Winterbottom has asked how the voting works A) Accounts have to be done first and Simon C confirmed the books are in for auditing. The trust has to give 14 Days notice to be given to all Trust members, the club will contact all ST once the data has been cleansed. If we are notified by the club this cannot be done then the Trust will put announcement on the clubs official site, the Trust official site, the programme and local press. Looking at having a match day presence too Q) AGM Nominations how does this work? A) members serve time on the Trust board to see how things work/working relationship with the club. From this the Chairperson is then nominated. Diane Gave an overview of the trust history, evolution and future plan that the chairperson serves no more than two terms as Chair. Cont. Q) Appeal from the Trust. Simon B confirmed that the trust are looking for volunteers to help and its not necessary that you have to be local based either. The trust are looking for specific roles at this time but all help will be looked at. Roles are: A) Media, Membership secretary, Newlsetter Editor, Events people and Fundrisers. These will all be advertised on the Official site before the AGM as it gives people the opportunity to join the committee team Q) How do we engage the youth, U16s to get involved in the Trust Fan Tom ODea A) Simon C said we had looked Q) Trust meetings for fans, more frequent A) Once the new stand is open the trust will be looking at match day sessions as well as meetings every two months. Short term, we will be using the Latic Zone. Q) Clarity on Trust role with the Club A) Purpose, strategy..This is ongoing with the trust and will be discussed at out next meeting on 16th Feb Q) Trust finances. Where has the money gone? A) Rick and Simon C, confirmed that £200K went on a seat on the board with cat b shares, Some went on to fund player Luke Beckett, £9k went on a tractor, some funds went on a community mini bus (that has since been put out of commission). The trust contribute approx £1k a month to help with club costs. Q) Can we look at boosting the funds? A) Fan Tom ODea suggested: To fund Playershare, Latics for Life, Events/family days and build a warchest Q) Clarity on the 3% Cat B shares. A) Diane explained the reason why they are Cat B is in relation to liability. If the club went bankrupt the Trust as others would be held accountable/costing. Meeting closed at 9.40pm, The trust thanked the fans who attended and the Laticzone people for the use of the room and the facilities
  10. Underdog took notes. She'll post them on here i'm sure when she's typed them up. No minutes as such as it was an open forum.
  11. The standing order form is now downloadable in the playershare standing order form thread.
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