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About madlatic

  • Birthday 06/20/1963

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  • Supported Team
    Oldham Athletic

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Danny Boshell

Danny Boshell (5/15)



  1. If anyone Maher or as already said Frankie Bunn /Peter Clarke
  2. Loved connors enthusiasm when at Latics just a pity his ability wasn’t at the same level but how many others could we say that about.
  3. Loads of tics in and outside police called for a few minutes saw everything was calm and friendly and buzzed off , beer was ok ,plastic glasses always make decent beer taste just ok but all in all a pleasant pre match experience
  4. Comes off the bench v Arsenal good luck Sam lad
  5. The main problem I see with JBE is the total inability to use hiss right foot , so many times he beats his man then instead of laying a pass with his right foot he has to cut back onto his left , usually having to beat the man he has just got past to try and lay the ball off to someone coming on his inside
  6. 10 mins in and am already pissed off with to much chat ffs just put the bloody football on
  7. McLaughlin injured already at Blackpool lol sicknote wage robber
  8. AL former agent lots of contacts brings a few over for FB to check out , manager likes the look of them says sign them ..... why is that a problem sounds like a good way of getting good players on the cheap
  9. Just read on twatter some French bloke called Patrice Garande has got the job
  10. Recall shouting wtf is going on Talbot what are you going to do to change things around to which he replied fuck off what’s it got to do with you ,,,,
  11. I got the living crap booted out of me after this game jumped in a side street going back to my car , not a good memory
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