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Rick Holden

Rick Holden (9/15)



  1. Do you mean an extra 5 players or the 3 permanents were Lundstram, Ward & Hobson? Loan players from EFL?
  2. Of course we need a quality RB or RWB. It’ll give us width and attacking threat on both sides of our team. Same applies to a LW although I’m sure Couto could evolve into that role. Sutton was a more than capable RB but struggled at RWB. We need an engine up & down that flank
  3. If these all come off then really excited. Golden & Kitching bombing up and down the right and left respectively. Lundstram and Ward in middle with their box to box engines with defending, flipping play then attacking. Willoughby, Reid & Nuttall up front. DUs signing players who run and run, don’t hide in games & POTS for their clubs. Roll on August & our promotion assault.
  4. MD, CEO or whatever title.. it’s a poisoned chalice to run this circus and deliver success off the field. It’s not rocket science why less than 700 STs have been sold this coming season when the club expects 4x that based on the diehard fanbase. 1. Money is tight for the fanbase due to lockdown, furloughing etc. 2. Watching via a stream and not in person isn’t appealing. The whole matchday experience has gone and it could be months until that returns..if it ever does 3. Relegation hit us hard and anticipated bounce back didn’t happen - in fact we struggled further due to inferior signings, uninspiring tactics and performances 4. Alienation of fans by the owner and his brother - contempt, interference into recruitment, selection, tactics 5. Commercial activity at a struggling, lower league, regional football club will never be the greatest so regardless of what NA claimed, there is heavy reliance on ST/matchday income unless the owner digs deep. You’ll never entice a lucrative sponsorships on shirts, stadium, perimeter advertising when the club is toxic and run by a megalomaniacal tyrant How can a CEO succeed at our club when the owner interferes to the level he does? It’s toxic on and off the pitch and changing the MD/CEO frequently is testament to just how toxic it is. It’s another false dawn until the reason why we’re struggling has sold up and fucked off.
  5. Quoted in papers today that Bolton signing him on £3750 a week & three year deal. Swindon couldn’t match that despite being in league above. Surely that’s cheap for the likes of Doyle?! Worth a gamble including say £500 a goal or £1000 a goal if team wins.
  6. It can easily return but unfortunately not with the current regime. I don’t mean going all retro but enhancing the community element. Allocate a section of the ground to schools and give tickets away for kids to attend and reduced admission for adults in the section too. Extend out into all communities within the borough embracing all colours and creeds to make Oldham an inclusive, community club. Reduce shirt prices and sponsor local kids teams so the kids are supporting Oldham above any other club. However, we need to play good old attacking, wing-based, attractive football. The sort that has you on the edge of your seat. Remember the days when Eyresy got the ball on the left and a mazey run into the box. The Chaddy end was electric when we got a free kick on the edge of the box and Eyresy stepped up.
  7. Tonight and last Saturday prove these two fuckwit brothers have destroyed our club. It’s now a pale imitation; simply a mechanism to line the pockets of others through acquiring shite players. If you’re hoping for loans then it’s futile - it will question his policy, which he will avoid, and he’ll simply fire the current coach and recruit another patsy. Pointless suggesting the Trust take a stand - they’re too busy looking over his version of the books and want to reason with individuals who’s are full of contempt for the fans or any representative. Fans are fast becoming apathetic to put up a fight too. Only real hope now is the FLG who seem to have the fire to make a change. Unfortunately by the time the ink has dried, it may be too late. The fans should boycott every home game until he’s gone. I really feel sorry for those who have bought a ST.
  8. I really don’t understand your dogged defence of this Clown. Admittedly the Corney legacy is relevant in so much to implicate or exonerate this Clown. £5m was written off as part of sale - was this by the sellers or through the purchaser clearing the debt. If the accounts weren’t abridged or unaudited then we’d know the truth. New owner at Blackpool has shown exactly how you do it by releasing full and unedited accounts. What has this Clown got to hide? Damning proof that he’s potless and hasn’t poured in as much as he is spouting he has? Lets start with playing budget this coming season. He’s stated it’ll be 100% improvement on last season. I’d argue that we’re spending less on wage at moment than we were last season if you counter those released against those acquired. This isn’t including any income from the Edmundsen deal. If this Clown is serious about the team and gaining promotion then it needs to be a very busy week ahead of FGR. We need another striker, a creative midfielder, two central defenders at very least.
  9. The Clown doesn’t have funds to buy the land and stands. He can’t even afford to pay rent to Blitz. He can’t even fulfil his obligations as an employer on pension payments apparently. The FLG will own the land and OEC. Basically they’ll be the Clowns landlord and ultimately the main creditor if he opts to not pay rent. I don’t see the Clowns tenure lasting long and he and his sibling could well be smoked out sooner. Question then - will the FLG take ownership of club? I’m forecasting more pain in months ahead but my prediction that the club could soon be owned / partially owned by a certain individual could come true.
  10. Happy to be proved wrong on this as I didn’t attend and again, I stress, I’m not in the FLG or know any of them. 1. Pete Wild. I too felt PW was inflammatory and probably hindered any progress with club rather than helping. However, it’s the horses mouth. Informing the attendees and wider audience that the Clown is interfering to the point a fan who’s dream was to manage the club found his position untenable. 2. Secrecy of FLG members They could well be sponsors of club and declaring involvement would be counter-productive for the present. In near future, different story. Could well be someone we know very well who has had recent history with the Clown 3. £500k My view it’s not just match day. FLG see the OEC as instrumental to aiding club now and making club self-sustainable in future. If off-field activities are symbiotic with the club then start now and develop over time 4. Free lunch The land value of north stand/stadium will only appreciate especially as it will soon be a massive hole amongst a housing development. It’s a fail safe for the owners, an investment. The OEC is a going concern that currently is a loss-maker but FLG see the longer term future where off-field activities will ensure it being profit-making.
  11. Perhaps we just see it as it is? FLG providing c£500k pa to club for strengthening. If this Clown is refusing to accept this then surely - and even BoundaryBlue80 cannot dispute this - this should set alarms ringing with the Clown’s motives? If the FLG was dictating that the club must play Paul Whitehead’s grandson up front for 90 minutes every game then understandable. If however it’s recommending the acquisition of Callum Lang then why turn it down? Correct me if I'm wrong but it’s not £500k in return for 5% stake in club each season and voting rights?! There may be conditions but if it’s to the benefit of the club then why refuse? Serious questions now need asking by Trust, by supporters on mass and by local media - 1. Why won’t you engage with the FLG? 2. What is the actual £ playing budget for 2019/20 season 3. What of this budget has been spent and how proportioned on each and every player? 4. Do you honestly believe we’ve strengthened the team from last season despite an increase on budget? I strongly believe if you got the truth on points 2 and 3, you’ll understand his motive. Some may say we have no right to answers to these questions as he’s owner. However if budget is being wasted on these imports and to detriment of the squad this season and immediate future if club then we have every right.
  12. I’ve met Corney (SC) a few times and had decent chats about the club. Also met ex-managers who worked under SC and chatted about their time under him open and honestly. Don’t know any of the FLG, never met them either and only found out their plans last night. Lastly never met Lemsagam (AL) but listening to everything he has said with as open mind as possible. Just getting all this out there as I’ve been accused of having an agenda. I’m just an impartial, passionate fan. My understanding - 1. Love him or hate him, SC never interfered in team selections. He never dictated recruitment. Always came good on signings. Kept us in L1, admittedly no promotion but odd play-off challenge. No massive line of ex-players, ex-managers or ex-associates slagging him. 2. Based solely on ALs allegation, SC left massive debts. However aside from one occasion from memory and then the absolute end of tenure, players & staff were paid on time. Pensions paid? 3. In abridged and unaudited accounts, debt was reduced by £5m but this is £5m written off. This suggests it’s the not result of AL paying off but written off as terms of sale. Until this is proven one way or other, I have my doubts. No detail; P&L, no wages, no cash flow - basically someone wishing to hide everything so we cannot see what has been invested or any evidence of ALs wealth 4. In ALs tenure to date; numerous ex-managers, ex-players, ex-staff and ex-associates lining up to criticise this regime. Every single one repeats the same - constant interference, dictates recruitment & selection, not paying debts, not paying rent, not paying pensions, players unpaid, disharmony in the changing room. 5. Relegation in his first six months. Mid-table in first full season. Comes out stating 100% improvement in budget for his second full season. However, releases Clarke who was our most reliable defender last season & leader, sells Edmundson for £750k, releases Baxter who struggles fitness-wise but is our creative midfield spark, releases other top-earners. Replaces with a promising RB and a striker who scored at Macclesfield but then floods the team with unknowns who may prove good. However is this seriously a 100% improvement on last years budget when you consider who’ve we’ve released (including Iversen, Lang and Surridge) and not replaced any plus £750k extra?! 6. FLG materialises and states on record; a. AL had opportunity to buy north stand for refused so they’re buying b. Despite them running OEC at a loss matchday, they will aim to generate £500k pa for the club. However AL refuses to talk and closes north stand for friendlies My view - 1. No clear evidence that AL has any wealth whatsoever, blown any of his life savings or even invested millions. Key here is £5m debt written off as part of sale. Since then, no evidence of money invested & reluctance to be open and transparent even in promised (but forced) release of accounts. 2. Disruptive influence that has wrecked any morale within the club - on and off field 3. Dismantled all positives in playing side and replaced with inferior, cheaper alternatives. Totally dictating recruitment & selection resulting in a side who cannot beat non-league teams pre-season and showing no sign of attacking, creative football he promised 4. No sign whatsoever of mirroring last seasons budget let alone 100% improvement plus Edmundson money. This should have strengthened our position - enabling us to bring back Lang, keep Clarke, secure Lyden and others touting in rumours. Dosmetic players acquired so far doesn’t require significant initial outlay. All we get is the further influx of overseas players - why? I have my concerns and hopefully I’m proved wrong here. 5. Reluctant to work with others - Trust, FLG, local media - to improve moral, finances etc because reluctant to give up any control. Measure of actions is closing north stand for friendlies due to FLG involvement. They are promising £500k pa, which is extra to the all income he’s able to generate. Why refusing? 6. The FLG has clearly stated their objectives and openly answered any challenges. They cannot sell or develop the north stand or land holding the stadium. They’re not involved in selling or developing the surrounding land. Their aim is to generate £500k pa income to the club whilst owning the land and asset value. I cannot see any concerns with this - unfortunately cannot say the same with ALs statements or plans to date. Hopefully this explains that I have no agenda but the facts stack up that we need to smoke this Clown out and as urgently as possible. He clearly isn’t to be trusted, he’s disruptive and his recruitment policy or lack of is questionable on so many levels. He claims he was to build a future but unwilling to share this future with others - Trust or FLG - even though they have the club at heart more so than him. His ignorance and contempt will lose us £500k pa but would you trust him to spend that wisely on players? There has been 0% progression on or off the field but all signs are regression. The only policy is lip service to placate whilst the club is used as a funnel to bring cheap, overseas imports flooding into the domestic league. I’d be patient if that policy was immediately improving our squad, which it isn’t. How can anyone sympathise or support AL based on all the above us beyond me. If he’s reluctant to work with those who do care for the club then now is the time to act.
  13. £45 and a stuck on badge. Might give it a miss or go for the training top instead
  14. I think I read that this opens July 29th or is it 27th ready for Halifax game? Anybody local noticed any work in the OEC prepping the shop ready? I thought Hummel had take over and would have expected some news, our wearelatics website back up and running for pre-orders if the new shirts / merch was being released 29th at least?!
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