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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. The usual warm, fluffy OWTB welcome I see!!
  2. :censored:'s sake lads. Give him a break. He's a fellow Oldham fan, just trying to have his say. Relax already......
  3. Now has the option to log in with your Latics player details, so you can listen to commentary through your iPhone/iPad. Not tried it yet, but I know there's been a few asking about this..... Just update the app and the feature appears.....
  4. I'm with 3 who I find to be very good. Very rare that I don't get a signal. I was with Tesco, who use O2, and one of the main reasons I dumped them was because I could never get a 3g signal at BP. Or anywhere else for that matter.......
  5. Pienaar was the worst for me. Couldn't wait for someone to touch him so he could go down. Against modern football.
  6. Arse update: Picked up my tickets about 12.45 today. Not a person in sight. We've sold about 3800 according to the lovely lady in the ticket office. My purdy 'lil cheeks are safe for now.....
  7. Whoa whoa whoa..... I consider myself pretty liberal, but I draw the line at 9 inches.....
  8. Me! I do love a little indecent exposure though.....
  9. Starbuck or Palmer? It's been bothering me for days....
  10. I we take more than 4k, I'll show my arse, take a picture of my arse, then post the picture of my arse on here. WE. WON'T. SELL. OUT.
  11. All I can call on is what I've seen of both keepers. Cisak has the bigger profile, but I've seen him drop a fair few clangers since he's been here. Bouzanis, on the other hand hasn't. So it's Bouzy for me.
  12. Disastrous for me if he leaves. Granted he's been no Steven Gerrard this season, but then, hasn't everybody else been largely :censored:e as well?? The people who seem to have it in for him are probably the same who were also convinced Eardley was :censored:e as well......
  13. Is Philly's win percentage now better than PD's??
  14. My Sky planner says Tuesday at 745. And here's me thinking the series link was a waste of time....
  15. I thought Barnard had a quiet game initially, but having watched it back, he didn't half put a shift in. Against a top class international back line too.
  16. What an arrogant :censored:. Liverpool boasts the top two most deprived areas in the whole UK. :censored: him and his club. Forever in the shadow of their cross park neighbours.
  17. .....was it better than Gary Mac's equaliser at The Iron in '07?? Discuss.....
  18. Thought Dowd was pretty :censored:e. Every time they hit the deck, which was often, he couldn't wait to put the whistle to his lips. Not blowing for a foul at he end was as good as he got.
  19. One would hope that, given the council's track record with us, they will try their best to ensure it goes through quickly and smoothly......
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