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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. I'd take Howard every day of the week. He would be a awesome addition at our level. Always seems to score against us as well iirc....... Don't think we could afford him though....
  2. I haven't had it in my grubby little hands yet, but I'm assuming it'll be the usual cheap-ass carbrini quality. I don't mind paying 40-50 notes for a quality Nike/Adidas shirt, but not for sub standard gear. Still, can't be as bad as the Sparta kits - THE worst shirts we've ever had.......
  3. They still make fruit polos?? I LOVE fruit polos......
  4. Without a doubt, THE most boring game of the season - and there's been some serious competition for that title too, of late........ Just dreadful.......
  5. Even funnier watching the stewards ridiculous overreation to the Hulkamania in the corner!!! What a set of jokers!!!
  6. We're really blaming the pitch?? Jesus Christ, we were abject today, nothing to do with the pitch. And the booing for Kuqi was 100% deserved. Not seen the like of it in years. Truly awful, selfish play. Let's not forget, these lads get paid handsomely for the :censored: they churn out every week. EVERY WEEK. It's about time they felt the bloody wrath, their performances are utterly unacceptable.
  7. Is there ever a chance for us fans to vote for our "representative?? I don't remember ever having a say in it. And is Barry the "representative" indefinitely?? Must.....hold.......onto........power............... Last King of Scotland anyone??
  8. Agreed. It would be a lovely touch for Latics to do this at BP as well. RIP Peanuts Snr and fellow Blue.x
  9. Get 'em up!! Me hairs are standing on end just at the though of listening to 'em!!
  10. The Beeb want some suggestions: http://www.bbc.co.uk...otball/17705832 Has to be either Big Gordy's at Scunny away when Gmac scored the equaliser, or the Wendies at home to clinch the title?? Anyone have links to these two??
  11. "Working"?? Really?? Really really??? I don't call doing circuit training a few times a week then being put up in a hotel and playing footy once/twice a week, working. A job it may be, and a well paid one at that, but "working"? Nah, sorry, not having that............
  12. I hope so, bruv. And it may well do in time. But I'll probably never get back to the heights of butterflies on a Saturday morning, I guess I'm just that much older with wife, kids, mortgage etc. The last game/match day experience I truly enjoyed was Notts County away last year. That was how it used to be. But I can't remember the last home game I enthused about. As for the zigga zaggas, I just practise at home with the kids!! I'll clear my throat for Shakers away though......
  13. This season was the first for me without a ST for a long, long time. I haven't regretted it, and won't be renewing next year. I've probably payed on the day for about 60-70% of the home games and a handful of aways, but the buzz just isn't there anymore. I used to wake up on a Saturday really looking forwards to the game, but it got to the point where I was dreading it, because I knew exactly what was going to happen, and I'd end up in a foul mood for the rest of the day if not the weekend. It just isn't worth it anymore. It's not the money, although things are pretty tight at the moment, I just can't justify paying to be consistently miserable......
  14. We can't score though why would we be favourites to win any game, especially at home??
  15. I think a big well done to the club is required here. Yes, times are hard, (for most of us, with the exeption of perhaps professional footballers.....but that's another debate.....) but the club is losing money EVERY week. The cost of running Latics has gone up year on year but season ticket prices haven't. To all those who are demanding a Hartlepool style ticket offer - behave yourselves - the ONLY thing which will persuade lapsed fans to return is the product on the pitch. Just look at the Golden ticket offer - £15 for 5 games and we STILL only put about 800-1000 on the gate. Price is NOT the main issue. I won't be going on Saturday because I've lost the buzz, and I'm just not bothered enough at the moment (just like a lot of the first eleven, some may argue...) Yet another price freeze and the £10 incentive for u16's is superb. The pay on the day prices are pretty good too compared to other clubs across the league. A difficult decision has been made which isn't going to please everyone, but name an organisation that does? It's impossible.
  16. I've had this battle with myself for the last 3-4 years. In the end I got one, but that changed this season when I didn't for the first time in 30-odd years. Can't say I've regretted it either, the buzz just isn't there for me anymore. I've still probably gone to about 60-70% of the home games and a handful of aways as a pay on the dayer, but even most of those have been begrudgingly. I won't be renewing next year either, and will probably cut down on the pay on the days. Just sick of the constant disappointment. I don't take any pleasure in my decision but paying good, hard earned and increasingly hard to come by cash to ruin my weekend, just doesn't make sense any more.
  17. Yet another utterly depressing defeat. I think my next and last game this season will probably be Shakers away.....
  18. Didn't go tonight, but it sounded poor. Were we that bad??
  19. I know this is a forum, and we're all here to discuss, but really, the above two lines should just be copied and pasted every time someone raises the subject of Dickov out....... That is the top and bottom of it.
  20. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? We were absolute DOG:censored: today. Second best all over the park and outplayed a by rock-bottom Rochdale. If that's a good performance, then I'd like some of what you were on whilst watching the game. We were only kept in it by Cisak. M'Changama and Reid are the only other ones who can come out of the game with any sense of self respect. Everyone else needs to be taking a long, hard look at themselves. And don't even get me started on Brown. He can just :censored: off back to OT tonight for me after that disgraceful, cowardly display. Got behind the lads for the full 90 today. But when the final whistle came, I booed so hard I nearly gave myself a migraine. I know we've got injury/suspension problems, but that performance was unacceptable, youth/loanees or otherwise. It was a pile of :censored:, and I'm still fuming.....
  21. Jesus Christ, I'd take Eddie Large at the moment.......
  22. Could've written it. How many times have we let in a last minute goal to lose the game this season???
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