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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. "The O's home record this season: W0 D0 L4" Well, there's only one result today then!!.......
  2. I said the same. Thought their number 4 looked like a Samoan back row forward....
  3. Agreed. Can't have a conversation pre-game in the chaddy. It's ridiculous....
  4. As has been mentioned, they'd have to be reasonable quality, not the usual fall-apart tat that normally gets sold. If it's well made stuff, I wouldn't mind paying a bit more for it. £15 would be fine for me.
  5. Really can't believe that none of them guessed that he'd be coming here!! They must have mentioned a dozen clubs but us!! Sounds like a great signing if that forum is anything to go by....
  6. Don't know if anyone already uses this, but it's now free on the app store. Used to be £30 a year. It's basically video highlights of all premiergreed games. Not bad if you've missed MOTD!!
  7. Gutted I didn't go now!! Especially when the Mrs said at 7.30 "oh I didn't realise they were playing tonight, you should have gone..." Apparently it was a quality bounce when Smith struck!
  8. I must admit, I had us down for a standard reverse against the Iron tonight, but from listening to the game on LW, it sounds like we did ok. Really pleased Smithy bagged, and chuffed for Mellor as well. Gutted JYM got his marching orders, and think we may see a loanee in before Dale at home. Well done PD and well done the lads - a superb victory.
  9. I think we may even see a sneaky short term loanee at CB for Saturday......
  10. Correct. As predictable as he is sometimes, people do back off when he's running at them, particularly at this level, so he creates problems. We've not many other options going forwards so I think we should fight tooth and nail to hold onto him. Think of all the times the opposition fans boo him and give him stick. When do we ever give a crap player stick?? It's always the decent ones.... If he went it would be a disaster....
  11. Kind of offset by their £1,000 season tickets though.....
  12. It does. I'm just a bit of a pessimist at the moment.....
  13. £18 to see us crash out against Carlisle on a Tuesday night??? Not for me. Still hurting from Saturday.......
  14. Jesus. If he's fat, 90% of us on here must be morbidly obese!!!
  15. That's the thing. We're a poor 3rd div outfit. The ball is rarely going to go to feet. So he needs to pull his god damn finger out and work for the ball. He also needs to read the game and anticipate the flick on's and knock downs that he WILL get from a 6'7" strike partner. He did none of these things yesterday. These things are basics that he should be doing already. I'd love to be proved wrong, but I'm willing to bet I won't be.......
  16. Think it's spot on actually. We were a million miles away yesterday. If the board and management team think this squad of 17 year old's is going to keep us up, it's hello League 2. We need at least two more midfielders, a left back and striker. Of course, we're not going to get them, so we'd better get used to where we currently lie in the table. It's going to be a loooooong season..........
  17. The best footie chant in existence. Shame it ain't ours.......
  18. Is it just me that thinks the midfield is worryingly light?? We're paper thin squadwise as it is, but once the inevitable suspensions and injuries start to bite......
  19. Leave Feeney alone. He bought me a drink at the end of season dinner. Legend.
  20. Ok, so it's my first attempt at a poll, so go easy on me..... After a reasonably promising bunch of displays and results in the pre-season, how do we think it will turn out against Sheff U?
  21. Don't care how much he's on - it's still a bloody stupid name.....
  22. Would be nice to have a centre half who regularly gets on the scoresheet!! Maybe this season....
  23. Talk Talk are complete wankers. Never had a problem with the line going down or anything like that, but for all kinds of reasons I won't bore you with, the customer service is disgraceful. It's like so many products/services you can get today; you get what you pay for. I was originally with Tiscali but they were bought out by Talk Talk so I didn't have much choice in it. I am looking to change though at the moment and quite like the look of BE. They seem to be one of the better of a very sorry bunch....
  24. In no particular order: Man Utd FC Utd Man City Hudders Wigan Bristol Rovers Millwall Blackpool Celtic Barcelona
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