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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. And the club has Detect All as a main sponsor.......Didn't detect that one did they...... Now if only someone could design them a proper Intruder alarm system....hmmm..........
  2. I'm sure Stockport have just offered £50k for him. Think it was on the ole' SSN ticker.....
  3. Terrific news. Top signing. Well done PD and the club.
  4. I always thought the USS Kenny Cooper had some serious wheels....
  5. Lovely to see that we all get on so well on this forum........... I thought my 5 year old daughters were buggers for squabbling.... Could everyone stop being so frickin' menstrual......
  6. Lee won 4. Players player, oasa player, boundary blues I think, and another one...... Furman got the owtb award, evina the young player award, JYM won one, can't remember which, and Ryan Brooke got a community award.
  7. I'm a proud owner of both of those classics. They both get regular run outs on thursday nights.....
  8. To be fair, the club haven't actually said all that much. It's us fans that can't stop talking about it. So if and when it turns out to be a disappointment, it will only be because of us letting ourselves get carried away with tales of Ronaldo joining us in our new space age stadium, sponsored by apple with kits made by Gucci........ Keep calm and carry on............
  9. This may have been posted before, but no harm in it going on again. Sign here...
  10. Not now! Sobered up on the train back. Now just finished a kebab. Recovery complete!! Great day out.....
  12. Which would have been fine - had we actually stuck any crosses in, or had anyone who can cross a ball and not just ping it off the first man.......
  13. Am I the first to react to this on here? Bloody hell, you lot are slow...... WE'RE DOOOOOOOMMMMMED.......
  14. Blimey it's a tad depressing in here of late. Not much game talk. Although to be fair, I've not felt much optimism myself recently! I've a sneaky feeling we might get something today though. Maybe only a hard fought draw, but I think we might pick up a point at least this afternoon, despite everything..... Play up blue boys.....
  15. Alan Smart and John Keeley for me. We paid some decent wedge for the pair of them, and neither delivered. For differing reasons of course!
  16. They don't deserve to be paid after today's performance.
  17. Anyone else sick of wasting a Saturday afternoon and having the rest of a valuable weekend ruined by their "team"? Gonna be really struggling to see the rest of this seasons' ST out. So. pissed. off.
  18. Improper conduct? That was as proper as is gets!!! I'll chip in to his fine......
  19. I was going to go, but now can't due to family commitments (God damn the family.....) But surely, the song has to be "He's out of our cluuuuub, that sh1t Yorkshire b@stard, he's out of our club......" Please God, let us win........
  20. Spot on, PIL. And why-o-why do we persist with those :censored:ty floaty corners. I'm gonna go to the forum, just to ask that question....
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