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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. Agree with most of that, Jamie. However, how Evina could score lower than Hazell who lost us the game is a bit of a mystery!
  2. Dunno. I click play, nothing happens. Just about how the day is going so far.....
  3. Brill punched the ball away two or three times where he should have caught the thing. Then Hazell ploughed into their guy and gave the pen. He also should not have been beaten from such a tight angle for the second. He needs to go. And has had for some time.
  4. Dale weren't up for it. They set out for a 0-0 draw and got the bonus of a smash n' grab away win. The ref was a disgrace, but it was the Hazell horror show that lost this one for us. That and Brill not being able to do the basics right. Think he's been watching La Liga or something over the five week break with the amount of punching he did. Should not have been beaten for the second at that angle either. Fuming about today.
  5. I say f@ck em and move out of the town. Tameside or somewhere. They obviously don't want pro sport in the town. I'll support my team wherever it plays.
  6. Got a train ticket for Saturday 12:15 train going down from Picc, and 18.00 train coming back from MK. £18 face value if anyone wants it??
  7. They're not snoods, or even snudes - they're neck gaiters. Sick of hearing myself shout that at the telly.......
  8. Not the first time I've seen Gannon at BP this season. Who's he working for? And more importantly, who was that dirty blonde on the pitch at half time today???
  9. He was indeed. Sat in the directors box. As was Big Joe and Jim Gannon.
  10. Should have finished 6-2 today. 1st half was where it was all at. Breathtaking at times. They just couldn't live with us. Morais, Omar, JVM and Furman (stupid booking apart) were all outstanding. Even the ref had a half decent game, let it flow without the usual flurry of cards that happens all too often these days. 2nd half they had more posession, but didn't really threaten. We again should have scored more and put it to bed. The only down side was NO F....PIES AT HT. AGAIN!!!!! Sort it out Caterers FFS!!!! Other than that, happy days. Well done lads!!
  11. It was shown on BBC One HD. But not actually in HD. Why do they bother?
  12. One thing that was abundantly clear to me yesterday was that Accy wanted it more than we did. Even with a weakened team, we would have had too much for them had we played with the same level of intensity that they did. We were second to every loose ball, weaker in the tackle and five yards slower than them. Yes, a heavy, pudding of a pitch, but one that both teams had to handle. The most glaring example of this for me was the ball that we gave up on and the Accy forward didn't, which led to the third goal. Absolutely fuming with that. Deciding to up your game at 3-0 down with 30 mins left is a long way from good enough, and our professional league one squad should be collectively ashamed of themselves. The only players to come out with any credit for me were Brill, Winchester, and Morais. And Mvoto when he was switched up top. The rest? Have a word with yourselves lads........
  13. BBC ONE HD channel started yesterday, so MOTD and TFLS will both be shown in HD from now on. Already got it series linked!!
  14. Perfectly put. If Furman has been this season's success story (amongst a few others), then Feeney has to be for me, the biggest disappointment. In fact, I'd go so far as to say he's been a crushing disappointment. The constant interruption from internationals must have affected him, but still, he's not shown anything so far. What annoys me most is that he doesn't seem to read the game very well, which you would think would be a strength - higer league experience, older player, international etc - he just never gambles. Mystifying and frustrating........
  15. Perfectly put. If Furman has been this season's success story (amongst a few others), then Feeney has to be for me, the biggest disappointment. In fact, I'd go so far as to say he's been a crushing disappointment. The constant interruption from internationals must have affected him, but still, he's not shown anything so far. What annoys me most is that he doesn't seem to read the game very well, which you would think would be a strength - higer league experience, older player, international etc - he just never gambles. Mystifying and frustrating........
  16. My thoughts exactly. Bad font. Subtlety and a little understated is the best way forward....
  17. I've been thinking the same thing recently, as I can never get a 3g signal at BP. Maybe a BT openzone or something like that....
  18. It already has permission. I checked in the list of allowed programs, and itunes is in there with it's box ticked. There doesn't appear to be any other options. I'm stumped.....
  19. Right then IT experts. Some tech support needed. I'm trying to stream music from itunes to my new B&W Zeppelin via airport express and keep getting "unknown error 15000". I've sussed that if I disable Windows firewall it works perfectly, but not when it's enabled. Any ideas? Other than just permanently disabling the firewall of course...... I'm running Vista by the way, and all my respective firmware seems to be up to date.....
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