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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. I love the design of that stand. A new build but with an industrial/ retro theme. Be nice for Failsworth to have something similar....
  2. That is precisely how it is in a nutshell and my sentiments exactly. Only some are too blind/stupid/stubborn to see it. Well said L4E.
  3. Mvoto was one of the few players up front who, when given the ball, actually turned towards goal and had a go. Everyone else either goes backwards or sideways as soon as we hit the penalty box. The only other time we did this was for the first goal. It's so frustrating. Have a go at goal and we create chances. Brooke and Feeney were a complete and utter waste of time. Brooke is too lightweight and slow. And to say he's an experienced player, Feeney is always 10 yards behind play and can't seem to read the game or gamble/anticipate anything. Major error taking Omar off, as he was giving the O's defence no end of problems. Lee and Mvoto outstanding again. The majority of the others were all kinds of Meh. Oh, and until we learn to defend a set piece and put away :censored:e like Orient at home, the ever dwindling attendance figures are just going to keep dropping. Totally pissed off.
  4. Nope. Sorry. I may just pay for some "proper " dancers, pre game and half time though......
  5. Don't worry lads. When I win the euromillions rollover next week, I'll fund us to stay at BP!!
  6. Sweet Jesus, no. The Emile Heskey of the Football League......
  7. Jean Yves for me. Won everything all night. Closely followed by Rubes. Furman and Lewis played well. Taylor had his best game for a while too....
  8. From outer space, where Royle Army lives, spouting bollocks all over the place....
  9. That's just it Jamie. I used to go to probably about a dozen aways a year on top of my season ticket. Now I'm lucky if I do two or three due to family commitments. We both have other black holes for our hard earned as do most. I still get to all home games because I am arsed (just!). With me though, I'll usually just go there buy a pie and come home again, so even pay on the day wouldn't be any more than £20 every fortnght. There are those who have pints before and after which of course pushes the costs up, making the whole day more expensive, but the actual admission price I think is fair given what you pay elsewhere for similar. And as for the facilities, yes new ones would be nice, but I'd pay £20 to watch my team on a farmers field if I had to. For me, Latics is just another utility bill and part of the monthly budget.
  10. All this talk of the prices being too expensive is bull:censored:. Perhaps if you're unemployed and on income support then yes. But otherwise I think it's just a front for the real reasons of basically not being arsed. Most of the people who are whinging about cost are probably the same ones who pay £50 plus for Sky sports every month. The same people who think nothing of pissing £50-£100 up the wall every Friday/Saturday or smoke 20 day. The cinema is a tenner to get in these days. Plus a drink, popcorn etc, you've little change from £20. The point is, it's all about your priorities. If getting leathered every weekend is you thing, thats fine, but don't try and tell me that £20 for Latics is too expensive. In the majority of cases, it's just that you're not arsed.
  11. I'd rather move to Spotland than Failsworth. At least it aint Manchester.......
  12. Christ, we were dogsh*t today. Bournemouth must be fuming. But then again, serves 'em right, the time-wasting, niggly b@stards. Poor back to front, with perhaps the exceptions of Lee, Mvoto and Allessandra who, for me, turned the game when he came on. Fuming with the performance, but delighted with the result. It's about time we played poorly and won. It's normally the other way round.
  13. Agreed about Furman. He was class today. Chased everything and won so many loose balls. Black concerned me a little defensively. He got done three or four times which on another day would have been costly. He needs to work on his defensive game....
  14. Earl Barrett was in the directors box today.....
  15. For me, this was just a continuation of Saturday. Shrewsbury did the same job on us as Yeovil did. Except they looked more threatening. Which is not to say that they had any more posession or periods of pressure, but that they scored one and could well have had three but for the bar in the first 5 mins of the first half and a superb save by Brill in the 2nd. In the true sense of "it's all about opinions" I don't think we hoofed it anymore than we did on Saturday, contrary to the previous posters. It was much the same over passing laterally and backwards when , several times, a player was making the right run, but was just not seen, or ignored. Lots of pretty little passes but nothing incisive. Of the individuals, Brill didn't have much to do, but pulled off a great save to prevent a nailed on goal. Mvoto was more miss than hit, looked very nervous on the ball like his last outing. Hazell looked good until his outrageous yellow and subsequent subbing. Lee was decent, as was Black. Of the midfield, Stephens had his poorest game for a long time - gave it away far too often. Furman his now-usual industrious self. Smalley was dog:censored: - he needs to seriously shape up quickly or he can go. Taylor is STILL on the wrong bloody flank. The only winger I know who doesn't get out wide and cross. He was OK in the 1st but anonymous in the 2nd. Kelly worked hard and had a half decent header go narrowly wide in the first but didn't get much other reward for his efforts. Bembo was average and was rightly subbed. Which leaves the subs, and I thought they gave us a little more impetus when they came on. McDonald looked calm at the back and put himself about a bit. Whereas Tounkare looked sharp and up for it, as did Dikaba Overall, very disappointing, despite it being the JPT. I hate losing no matter what the game. We missed Jarrett again and Jones who can't be re-instated soon enough. Plenty to work on Mr Dickov.......
  16. Took one of my young 'uns for the first time end of last season. She loved it. I think at 4 years old you can probably expect a lot of fidgeting and getting up and down (she was 4 and a half at the time) so a seat on the end of row would probably suit. I also made sure I sat away from the eejits (in the RRE) but near enough to the rest of crowd to get a bit of the atmosphere (such as it is!!). A good place to get to the front and see Chaddy was also a must! (she's got the photo I took on her wall now!). Not forgetting of course loads of sweets/drinks/crisps etc!!! I got to about 70 mins before she asked to go home. Hopefully you can do better!! Good luck!!
  17. I'd like the school holidays to be cut in half. Far too bleedin long. But that's another story...
  18. +1. I mostly park here. Like FMS says, get there early enough and there's no problems. If I'm running late, I'll use the club car park, ignore where the attendants tell me to go, and stick it right on the very back row by little wembley so I don't get blocked in.....
  19. On the upside though, Stuart Hall was in the main stand today. Ledge.......
  20. Because we plainly did. Mvoto didn't look anywhere near as composed. Didn't know what to do with it when he got it. I'll be very glad to see him back on Tuesday. EDIT: Jarrett, that is
  21. You're right Lee, I don't. However...... I used to sit in the RRE and move down to the corner near the exit with a few mins to go, watch the death throes then shoot out on the whistle. Now I'm in the main stand and don't have that luxury. I've always done it, unless it's a particularly nail-biting finish. And I also can't stand the crush getting out on the final whistle. Even with our low crowds, it gets on my tits. So I leave slightly early. And as for bothering others? It's not like I'm up every five minutes like a 12 year old. Too old for that :censored:. If me leaving early annoys people, well, hey - isn't life a bitch?.....
  22. I left with about 5 minutes to go. (which I usually do, no reflection on the game) And although dissapointed, given the start we've made and the performances so far this season, I certainly don't think the game was worth booing. As mentioned, it was a frustrating game, but I think some of that came from a half decent Yeovil side who did their best to snuff us out. The rest from a Latics side who didn't quite get out of second gear all game. We huffed and puffed, created two or three reasonable chances in the first half, but didn't quite have the cutting edge. Lots of pretty passing, perhaps too much at times, when a burst into the box or a shot might have been better. Certainly a dissapointing result, but to those who booed - have a word with yourselves.
  23. As I work for ADT Fire & Security, I can tell you exactly why people install crap equipment. Cost. Pain and simple. One of our midrange systems (4 way DVR and 15"monitor) with two cameras, as an example costs £1500 installed. The overwhelming initial response I get when I quote these prices is "HOW MUCH? You can get one off the shelf at B&Q for less than half of that" And this is the general mindset, sadly. All I then say is look at the cameras on B&Q's own premises. They wouldn't dream of using the same crap they sell to their customers. CCTV is like many other electronic products. You get what you pay for.
  24. It wasn't a foul in a millon years. The guy ran behind Jarrett, clipped him, and decided to go down, the cheating b*stard. The Charlton bench then go ape because they've been battered all game and thoroughly frustrated by a Latics side which they thought they'd steamroller. This of course annoyed them no end. Sour frickin grapes. And the ref totally fell for their drama. Load of bollocks.
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