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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. I think we may have something in this fella.....
  2. I don't care how much it costs (probably not a lot) but we MUST sign this man. If only for comedy purposes!! Imagine the shirt sales! Imagine the chants!!!! I'm getting giddy at the mere thought of all the merchandising possibilities....
  3. Is it only me just wondering when the Sun etc will get hold of this and print the usual Lee Hughes article??
  4. If it's true - what a cock. Big brave man.
  5. Not sure about that! They had a couple of chances early doors in the 1st, but didn't threaten Brill at all from what I can remember! They had plenty of free kicks where they got headers on it, but didn't get anything on target. Brill didn't have a save to make 2nd half, I don't think. A superb display front to back. Well done lads.
  6. Exeter away last season sold mini Domino's pizzas.............mmmmmmmmmmm..............
  7. Shouldn't be too difficult at the moment!! In fact, I'd rate Geoff Thomas and Carlton Palmer as dead certs to get their places back at the mo.....
  8. That has to be my absolute favourite. F*cking textbook Corney. What a ledge!!!
  9. I'm sick to death of all this "souless flat-pack carbon copy, one tier" bull:censored:. What do you people actually think we're going to be able to afford to build or even fill?? A mini Wembley?? Get a frickin grip. We're a League One (just) club with an average support of about 4k. Perhaps rising to 5-6k if we start to play well. Take a look at Wigan. Big ground with tall sides. And still half empty every game. Is that what you want?? The people of Oldham aren't going to suddenly pack out any stadium of ours regardless of design. Away fans aren't going to suddenly come in their droves if it's some spellbinding unique design. People are going to come or not dependant on the football. It's very, very simple. Any stadium can generate an atmophere - it just needs the right type, and amount of fans to fill it. BP is a :censored: hole death trap, sorry, I mean it's full of character and charming. There's no atmosphere there either. As for the planning proceedure and the residents objections? If it helps, my Mrs works in the planning dept at Rochdale council (she's good with the kids though....) and she says that generally, it doesn't matter how many objections there are - as long as a project doesn't break any planning regs or laws, it gets passed.
  10. Dougie Hodgson, Brian Kilcline, John Kelly.......
  11. Dougie Hodgson, Brian Kilcline, John Kelly.......
  12. Jesus, Patrick, is there anyone you would be happy with? You're so feckin miserable......
  13. That's that then for any future developments full stop. There's always opposition from local residents to anything that gets proposed!!! Nothing will ever get built!!!
  14. Mate of mine got his last week and it was number 89. So not far off, and surely had a largre bearing on the sacking decision.
  15. Given that 5.5 surely must be average, you think several players were above average??
  16. Exactly what I said at the game. Could have made of few quid off that...... Top bloke. Legend. Can you imagine any of the current squad getting that kind of reaction 15 years after retirement? Nah, me neither....
  17. That was just fecking awful. The whole season summed up in one game. Barely a shot on goal all game, no threat, :censored:e defending, awful goalkeeping. The easiest 3 points Charlton will ever get. Every single player in the squad, bar Greegs, can f*ck right off at the end of season. Absolute :censored:e.
  18. The Nicky Butt rumour, whilst seemingly a little ridiculous, would be just the kind of stunt I could see Corney pulling....
  19. True. Never felt so un-bothered about a 3-0 defeat!! Story of the season though, unfortunately......
  20. Correct. Plus the Adidas/Nike ones are actually made properly, out of decent materials. Not the nylon/polyester sweat machines like the cheaper :censored:e. And I don't need any help to sweat..... They're also a little more worth the £40 asking price.
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