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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. I think the less the club would get from a recognised shirt manufacturer would be balanced out by increased sales. As long as we continue to have the :censored: rolled out by Carbrini/Sparta/:censored:intescotwostripe, the longer I'll keep my money in my pocket. Give me Nike/Adidas/Puma, then we'll talk......
  2. You're doing a grand job Broady, keep it up. At the very least you've consulted the fans on what they would like to hear. Something, as far as I am aware, Franny never did. The music is a massive improvement.
  3. Since I've started using Firefox, the spellcheck option when posting a new topic on here has gone!! Coincidence?? Any ideas??
  4. Spot on, Silence! Bankruptcy or apathy are the only excuses for not renewing!!! Cost should not now be an issue. Even for an old skinflint like me, those look like good prices for professional (ahem) football these days..... Edit: It's also funny how a lot of people I hear whinge about being skint are the same people who spend £50-£100 per week on the piss...... As someone else on here has said, some are just finding any old excuse...
  5. Well, we're about as much of an attacking threat as Mahatma Ghandi. So if we don't get a pen (or two cos Pav will probably miss) we'll set out for a thrilling 0-0. Having said that, getting a pen actually involves us getting across the half way line. So pretty unlikely.
  6. Southend is a must win game. All the rest are musn't lose. It's that tight. Especially given the way that all around us seem to be pulling their puds out at the moment. The result today was massive. The performance was the usual :censored:e however. I could cut and paste match reports from virtually every home game this season and they would cover today's performance. Gregan was MOTM yet again. Everyone else pretty anonymous. Special mentions must go to Worthington and Taylor for being head and shoulders below the rest. Absolute garbage in every department. How :censored: can't start ahead of JW is beyond me. We only won because Gillingham were even worse than we were. Possibly the worst side to visit BP all season. It's still Penney out. And 90% of the first team players can go with him. But as I've already said a massive result regardless. We're going to be VERY lucky if we stay up this season.
  7. £24 to watch us get hammered? No thanks. We might bring about 1000. I'd be surprised if there was any more............. It'll probably be the smallest and quietest support we've had at your place in years......
  8. I've heard that one too. But not from the chron. From what I can tell, it's going ahead .
  9. Makes semi-interesting reading..... Yes please!! The rate it's taking us to build a new stadium, we could see the long overdue return to standing up at Latics!!
  10. I remember doing something similar at Walsall years ago when they went up and we were struggling. Think we got brushed aside 3-0. And we sung our hearts out all the way through. So much so that the Walsall fans who ran on the pitch at the end (think it was the last game of season) gave us all a standing ovation. Ahhhhh crazy days.......
  11. I'll join you, UD. In fact, all you "let's get behind the team for once" lot, why don't you join me in the block behind the goal in the RRE, just for this game and see how we get on?? I've a big gob, so I'll start 'em all off if you want? Come on, put your money where your mouths are and let's see if you can sing as good a game as you can talk. I know I can. How about it? You all know who you are......... I await your replies.
  12. He could be Palestinian. That would explain why he's always "injured".......
  13. SO this is what the squad get up to on those long away coach trips....
  14. Do you know me? No. Do you sit near me; from your posts that would be a no too. So how the bleeding hell do you know whether I boo or not? If you'd ticked any of the above boxes you'd know that I didn't boo or sing any anti chants throughout the entire game. Fat lot of good it did.
  15. Nobody sung any anti Penney songs until the last, maybe, 10 games or so. It was all positive stuff before then. So can you tell me why we were still sliding down the league?? How many songs did you and all the other happy clapping whingers start last night?? How many exactly??? The only person I heard starting off any positive chanting was me. Three "come on oldham" and "oh when the blues" a couple of times. Nobody else did in the RRE or from the George Hill from what I could hear. Can't comment on the Chaddy. It seems the most vocal the happy clappers get is on here where their voices are very loud. But like all the other apathetic hand-sitters at BP, never pipe up at the game. Penney is getting stick BECAUSE HE IS LEADING THE CLUB TO RELEGATION. Does this compute??? Do you really, actually care??
  16. You know better than this Martin. To be openly worried about our fate this season, you are of low IQ and and spout drivel. Stop it immediatley and sit on your hands with your mouth shut.
  17. Exactly the same thing happened to my old man outside the Chaddy tonight as well!!
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