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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. I voted "Don't care" But that's only because I have a season ticket. Which I won't have next term if that clown is still around.
  2. We could all club together and cough up for one of those light aircraft to circle over BP with a banner behind it saying "Penney Out!!" Bit like Bastard Rovers did at the Dingles a few years ago....
  3. Omar said the same thing too!! (in between brandishing his offensive weapon..................... )
  4. Particularly for a fan who actually has the club name as his own. He aint no part timer.
  5. To be fair, we looked interested when our 2nd went in. And the youth players, Millar and Eaves, pulled their tripes out tonight. Particularly Millar. But again, too little, too late.
  6. Dibble came and grabbed one the lads stood near me for a quick chat just after the ST went on. Apparentley were quizzing him about a rumoured pitch invasion/demonstration!!!! A little bit of wee nearly came out over that piece of high level police intel!!!!!!
  7. OOOOH you're going to get in trouble from the cyber stewards for posting a non-latics related comment in this thread.... However......................word up my friend. Absolutely spot on.
  8. "Captain" Kirk was one of the few bright spots for me. Lee had another good game. Abbots' first was a good finish - just shows what he can do when he actually hits the ball cleanly for once. Other than that, the only time we looked threatening was when we went 1-3 down. We opened them up time and time again when we actually played attacking football. But, as always, the team were only allowed to attack when the game was virtually lost. Lomax didn't have a glorious return either. Got savaged by their left winger who looked very dangerous. But hey! Don't worry guys! It wasn't a must win game!!! What are we all so despondant about??!!! Sheesh.........anyone would think we're in danger of the drop!!!!!
  9. I genuinely didn't realise Guy was on the pitch until the second half when we switched ends!!!
  10. Ok then. Let's judge the results..............................wait, hang on.........................this cannot be correct...............we're languishing at the foot of the table in serious danger of relegation.......................these can't surely be the results you're referring to, DLV???????? Oh, and disagree all you want. That's what this board is all about. But to suggest we're all "slack-jawed" etc because of a differing view?? Behave yourself. You find the thread "irrelevant and tenuous"? Don't frickinwell read or comment then. Dead easy for an enlightened genius such as yourself.
  11. Precisely. Call me Mr Demanding, but I'd rather we secured League One status before then. I have enough grey hair as it is.
  12. It's only beating season if people are given sticks and reason to beat. You'd be happy with a draw in either of those home games given the run in we've got? More fool you...
  13. So you'd be happy with a couple of draws the next two games then??
  14. I don't think he is right though. We have very few games left. And after the next two very winnable home games we have a tough schedule. In fact, Southend at home apart, I'd go as far as to say that the next two are possibly the 'easiest' fixtures we have left - against teams in the bottom half, at home. So given that we'll probably struggle for the remainder of the season (what's new? I hear you all cry...) it makes the next two, for me, 100% must win games. Believe it or not, I'm genuinely not looking for fault in everything he does. I would be the happiest man alive if he proved me and everyone else wrong by getting it right and turning us round. I WANT to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe in the guy, but then he comes out with stuff like this?? It's tantamount to jacking one into the chamber and asking people to take their best shot!!!
  15. I know. I've already resigned myself to that prospect though......meh........
  16. To be precise, the bit about the next two home games NOT being 'must win' games. The guy just beggars belief. Knob
  17. A well reasoned and thought out post. Makes a nice change from the usual frothing lefty rantings that are oh so popular on here. Especially the comparison to Germany in the 30's!!!! Typical reactionary fashionable lefties!!! Hilarious!!!! Can't remember seeing anyone getting their wages paid in a wheelbarrow last time I walked through Oldham..... Edit: Oh, nearly forgot. Anyone that votes Labour will get exactly what they deserve......
  18. It was Tranmere. I also rather like the one they have/had at Burnley where you have a large inflatable pie (pies, mmmm......) to boot balls through.... The new PA equipment should help, as I've not bee able to work out a word being said from the RRE. And agreed about the "Let's get ready to rumble" disgrace. Cringeworthy....
  19. That was one of Aless's better games. Unfortunately, they're too rare.
  20. I was just about to post the same thing. At least it's Latics related. And not depressing. Jesus, and I though I could whinge....
  21. True. Everything he said was spot on. However, how many times this season have we heard the exact same post match interview? When is going to change?? When we hit league 2???
  22. Course we did. Nothing to do with a succession of clueless players. What bollocks.
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