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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. If it wasn't for Gregan, I firmly believe we would be alongside Stockport at the present time.
  2. There's a difference between not attending and talking sense, and not attending and talking bollocks. And typo's are the least of my worries this evening.
  3. Funny you should say that Johnny. I've just been thinking the exact same thing whilst opeing another Peroni.....
  4. Spot on my friend. I'm sorry for swearing, but off Penney. And take your signings with you. That 2nd half (on top of all the rest of the rubbish I've watched all season) has left me fuming.
  5. Sorry 0000, You can only comment on here if you attend games. You know that.....
  6. Thing is though Coco, the man talks sense, so the point of wether or not he attends, is moot.
  7. As opposed to sticking with Penney and getting nowhere. Hmmm. decisions, decisions......
  8. Yeah, but never mind that, we got 3 pts at Stockport, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah.....................
  9. It pains me to say it, but after 31 years of owning a season ticket, I too will not be getting one next term.
  10. Everyone bar Greegs, Stephens, Flahavan. The rest can go. And yes, that includes Abbot.
  11. The fight? Jesus Christ, if this team was a boxer it'd be Audley "cauliflower arse" Harrison. I've seen little fighting spirit all season.
  12. Colbeck over Parker everytime for me. At least the kid tries his damnedest every game. OK, so he's got a first touch like Peter Sutcliffe , but he doesn't lack effort. Can't remember seeing Parker put in the kind of tackles that Colbeck does....
  13. I really did LOL at that picture. The mrs even came in the room to see what was goin on!!!
  14. Behave, BP. Even as a whoosh, that's a poor one. One of the worst strikers I've seen at the club. He's had support and motivation when he arrived and look what good that did. He's the biggest bag of toss juice we've had the misfortune to sign. Period.
  15. But hey! That doesn't matter! We got three points that means all our woes are over, we'll play like 1970's Brazil for the rest of the season!! We will y'know. Especially because DP's gonna be manager of the year after just having beaten mighty County using his tactical genius. Form means nothing!! EE AYE EE AYE EE AYE OH......
  16. I can just hear the council in their chamber now, in full voice, "get out of our town, get out of our towwwwwnnnnn, you :censored: professional sport bastards, get out of our town....."
  17. He's lost me at the moment (shock, horror) and had done about two months ago. I will however be all too happy to have to eat my words should he and the team come good. I really will. I'd love nothing more to be proved wrong - and should it happen, I'll be the first on here to eat a large slice of humble pie. I just can't see it happening.
  18. I really don't think it's going to happen. We can't even muster more than a handful of people at home games, let alone a demo...
  19. I think we should all wear tracky bottoms with extra large pockets for our hands to be in 24/7.
  20. A perfect summary, nava. If, as they should have, County had bagged one of their clear chances in the 1st, we would have lost 1-0. We didn't even look remotely like scoring against the 10 men of the relegated Sockport. Eternally grateful for the 3 pts, but jeez that was a depressing display.
  21. Get out of our board, get out of our booooaaaaarrrd................................
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