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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. So you think the "pressure" that a pro football player is under is any different from that found in any other employment? Of course it isn't. I work in sales and I know that if my figures don't match my targets, I'm on Aldi beans for a month. It happens two or three months in a row I'm on a disciplinary. I'm sure you can guess what happens next. It is however pressure that I'm well used to having worked for the company for the past 10 years, and pressure that I deal with. Being a grown up and all. Having a big, comforting arm thrown around me by my sales manager 24/7 wouldn't make me work any harder or apply and improve myself; my professional and personal pride does that. To suggest it's any different in football, I believe, is absolute bollocks. Given the choice, I would choose their line of work. I'm sure it's not easy - but I'd like to wager it's one of the better jobs out there. That is never going to happen of course given that I have a 50p head and a 20p right foot. The left I can barely stand on. I'm not much better at FIFA either. And those under 23's you mention? Well they'd better get used to it because it isn't going to go away. It's called the real world. And it's here to stay.
  2. We all know it doesn't just happen at BP........ Sit down, shut up Thoughts?
  3. Nail on the head there, my friend. If only others could see it too....
  4. The anti-DP stuff was sung immediately after the celebs for the equaliser died down.
  5. The thing is O4u, it's not just in response to the last game. Or two. Or even half a dozen. There was no "Penney out" or " "get out of our club" up until fairly recentley. The team and the manager have had until now to get it sorted, but insist on putting out the same old tired displays. Enough is enough. Are you suggesting that under-performance should be ignored and blindly clapped and cheered? The vast majority of fans have been clapping and cheering for the vast majority of the season and it doesn't seem to have done much good so far has it? Staring relegation in the face and we're supposed to be happy with it and not speak up? Not in this lifetime.
  6. What a crock of :censored:e. You are honestly trying to sell this drivel to people? So it's us fans who are responsible for the slow decline since our heady Premiership days???? Nothing to do with poor performance from players/management/owners. You're a joke. If highly paid, professional players haven't got it within them to get themselves up for a game, to show some professional pride, then they should change their career. They're grown men FFS, and should be able to take criticism.. If you lot want to link arms and sing kum-by-yah and stroke their sodding egos whilst they take the club into League 2, then knock yourselves out. Me and all the other realists? We'll do our thing instead. Get a grip, the lot of you.
  7. Given the severity of his blunder, I'm surprised nobody did heckle him! The lad got off very lucky indeed..... As for the rest, well that's goalkeeping for you...........
  8. Can't speak for the Chaddy as I sit in the RRE these days, but there were certainly the old standards rolled out in there as there are every game. I don't think anyone goes into the game singing "GET OUT OF OUR CLUB" straight from kick off. It's as a direct result of sub standard efforts throughout the match - and throughout most of the season. We're now at the business end of the campaign and we're in SERIOUS danger of the drop. This for me is not acceptable. It doesn't even bear thinking about. I don't want the club I love to be plying it's trade in the basement of "professional" football. Any neither do many others. We've tried the carrot, it hasn't worked. There wasn't any booing/calling for DP's head in the first half of the season - only support. Now it's time for the stick. It's one of the few impacts we as fans can make. As far as I can see, there are thousands of fans who seem to be perfectly content to see our demise without so much as a "hang about, WTF is going on?". And so we have the usual scenario of row upon row of "supporters" sitting in silence. These very same supporters who accuse us - who dare to question the tactics and performances of the team/management - of destroying our team's chances by being vocal about the fact we don't like it, and want it to change. I think the question/accusation should turned right around. All those who don't kick up a fuss at below average results and efforts should be shamed as the guilty ones. Not those who stand up and be counted. If it means that much to you all, and from the criticism on here of the boos, it obviously does, then do something about it. Don't sit and do nothing, then complain that nothing changes. Like I've already said on other threads, shake yourselves out of your malaise and actually do the "getting behind the team" like so many preach, but never actually do at the game.
  9. And which "good comeback" would that be?? You mean the one where we huffed and puffed against a second bottom side virtually doomed to relegation already - which we couldn't break down, and then had to rely on a fortunate penalty to scrape a draw against??? Jesus Christ man, I hope you're not serious.....
  10. 50 percent of songs are racist/unrelated??? Blimey were you watching BNP FC today? Cos I didn't hear any!!!
  11. It has always been the case that BP is a graveyard for strikers. Hughes, Porter and Beckett are the only exceptions that immediatly spring to mind.
  12. So for all the posts on here saying get behind your team..............where were your chants????? How many songs did you start off in support of the lads???? I didn't hear any. Like I've said elsewhere, too busy sitting on your hands in silence criticising those who voice their opinions. The only chants/songs in support of the team were from those who were giving Penney a hard time. If they feck off like many on here are suggesting, there'd be no songs at all.
  13. Rubes for the goal. Everyone else pretty mediocre....
  14. He just seems to have no confidence at all at the moment. Today for example - always sideways or back rather than forwards when he got the ball. He's a winger that seems to have forgotten how to take people on. First touch was also shocking today - you could see his value dropping by £25000 everytime he got on the ball.......
  15. Regardless, it was a routine stop. Didn't even think he needed to dive! But he somewhow contrived to let it slip through/help it on it's way into the net. I was speechless. And that doesn't happen to me very often.....
  16. What I said about "people meekly accepting mediocrity"........it beggars belief doesn't it??.....
  17. Don't even get me started on that. Just when you thought his early season form was just a blip......
  18. What bollocks. The performances have been utter crap all season, with the very odd exception, and I for one am sick of it. A lack of talent I'll put up with, but the complete reversal today from the decent performance on Tueday night I won't. Penney needs pressure and he bloody well got it today. And not before time. His hands-in-pockets, shoulder shrugging, ear cupping demeanor, added to the way he's got my team playing (or not) is unnaceptable. Just as players under-performing should get pelters then so should the manager. As for chanting for his head during the game, if you don't like it, why not get together with all the other happy-clapping bleaters and make a counter protest??? No, didn't think so. You're much too content to sit on your hands, barely raising a murmour, meekly accepting mediocrity and sub-par performances like the rest of the crowd. If wasn't for those who were calling for his head. The game would be played in complete silence.
  19. Common sense at last. I'm with you, Brother!! Let's just build on Clayton and have done with it. F*ck the dog walkers. Drag this pitiful town out of the goddam dark ages.............
  20. Precisely. I'd like to bet Stephens goal to shots ratio is better than the wee man's.....
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