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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. I didn't hear anything, and I was sat in front of the Latics "yoof" who I guess it would be expected from..... All I did hear was lots of whoops and excited yelps from the bird with the mic.....
  2. Not as ridiculous as many are making out. At least the lad can finish, which is more than can be said for many of our forwards at the current time. However, I think his talents are put to best use in his current position. A quality midfielder can be as much of an asset to a team as a quality forward, if not more......
  3. I'm not in any way holding Shez up as a hero now. I still think it was the right decision to let him go when we did. But even when we were on the slide towards the back end of his reign, the likes of Taylor, Smalley and Hazell were still performing better than they have been this season (and it was to these particular players whom I was referring). I know Taylor and Smalley have had their injury issues this season, but even when fit have been shadows of their former selves. A total reversal tonight, where it was good shows all round and flashes of former quality. But it was just one display. Carry on in the same vein for the rest of the season and I'll happily get out the recipe for humble pie. Until then we shall see.....
  4. Correct. Although I can't blame them - nearly didn't go myself. Glad I did though. Makes up for Saturday in some small way... Let's hope it's the first small step towards turning it round
  5. Close one tonight as all played well (bar Brill who didn't have a shot save I don't think...) Anyone from Lee, Stephens or Greegs (again) But Gail Platt wins it for me....
  6. Agreed. MOM for me. Smalley and Taylor had their best games tonight for some time as well. Thought that Lee seems to be settling in nicely at right back. May be his slot for a while if he keeps it up.... Defence weren't really threatened as a whole - Greegs was a brickwall yet again. Rubes and JJ solid enough. Very pleased overall. Two good goals and players 1-11 performed well. It must be said that Orient were one of the poorest sides we'll play this season, but you can only beat what's put in front of you. It was the manner of the performance that pleased me most. Well done Latics.
  7. Yes. Without a doubt. Exeter were a very similar side to Orient. Just goes to show what we can do when it clicks.
  8. No idea. Promote TP for the short term. He can't do any worse than get us relegated.
  9. If we win 3-0 tonight, I'll personally chauffeur you to and from the next home game.
  10. Christ, the way some on here go on, it's like Latics fans are out on their own. ALL FANS ARE THE SAME. From all clubs across the leagues. The vast majority of managers don't get time these days. That's just the way it is with the modern game. One thing that hasn't changed however, is that mangers who are danger of taking a club down, get sacked. This isn't a recent development. It's always been the way. And makes perfect sense to me. DP has taken a squad that challenged the playoffs to being relegation contenders. All our players who were performing under Shez, now are not. It's clear to me what needs to happen. Penney out now.
  11. Me and our kid in the TL too. We should have just block booked the entire place!!!
  12. At this rate, Exeter's main drag is gonna look like Yorkshire street this weekend!!
  13. Do you know what? Councils ride roughshod over plenty of people all the time with various planning applications when it suits them. It's about time they did it again for the good for the town as a whole. F*ck the nimbys, F*ck FRAG or whatever lame-ass acronym they've come up with this time - It's time Oldham started to catch up with the rest of the developing western world. Jesus, I don't even live in Oldham - never have - and it still makes be bloody angry.....
  14. Nah. I'm not having that. He trains all week and plays reserves games as well. Not to mention the fact that he's a seasoned "pro" in his position as a forward. No, if he can't manage to put the ball in the net after a twelve one on one efforts this season, then as far as I'm concerned he should be sacked. If I had a 0% conversion ratio with my company generated leads at work, I'd have got the boot years ago......
  15. A little OTT if you ask me. There's no need to leave half a pizza.....
  16. By the sounds of it, there's gonna be quite a lot of Oldham down there this weekend! Should be good............can't wait...................getting a little excited now............ I don't get out much.....
  17. Exeter vs Oldham - Lose Oldham vs Orient - Draw Oldham vs Wycombe - Win Stockport vs Oldham - Lose Oldham vs Brighton - Draw Oldham vs Brentford - Lose 5/18 - Penney out!!
  18. Agreed. Lee had his best game in a Latics shirt for me. He showed some of what I was expecting when we signed him
  19. Are you serious??? Parker won't score a 1 on 1 as long as I've a hole in my arse. He's had neary a dozen similar chances this season as fluffed every single one!!
  20. It's getting on my pip that everyone else gets slagged off but not the seemingly untouchable Abbott. He is just as guilty as the rest as far as I'm concerned. Why? Well he needs roughly half a dozen reasonable chances before he does score, he wants too much time on the ball as was clearly evident yesterday, and most annoyingly for me, he never seems to want to work for the ball. Grant Holt yesterday was all over the place the whole game chasing down defenders and dropping short for the ball. Pav? He just stood there demanding the long ball to him, which was easily read by the centre halves who merely nipped in front and muscled him off it. And don't get me started on the show pony tricks and flicks he's so fond of...... I realise he's been our only goalscorer of note this season, and I'm not suggesting we drop him. However, I am a little mystified as to why he seems to come out of games without criticism. He could have doubled his tally so far this season.
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