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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. If, however, the football team we all support knew how to score a goal or two - not an unreasonable expectation even for fans as demanding as us - we would and should have had at least four points from the last three games. This, regardless of our opponents calibre over the last 3.
  2. Oh FFS, you can't dangle that and not let on!!!! (something my missus says often, but that's another story...) Come on man, give us a clue!!!
  3. As much as I want to see the back of the useless Yorkshire bastard, I think he'll be given until the end of March. If we lose the majority of those, which I fully expect us to do, even TTA won't be able to hang around with the P45...
  4. I'd have him on shooting practise for the rest of his days, until the contract finally runs out... If he didn't have any pace, he wouldn't get a contract with ANY club at all......
  5. This is sooo true. Smalley is in a complete rut. Taylor is the only winger I've ever seen who can't or refuses to cross a ball. And Colbeck, whilst runs hard and gets stuck in, just isn't cutting it. He only had one opportunity to cross today, and failed miserably. I can only assume that Simon Whaley was either a worse footy player than me, or that he'd been tapping up DP's Mrs. There can't surely be any other reason why we would turn away a half decent winger.....
  6. But how does playing against weaker defences increase a player's ability to actually hit the target, or put away a one on one, or stop hitting it straight down the keepers throat?? We had ample chances to score today, but couldn't do it. It was the same at Col U, and has been the same all season. The weaker defences didn't help us against Hartlepool, or Stockport, or (repeat to fade...)
  7. I've head several people say this, but what I can't quite grasp, is how people assume that our players are suddenly going to find their scoring touch in March when it's been sorely lacking all season. Time after time we're saying the same things "we played quite well, but couldn't find the net" why will that suddenly change against the lower teams? We should have had at least 2 points from the last three games; possibly even 4, but yet again, we can't find the net. If we win even half of the games in March, I'll be very surprised. I just cannot see it happening.
  8. Keigan Parker has cost us about 12 points this season with the missed one on ones he's had. I can't believe he's still picking up a wage. Porridge gobbling .
  9. Why? Because they can't hit the crossbar fom the halfway line?????
  10. That's just it though Lags - the vast majority of the Oldham people don't deserve a football team. They couldn't give a f*ck. All they want are playing fields where they can take their fleabitten dogs for a :censored:. And wasteland that becomes a broken bottle bank. Quite frankly, I'd laugh my tits off if the TTA took the club to Ashton/Rochdale/wherever - it'd serve the town right. I'd feel for the minority who do care and do make an effort. But perhaps it might take something like that to make the apathetic public/council sit up and take note.
  11. It's the only obvious choice for me. If they can get investment for Failsworth, why can't they get investment for BP???? Oddly enough, I think I'd rather share with Rochdale than move to Failsworth, which, as far as I'm concerned, is Manchester.
  12. Agreed. It's about the only postive thing coming out of/relating to the club at the moment.
  13. That is high quality humour. Best laugh I've had for weeks!!!! Well done Villains.....
  14. I'm travelling down for that one. And let me tell you, if we don't play with some attacking nous, Penney is going to get it. It's a small ground, it'll be a small crowd. And I've got a big gob. So he'd better play it the right way..........
  15. What?? Of course it's a bad result. It's a defeat. Now call me old fashioned, but I've always looked upon getting beaten as a negative result. The performance on the other hand (purely going off the LW commentary) seemed to be quite promising. I'm still pissed off though; the cat has still been kicked and I'm still randomly growling...
  16. This is some seriously spooky :censored:. Call has just come in, urgent appointment required. Guess where??? It's a sign. It's meant to be...........
  17. Ive been saying that for weeks, but he starts every game. He was awful today. Yet again.
  18. As long as Smalley or Parker aren't involved I don't care.....
  19. Couldn't agree more. I think it would also help to soften the blow of moving to Failsworth. It would be the best thing could happen to any new stadium of ours.
  20. Anybody see him play last night? Was he any good??
  21. Po-faced it may have been. But also absolutely correct. Pompey going under is the best thing that could happen at the moment I'm afraid. It might just make people sit up and take notice.
  22. Well done. You've got the best fans in the world. Quite obviously. So how many points does a team get for fans who "stand up all game"?? Because believe me, after that display, and on the back of your performance at BP. You're going down. So keep standing and being a wonderful supporter. At least in League two there's more terracing to practice your superfan habits........
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