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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. I'm going down with our kid for the weekend. Booked it back in Sept/Oct. Return flights and two nights in a travel lodge, £100 each!!
  2. ....are we any closer to having any of our injured players back for next weekend?? Anybody any clues??
  3. Looks like Spotland then this afternoon for me! Gotta get some footy somewhere!!
  4. It was a quality 'fro, no doubt about it......
  5. Beat me to it. I remember him breaking his nose at Cardiff away, God knows how many years ago. He went off for treatment, came back on, then took the ball sqare in the face about 5 mins later. He just shook it off and carried on. Ledge.... I also seem to remember John Kelly being a bit of a hard nut. Or am I imagining that???
  6. So you know me, do you Garcon? There's an awful lot of personal insults on this thread from people who clearly haven't a clue. There's no need for it. That's the only "f*cking pathetic" thing on show here.
  7. Hope you both packed your waterproofs. It's done nothing but rain for two months....
  8. What galls me though is how far off the pace we've been. We've not just been getting beaten, but comfortably beaten. We have no attacking threat whatsoever, no cover in almost all areas and no desire. We're so far off the mark it isn't even funny. All we can do until January is hope that Penney can turn around what players we have left. Then come the transfer window, hope to God that TTA gve the green light for two or three decent signings. I shant, however, be holding my breath for either of these outcomes..... Bottom four by 5pm next Saturday is almost guaranteed.
  9. Lets's face it, it isn't going to be a sell out. Maybe 8k perhaps but certainly not a sell out. If you're worried about people sat in your seat - turn up early. Dead easy.
  10. It'll take a higher power than Santa to get us 3 pts at Norwich. <starts praying>
  11. Just as well, cos we're gonna need all the help we can get.
  12. Exactly. COG and Byfield could not have done any worse than those who have played the last dozen games. Abbot excluded.
  13. Couldn't agree more. As soon as we conceed it's game over. We surrendered the midfield to them as soon as we kicked off. We played too deep, gave them too much room and too much respect. It was Leeds Utd out there tonight, not f*cking Man Utd. Anytime Leeds got the ball, Furman and Whittaker just dropped back 20 yards and sat just in front of the back four, beckoning them on. If we're going to avoid relegation this year, and on our current form it won't be easy, we need to have a clear out in January. Whits can f*ck off, as can Lomax. Smalley needs to be dropped and we still need a centre half. Of course, none of this will happen, and we'll just carry on grinding out 0-2 home defeats. I've NEVER felt this despondent as a Latics fan. If we were a horse, we'd be shot.......................
  14. The only decent player in blue on the pitch tonight.
  15. Not sure I'll be able to make any pre/post game activities. It's my work Xmas do in Manchester on the Friday, and the Mrs has decided she needs a weekend in London, the selfish cow.......... Unless I can get a babysitter of course.........
  16. When's he due back? Is he fit again, but not yet match fit?
  17. It makes me piss, how so many on here are satisfied that he's "never gonna make it" on the basis on having seen him play a handful of games. Get him back in Jan and give him at least a dozen starts, in our team, playing alongside our players, then make your judgement. Jesus, half an hour on Football Manager and they're all premiership scouts.
  18. I think if we build on yesterday's performance, and get the couple of wins under our belt that should then follow, you might not be the only stay away to return.
  19. On the strength of today, you can drop Parker/:censored: for Colbeck.
  20. I thought the same. His tackling was great. He's got a good engine and can get stuck in, so perhaps a move inside might help him??
  21. And hence the "Plenty of work still to do, but a massive improvement." part in the OP.
  22. True, but I'm feeling quite positive after that today, and it makes a nice change from me being suicidal on a Saturday evening. So I'm trying to spread my positive vibe.....
  23. I'm sure it was much better than listening to Roy saying "liccle", "hospicle" and "boccle". Makes me cringe.....
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