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Everything posted by ShireBlue

  1. Both Philiskirk and Yeates started for Blackpool yesterday. Danny up front. Lost 1-0 to Vale.
  2. Dieng no where near strong enough at CB I'm afraid. He can be quite tidy on the ball, but he doesn't win enough battles or crucial headers.
  3. I'm happy with losing a midfielder for a beast of a CB, providing we get one. Danny's been a good servent to the club, but were knackered if we don't change the back four.
  4. Dunn's chums from Burnley will be coming back to fill in at full-back according to the Chron.
  5. Well it depends on how you look at him, doesn't it.. Hence the 'on one hand or the other' analogy.
  6. On one hand he's by far our best player and on occasions can single-handedly carry this team.. On the other, he's a luxury we can't afford and his sale could generate funds for positions we desperately need to improve. Plus we have other CMs to fill his role (Jones, Wellens).
  7. Broadhurst Park. Give me chance to tick it off without watching FCUM again.
  8. Hope I'm not getting a half season ticket for Christmas.
  9. The stewards looked like they wanted to stay right out of it. Even didn't care about the lads blatantly smoking tabs throughout the game about 3 rows from the front. Didn't bother myself, but it did some, and caused another scene.
  10. I'm with this. I will say the players copped flack for the collective shambles of the last 12 months or so. However I don't believe for a minute that they couldn't have given more on the pitch, and aren't capable of better.
  11. The fans really got behind the team today, but it began to get ugly as the clock ticked down and nothing improved. Fans are pissed off about a whole raft of things around the club and this reaction was inevitable. I can't remember the feeling around the club ever being this bad.
  12. Sounded like a lost child on BBC Radio Manchester. What a effin' mess. And with some talented players too.
  13. Never been in an away end with so much ill-feeling and venom towards their own team, and understandably so. Today, and the current feeling around the club is shocking. There was a bit of unneeded knobbery as well today though.
  14. One wonders what the usual number of free tickets is.
  15. Didn't someone mention on here the other day that Big Barry had been quiet recently?
  16. We made David Worrall look like a world beater last night. The highlight of the evening was shouting "OOH OOH OOH" with (not at, you understand) Phil Brown.
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