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Posts posted by ShireBlue

  1. Do what Adrian Durham did with his son who wanted to see Arsenal instead of Posh, granted he was a little older (10 i think)but...



    He sat his son down and explained you should only support one team and it was his decision to make but it was a decision for life. He couldn't swap back. Whatever he decided was up to him and as his father he would accept it. However...


    If he supports Posh he may be on his own amongst his friends but his Grandfather and his Father were Posh as its the family's team, cousins etc. He would be able to attend games in person with his Dad who would buy him a new shirt every year plus any merchandise and as he gets older they can have this common bond which would last a lifetime.


    If he choose Arsenal, no games, no shirts no following his father or Grandfather. He would be on his own!


    He made it clear it was his choice and that he would accept it but once made it was for life. No swapping back or changing his mind. He gave him a week to seriously think about it.


    He's now a Peterborough fan!

    This, or just disown him.


    You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

  2. Burn was superb and made two tackles in the first half that kept us in it.


    It didn't look as though the formation worked first half, the forwards were pushed far to wide and Croft didn't look comfortable in the middle.


    Mills looked out of position for their goal, but I'll need to see it again.


    Second half we picked up the pace and the substitutions were good ones. Dunn, especially, has obvious class. There's a very good team in there.


    Class support, bar the odd booing for DK. No need for it away from home when everyone is behind the team.

  3. The stand won't be ready for the first home game.

    Liam Kelly and Forte are leaving.

    The players don't want to work with the manager.

    Players that don't even play for us don't want to work with the manager.

    We're taking 3 men and a dog to Walsall, Halifax's pitch is going to destroy our trailists.


    And the club car is a Kia.


    Hopefully were giving away razor blades and nooses with the pies this year.

  4. I have seen both pre season games against Bolton and Blackburn and felt that when we played close to what would be our starting line up, we played relitivly well. The 1st half against Blackburn, we looked decent and solid in defence and we seemed to be passing the ball well, just without end product. Concidering we didn't have the likes of Cassidy or Forte who if A) still here and b fit for the remainder of the pre season games going into the new season, I think goals will come.

    It does highlight however, how our strength in depth could yet again be a problem should injuries or transfers strike.

    Amen brother.

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