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Everything posted by ShireBlue

  1. Port Vale are out of the cup. Would much rather go there on a Saturday than a Tuesday. Edit: scrap that.
  2. Gotta be Ibehre and Forte up front for me, same as Sheffield Utd. MK will have a lot of possession and this pairing will be most effective on the back-foot.
  3. Agree with this. No need for a revolution for losing one, albeit very important, player. Between Dieng and Tidser I'd probably lean towards Dieng.
  4. Just bought 2 over the phone. There's "a hundred and something" left.
  5. Market the club to make it appealing to the young 'uns, even if it's crap served up a lot of the time. I'm Lovin' It.
  6. Couldn't make it yesterday (which is unusual as we usually dick the opposition when I'm not at BP, Coventry this season, Peterborough last for example), but to me this sounds like a rather terrible attempt from the manager to outsmart Yeovil. We've played well in a variety of diamond-esque formations, against better opposition, but this seemed just bloody daft. However, the problem we've had against lower league opposition is that they pack the midfield and make it difficult for us to play, settling for a draw, or the typical spawny 0-1 win. I wouldn't be suprised if LJ set the team up to invite pressure, and hit them on the break. Cue the discussion if League 1 players are/should be intelligent/skillful enough to adapt.
  7. Kenny Wilson Wilson Elokobi Mills Kelly Jones Forte Johnson Ibehre Philliskirk .. For me.
  8. The new stand is as much about bringing in money from it's facilities (gym, conferencing, SportsDirect store etc.), as it is comfort for a smattering of 3,800 fans.
  9. Sounds like we've taken on players that we only had a chance of keeping if we did well enough in cups and payed them with the winnings. Our gates don't generate enough cash to pay the likes of Elokobi, Forte, Kenny etc. (I assume Villa are paying Johnson's wages). Good ol' financial fair play.
  10. Obviously, going out of the FA Cup was disappointing, but I thought today's Chron article was almost over-the-top in its negativity. I hope non of the players read it, they'll think the season's done.
  11. Bought some gig tickets last night via the PlayerShare app through TicketWeb. A good ticket site with less stupid charges than Ticketmaster (ie, £2.50 to print your own tickets off at home, bastards). Recommended.
  12. Thought we missed Mike Jones yesterday. Our midfield wasn't nearly as slick or free passing with him in it. As has been said previously, there was lots of frustrating moments where we tried to do too much with the ball and squandered opportunities. Winchester was most guilty of this, I think his lack of confidence on his left foot lets him down and he just misses that killer instinct. For me, Forte needs to be on the left. Jabo wasn't nearly as effective as he was at Sheffield Utd, I'd have liked to seen Danny up there next to him. Would have loved a big day out in the 3rd round, but que sara.
  13. Truelove subbed after 24 mins for Colwyn Bay. Assuming he was injured, hopefully not as it's the last thing he needs,
  14. Bit :censored:ing mad, but hardly a moron, jeez.
  15. Sidney Schmeltz starts for Hartlepool tonight, along side Marlon Harewood. Lanzoni starts at centre half.
  16. Loved the blue and tangerine one, and never got round to buying one (sad face).
  17. I'm not sure the 'one greedy bastard' chant was aimed at his increased wage packet..
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