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Posts posted by ShireBlue

  1. What LJ has to do is replace Kelly with someone in the same roll - Tidser or Dieng and go with it , same formation as before.

    What he mustn't do is change the whole set up like we did on Saturday !!!!

    Maybe time for Tidser to make his mark ?

    Agree with this. No need for a revolution for losing one, albeit very important, player. Between Dieng and Tidser I'd probably lean towards Dieng.

  2. Couldn't make it yesterday (which is unusual as we usually dick the opposition when I'm not at BP, Coventry this season, Peterborough last for example), but to me this sounds like a rather terrible attempt from the manager to outsmart Yeovil.


    We've played well in a variety of diamond-esque formations, against better opposition, but this seemed just bloody daft.


    However, the problem we've had against lower league opposition is that they pack the midfield and make it difficult for us to play, settling for a draw, or the typical spawny 0-1 win. I wouldn't be suprised if LJ set the team up to invite pressure, and hit them on the break. Cue the discussion if League 1 players are/should be intelligent/skillful enough to adapt.

  3. Thought we missed Mike Jones yesterday. Our midfield wasn't nearly as slick or free passing with him in it.


    As has been said previously, there was lots of frustrating moments where we tried to do too much with the ball and squandered opportunities. Winchester was most guilty of this, I think his lack of confidence on his left foot lets him down and he just misses that killer instinct.


    For me, Forte needs to be on the left. Jabo wasn't nearly as effective as he was at Sheffield Utd, I'd have liked to seen Danny up there next to him.


    Would have loved a big day out in the 3rd round, but que sara.

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