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Everything posted by ShireBlue

  1. They were fans from Eintracht Frankfurt by the look of their shirts.
  2. Didn't one end up pinned faced down in the grass by a steward? Roughyeds should get onto said steward.
  3. Aye. The M.E.N are definitely over egging the pudding on this one.
  4. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/watch-shocking-violence-rochdale-versus-8205541 Lovely little video as well.
  5. Sick of hearing about the :censored:ing guy.
  6. Same happened to us, only we went for a kebab and waited for the tram queue to die down. When we left the Regal Moon at 2 the police wanted us to hang around so they could escort everyone to the ground. When it was obvious people were still suppin', they let us dive in a taxi.
  7. Done a Christmas shop on Amazon via the PlayerShare app this afternoon, but when I go back on the app it still says I've raised £0.. Does it take time to process?
  8. Although he didn't see a lot of the ball, he did a lot of organizing, always barking out orders. What a game to make your debut in.
  9. Cheers, Danny did very well today. Ibehre was immense verses Sheffield Utd also, so some very nice selection "problems" for LJ.
  10. The trouble after the penalty was interesting to say the least. Not nice to see the woman on the pitch hurt, but the smoke bombs didn't bother me. Got a bit naughty in the Regal Moon as well. A few pints/chairs/punches thrown. Is it a rivalry now?
  11. Probably best if Adam Brennan, 16, doesn't go to Chicken Cottage..
  12. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2011/nov/25/mcdonalds-quits-rochdale-town-centre
  13. I hope the rivalry does take off. Let's face it, the derby days with Utd and City are long gone.
  14. A couple of important games in League 1 on Friday night; Peterborough vs Bristol City and Sheffield Utd vs Notts County. Not sure what the best outcome would be, probably a Bristol win and a draw.
  15. Not sure why LJ stuck Jones on the left and Dayton in the middle. Dayton isn't going to win the physical battles and has played his best games on left, whilst Jones has proved himself in more central role when playing with Kelly. Can't believe people are ready offload three midfielders after a JPT loss though. The first half was poor, but I still think we've one of the better benches in a while.
  16. Dieng played well, especially second half. Looks quite comfortable in the holding role.
  17. Winchester was plain awful, Dayton looked out of place in the middle and it was generally a bit of a mess first half. Second half showed just how important Kelly and Forte are in this team. Played some nice stuff and took the goals well. Sat in the Main Stand Upper for the first time in years. It's like sitting with a load of angry P.E teachers.
  18. Shay Wake for brekky, Regal for a couple, then probably find somewhere a bit less 'Spoons-y.
  19. Not necessarily everyone sings, but nearly everyone at least claps along, it's class.
  20. Just read on the OS that Kasunga has had 8 flights in 10 days, playing various games for Angola. Some effort that.
  21. Latics fans were top yesterday, the atmosphere was buzzing. Although the "if you see a scruffy c*nt, mow the :censored:er down" song is beyond dreadful. The Evans stuff was inevitable, but I had Super Oldham stuck in my head all night. Brilliant.
  22. We played some really nice football yesterday. We passed the ball around with ease and were able to play keep-away at times. Kelly was superb and ran his taters off for 90 mins. Johnson also impressed, I'd have liked to see a few more shots from him when he got into a good position, but overall the lad is quality. Jabo was immense. I didn't rate him quite as highly as some did verses Crawley, but yesterday Sheffield Utd just couldn't deal with his strength and his ability to win 99% of balls that are pumped up to him. It was a great relief for the home side when he was sent off, which will be the softest red card any of us will see this season. The referee wasn't the reason we only drew the game, (Cambell-Ryce totally changed the Sheffield side and gave them an outlet on the left) but I have to say he was shocking. Properly poor. His consistency and his ability to get a control of the game was completely lacking. Dreadful. Hope to god we don't see him officiating again this season. LJ summed it up at full time, shaking all the official's hands then laying into them. We're remaining under the radar for now, I think just one Utd fan on BBC Radio Sheffield mentioned that we were actually very good, the rest just said that they should be beating "sides like Oldham". :censored: 'em. Kudos to the Latics fan who rang in to put them right.
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