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Posts posted by ShireBlue

  1. 4-4-2. Simple. Very effective. Entertaining. I think we have the personnel to do this at League One level. I wonder if the manager is confusing the simple minds of the playing staff.

    I've wondered the same. Could very well be wrong, but what did Cloughy say.. "Simplicity is genius".

  2. Ahhh the cold light of day. Time to reflect on the game after a night's kip and a skin full.


    First half, for the record, we played some superb football. A complete turn around from the Middlesbrough game and the Orient defence struggled to cope with Mills and Forte down the left. However, as we saw with Harkins last season, he gets targeted as our danger-man and marked out of the game. Really felt for Connor Brown who up until giving away possession, which led to the equalizer, was playing well.


    Second half we just didn't get going. Orient tightened up, took Forte out of the game, and we got far too sloppy. Mis-placed passes, not enough movement and poor organisation. We (yet again) don't look at all dangerous with JCH on his own up front, and their back four looked impenetrable. Unlike the first half, the midfielders didn't get forward enough to aid the striker and the goals we conceded were very poor. Very disheartening to see our rock solid defence looking so shakey.


    However, it was a poor half of football, certainly not the first and definitely not the last any of us will see supporting Latics. I think the boo'ing came from the sheer disappointment of a good performance turning bad so quickly, but in my opinion it was totally unneeded.


    But we move on, and look forward (I think) to Port Vale on Tuesday. If we keep it like the first 30 minutes of yesterday we'll give them a game.


    KT.. OTOD (?)

  3. We were given an absolute lesson. Didn't like the 5-3-2, would have much rather gone 4-4-2, and I hope to god we don't spend the first half of the season tinkering.


    Mellor poor, Kelly poor, strikers didn't get a look-in and full-backs ineffective. Dayton (on his correct wing, thank god!) and Winchester gave it a go second half.


    Not good enough, but Middlesbrough will be up there this season. Move on.

  4. A bit worried that the defence was so shakey second half, but hopefully some of that will be nailed-out this week in training. Perhaps a 3-5-2 will be looked at more.


    I reckon we can get something out of next Saturday's game, I don't think Leyton Orient will be as strong this season as some people think.

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