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Everything posted by ShireBlue

  1. I don't mind the JPT. £10 in, some kids get a run-out, usually get some goals, Wembley final.
  2. The Johnstone Paint Trophy. Savior of the English national side. Give me strength.
  3. I originally wrote 'A partner for JCH?', but it just scared me.
  4. Can't say Worrall does a lot for me either. Then again, I like Dayton, so what do I know?
  5. Well, according to the Chron, Rachubka is all but onboard (nothing signed but a verbal agreement with LJ reached) and there's no word from Connor Brown (if he was to leave we would be due compensation).
  6. I was in a bar in Boston last year and they ID'd me, only accepting a passport, which I inevitably didn't have on me. I'm 25. The bastards.
  7. Spent a year in North America and the Travelex/Mastercard Cash Passports are really useful. You do get charged a small amount for withdrawals but they're free in all chip-and-pins. As far as driving is concerned, the distances are very long and the American plod a super keen on the speed limits, which compared to ours are very slow. And they show no mercy to tourists in hire cars.
  8. Obviously (and understandably) lost patience with DJ Campbell.
  9. And this kids, is why you shouldn't drink McDonald's milkshakes.
  10. For anyone going to Rotherham by train next season, can you book via PlayerShare WebShop (Virgin Trains) and a few pennies of your fare will go to PlayerShare, Thanks. http://www.easyfundr...ticsplayershare
  11. Personally, I hope Orient win. Can not stand that fat prick Evans, and it'd mean another local-ish derby next season.
  12. Wouldn't have thought so. They were in the Northern Premier League only in 07/08, getting 250-300 at home. I'd have thought most people in the town would be more interested in Blackpool/Man Utd/Man City etc..
  13. 4000 from Fleetwood is pretty good to be fair.
  14. Does 'Athletico's' need an apostrophe? If there's one on the banner it could seriously harm my grammatical OCD.
  15. I'd love us to sign Akinfenwa, but it's only because I like to see fat people given a chance. And if I'm honest, that's not the best reason to sign a player.
  16. I seem to remember that in the case of Dunfield, it was to add some experience to the changing room. Can't speak for the rest of them though.
  17. Thank The Lord ITV haven't got the FA Cup next season.
  18. Has he any under-lying injuries no one knows about?
  19. First T20 game is tonight, against Notts. Sky Sports 2, starting from 6pm.
  20. FCUM do a similar scheme for their season tickets also. There is a £90 minimum price, however they reckon the average paid is about £120. Remember playing Carlisle at home on a Tuesday night when it was £2. Nearly sold BP out and the game was dire.
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