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Everything posted by LaticMark

  1. "@Matt_Chambers_ Doncaster going up has landed #oafc a few quid as a result of the Furman deal, I believe." Anyone know how much?
  2. Tom Eaves recalled by Bolton. http://www.shrewsburytown.com/news/article/15apr13-eaves-recalled-772475.aspx
  3. This week Bury were appealing for investment, but they have effectively turned down a £10k gift from Latics Fans. Are there any Latics fans with tickets who haven't got in?
  4. Are we actually changing the home kit after one season, as it's going to be half-price in the club shop? Don't the club only do this when we are changing kits? The tangerine away kit doesn't seem to be in the sale, so does that mean we are keeping it next season? http://www.oldhamath...ale-766445.aspx
  5. Simon Corney has said there is still much work to be done before the construction begins. "Now we have planning consent, we can crack on and get things moving. There is still a lot of work to be done, but we are moving in the right direction." http://www.oldhamath...tes-765138.aspx
  6. A Latics fan since the Seventies began!

  7. On the Planning Committee agenda for 10th April. http://committees.oldham.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=133&MId=4326
  8. More snow forecast for Shrewsbury tomorrow morning, then cold but dry on Monday and Tuesday. Evening temperatures could be -1 to -2 C. Would we want to play Tuesday evening when we've a match on Friday afternoon? Monday, weather permitting, would be the best option. http://www.metoffice...Time=1364169600
  9. Up to 10 years according to the FT, but usually less if you plead guilty. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/440d413e-7a5a-11e0-af64-00144feabdc0.html
  10. As you're only 5 ft 6 in can we call you 'short Lee'
  11. I was just replying to Prozac's post Lukers minus 1. I haven't a clue what's going on!!
  12. 15 month deal? So why was Dowie only offered a deal to the end of the season?
  13. Ian Cheeseman says it's someone we won't be expecting. To me that rules out Brown, who would be no surprise to us!
  14. And, Matt Chambers ‏@Matt_Chambers_ Lee Johnson was at the game yesterday... #oafc
  15. From Radio Manchester's Ian Cheeseman. Ian Cheeseman ‏@IanCheeseman So, #oafc name their new manager tomorrow, it's NOT Kuqi or Dowie, It's someone you won't be expecting!
  16. The Lee Johnson rumours continue. http://www.dailymail...s_campaign=1490 Unless it's all a psychological ruse so that we're all relieved when it's Phil Brown, with Brian Horton as his assistant and Johnson as player coach!!
  17. 5 ft 6 in. Lives in Cheshire. Started following the Oldham Chronicle on Twitter.
  18. As he could leave for free at the end of the season, which has about 7 weeks to go, do we expect to get anything more than a nominal loan fee?
  19. "Iain Dowie, Shefki Kuqi and Phil Brown and Sammy Lee are among the front-runners for the manager’s job in the betting markets. But Corney refuses to confirm or deny interest. We have interviewed one or two, but there is a long way to go, said the chairman." You can't beat The Chron for breaking news . . .
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