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Everything posted by LaticMark

  1. It would be a shame if he doesn't stay for the rest of the season, but City call the shots.
  2. http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40526
  3. As a current ST holder I'd be renewing anyway. However, I don't think I'd suit a replica shirt with my current post Christmas figure!!
  4. Montano could be out for a while with a torn thigh muscle. Surely time to give Mellor a chance on the left, with M'changama in the centre? http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/article/20130101-montano-572870.aspx
  5. Happy New Year to one and all. Let's hope it's a Happy Blue Year for all at Boundary Park!
  6. Unless the club have an exit clause in his contract, which means they could get rid of him cheaper at the end of the season? Given that Latics are still paying the 3 coaches, I wouldn't be surprised if the club only brought in 1 new (experienced) coach with a contract until the end of the season. That would suggest that they would need to employ someone who is currently unemployed. I presume Tony P and Paul Gerrard (who's effectively under the threat of the sack) will also help out in the short term.
  7. Overtaken by events!! Unless PD quits as a matter of (delayed) principle, then he's here until the end of the season (at least).
  8. Eyre and Bunn are both coaching - with the youth team(s)? - at Huddersfield.
  9. I may now be in a minority but I think that Paul Dickov should stay, at least until the end of the season. A new manager would ideally need 3 or 4 weeks to assess his new group of players before making any changes - budgets permitting. As such, if we were going to sack Dickov, we should have made the move at the end of last month! I'd let Dickov - who does seem to have persuasive skills or good contacts - try and extend Baxter's contract and re-sign Derbyshire in January, and - budget permitting - sign an experienced and vocal centre back or central midfielder to strengthen the spine of the team. Hopefully, he'd also be able to ship out a couple of the youngsters - such as Millar and Hughes - on loan. Unless there are contract exit clauses that we are not aware of, we simply can't afford to sack Dickov, Taggart and Butler! Even if we could I'm still not convinced that a new manager would be able to turn things around with the squad that we have. Nevertheless, who some supporters want to bring in seems to differ from day to day. Some seem to jump on the latest bandwagon, which was Sean O'Driscoll a few days ago but it's now Keith Hill. If vacancy did arise there would be the usual tired old calls for the return of Dowie or Ritchie or Sheridan. I'd also expect calls for Paul Scholes to join us as player manager, or an ex Latics player such as Gregan to return. We also keep getting told that this is the best squad that we have had for a long time, but I beg to differ. There are some good, or promising, players, but do they compare with the recent past? We've a couple of decent 'keepers. Warbara is very promising, but is he as good as Eardley when he left Latics? Grounds is certainly better than Black, but not as good a defender as Sheehan. Byrne has been a decent, experienced, addition but he is no Sean Gregan. M'voto on his day is a good stopper, but he's not one of the best centre backs in League One. I'd swap either Furman or Wes for Wellens or Kilkenny any day, and the younger Croft was better than the older Croft. Although Montano shows promise, he's no David Eyres. Even Derbyshire's goal ratio is not as good as Beckett's or Hughes'! At best we are an average team with an average budget! I've supported Latics for 42 years and we're still in a better position than when I first started watching them in 1970. We also made the best progress under manager's who stayed the course - Jimmy Frizzell and Joe Royle. I know the football at BP has been unexciting for a while, but I think it's time for a bit of solidarity and conviction. Happy New Year.
  10. Maybe a few more names to consider in this lot: http://www.thesackrace.com/job-centre
  11. See other thread! http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40385
  12. I think the above is more of an accurate reflection of the match compared to some of the comments on here. Apart from a poor start we had the better of the first half, and the team were applauded off the pitch at half-time by the supporters around me. In the second half it felt like the two teams had neutralised one another, and that the game was heading for a draw. According to Sky "the home side were on course for a well-deserved point". Even the Doncaster manager said the game could have gone either way. We shaded the possession and, by 11 to 4, had more attempts on goal against a team 4th in the table. Personally, I'd have withdrawn Changy at least 10 minutes earlier as the player looked completely knackered, and I'd have given Taylor at least a 10 minute run-out in place of Smith. However, we're in a results driven business and the spotlight will continue to shine on Dickov. A new manager would need 3 or 4 weeks to assess his new group of players before making any changes - budgets permitting. As such a new manager would ideally have been in place by the beginning of December, and it's now possibly too late to make an effective change. I wouldn't be surprised if Dickov was still in charge for the last game of the season!
  13. This maybe a way of testing the water for the home fans. However, it doesn't look like they'll get the 15,000 crowd SC was hoping for! With tickets at £10 or £12 how much will Latics get from gate receipts?
  14. Cisak: ' . . .there is also a contractual dispute going on with the club at the moment, which makes things a bit more difficult.' ‘I’m a bit disappointed with the way it has been handled by the club' They put it in single quotation marks, so it must be completely true!
  15. To save me looking it up, how much £££s have we won to get to round 3.
  16. 2:30 or 2:40pm I think. Man City away would be fine by me.
  17. My LP kept cutting out all through the match. Could only get it back if I clicked on the Donny commentary and then click back on Latics. I thought it was only me! I wondered what the annoying click was. Thought it was Gordy's teeth! Anybody any ideas how it can be improved?
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