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Everything posted by LaticMark

  1. My LP kept cutting out all through the match. Could only get it back if I clicked on the Donny commentary and then click back on Latics. I thought it was only me! I wondered what the annoying click was. Thought it was Gordy's teeth! Anybody any ideas how it can be improved?
  2. I'm sure there used to be a league rule that you could not recall a player in the first month of a loan? I just hope Latics' recall clause is watertight!
  3. I'm sure I read in the Rarely Wrong that the player was a striker?
  4. Given that his contract expires in January, I think it's about time talks began! http://www.oldham-chronicle.co.uk/news-features/10/oldham-athletic-news/74939/i-want-to-stay
  5. Interesting interview for those who remember the 1970s! http://www.oldbaggies.com/cms/index.php?page=david-shaw
  6. See http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39630
  7. Now in the Rarely Wrong . . . http://www.oldham-chronicle.co.uk/news-features/10/oldham-athletic-news/73643/fans-back-latics-boss
  8. I'm sure short-term loan deals can be extended to 3 months. We'll see! Good signing though.
  9. MENOAFC ‏@MENOAFC Here's one you may have seen earlier (!). Matt Derbyshire signs for Latics.#oafc pic.twitter.com/jgSCljr3
  10. Then Billy Q shouted "Matt - phone call for you".
  11. Tnoy Bubgy is still there as I had an email off him this morning!!
  12. Latics would like to apologise for any inconvenience experienced with accessing Latics Player this season.! http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/article/140912-laticsplayer-366501.aspx
  13. More news to follow? MENOAFC ‏@MENOAFC @jbaxter_37 signs for four months, Slew back to Blackburn, more news due. #oafc.
  14. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/article/140912-slewloan-367236.aspx Recalled by Blackburn.
  15. Signed today. 4 month deal. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/article/140912-baxtersigns-367257.aspx
  16. OAFC Commercial ‏@OAFC_Commercial I'd suggest checking the #OAFC website this afternoon and not just because of @de4no22 and a vuvuzela... Another clue, maybe? MENOAFC ‏@MENOAFC The good news is set to be upon us, fellow 'tics. Some good detectives out there is all I will say. #oafc
  17. Interesting to read the attached article from Th' Advertiser, in December 2003. Danny Gazal said: "The attendances are key. We need to get to a position where 8 to 9,000 people are coming on a regular basis. We particularly believe in attracting the kids and want to go out to schools and encourage families along through new ideas." See http://menmedia.co.u..._love_football_ for full article. The following is part of an article by David Conn, which was published by The Independent in March 2004. (Can't find the link anymore). "Blitz and Gazal had watched English clubs flopping into administration and decided they would like to buy one, looked at Hull first, then landed on Oldham. Corney said: "It's very expensive to get involved in American football, but it's a childhood dream to run an English club." As Oldham are losing money and struggling for crowds in the lee of the Manchester clubs, there has to be an angle, and there is: 22 acres of land around Boundary Park. "The first day we went to Oldham, we were shown the land," Blitz said, "and we decided right then we would do the deal." Their idea is that the club will usually need money to keep going, rather than make a profit, so they will develop the land for offices, a hotel, conferencing and banqueting, although their plans are not yet concrete. "We're researching it, visiting other clubs to see what they do, then we will decide," Blitz added. He said that Oldham, a large enough town, has too few such facilities, or places even to hold a wedding, and loses business to Manchester. They want the development to make money for the club and, in the end, be worth something, which will make money for them."
  18. We'll soon see whether Clarke can cut the mustard in a struggling League 1 team.
  19. PD now up to 3rd favourite! http://www.oddscheck...rmanent-manager
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