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Everything posted by LaticMark

  1. Great win tonight, but I missed whether Mvoto got a straight red or a second yellow. As Tarky is injured, who do we have to play alongside Diamond on Saturday?
  2. I can remember Collins chinning someone, and I seem to recall that he got away with it as well. Collins was only about 5' 6".
  3. Didn't Mike Newton 'offer' to invest £500k in Port Vale*. If so, can we have the £500k please! (* Isn't he a Stoke City fan as well?)
  4. Diamond for me. Under the Freedom of Information Act can we have the names of the 7 people who voted for Reid!
  5. Radio Manchester's Saturday afternoon football programme, with Jimmy Wagg.
  6. If anyone wants to tune in before, or on the way to, the match.
  7. The sun is now shining in Saddleworth, and the forecast is ok for this afternoon. At least they shouldn't need the sprinklers before the match!
  8. The original decision by the Charity Commission was made in February. I’m not sure when the council appealed, but it has taken around 6 months to get a revised decision! Yard Dog suggested that some people may owe the council an apology, but if the (previous Lib Dem) council had done their homework and made a full and thorough application to the Charity Commission in the first place we wouldn’t be in this farcical situation now! I still can’t make up my mind whether we should opt for Failsworth or a revamped BP, although it would seem easier to raise the revenue required by selling all the land at BP! My heart is pulling towards BP, but my head is pushing towards Failsworth! The cost of the Lancaster Club site is supposed to be independently verified by specialist third-party valuers, but I would have thought this would now be worth more if the neighbouring 8 to 10 acres could also be developed. If Latics don’t move to Failsworth I’d like the council to honour its pledge to Oldham Rugby and part-fund the building of a small rugby stadium on the site. If not then build a big hotel to shut up the FRAG Nimbys and Luddites once and for all!! In the meantime I wonder when Latics will make an official statement about this latest twist?
  9. You really couldn't make this up, could you! At the moment I don't know what to think!
  10. What time will you tweet? What time is the press conference? What time will the MEN website be updated?
  11. Brass Bank Ltd has been bought by someone called Chris Moore?
  12. Boundary Commission to transfer Failsworth to Tameside? Charity Commission agree Clayton Playing Fields and BP land swap? Oil discovered under the Lancaster club? Failsworth site valued at £199? Charity Commission agree Failsworth land swap? Am I getting warmer?
  13. @iroytoniroyton RT @ianandrewbarker Press conference at Oldham Council tomorrow morning re #oafc and the deal.
  14. Yes, interesting that Corney chose the words ‘former partners’. However, if we have a 20 year, or 40 year, lease with Blitz and Gazal does the club have to pay them rent? I presume Corney will own 97% of the shares in Oldham Athletic (2004) Ltd, or will the Trust now take a bigger percentage? At least Corney is staying, which wasn’t clear last season. The big question is where the bulk of the money to build the new Broadway stand will come from.
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