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Everything posted by dec666

  1. Let's get DiCanio in, we're already a joke and it would be a good laugh while it lasted.
  2. I'm not even convinced Elokobi is that big of a miss, he's been good on his day but Dieng played centre back in our best run this season.
  3. Like we're in a position to go and pick a manager away from another League One club.
  4. Sorry, I misread. Philliskirks best game this season was Rochdale and we all know where he played that day. I'm not expecting David Silva here, but if you watch Philliskirks movement in the number 10 position it's so poor, it leaves us with no link to the front two.
  5. I couldn't do two quotes on my phone, the stuff in quotation marks was written by ChaddySmoker.
  6. "If Winchester was ever the best player at the club we might as well throw in the towel. He is not and never has been even for 90 minutes so stop trying to create your own agenda, he is lightweight never wins a tackle, never goes past his man on the outside never ever creates more problems on that side than his opponent creates against him. Might as well put him on the available list now because he is not good enough no matter what his 'fans' come out with. Get a proper midfielder in place!" Please don't tell people they don't have a clue when you produced the moronic statement I've quoted.
  7. Perhaps I was slightly harsh. But better than Winchester? Not a chance. He's not played well for a while but I do like Jones, harsh to single him out when the majority of players have lacked the fight in certain games.
  8. I'm going to presume you're just trolling, so I won't dignify this post with a proper response.
  9. If we'd signed Winchester in the summer and he'd put in the performances he has this season it would be a different story. Mike Jones has been anonymous for weeks now, just another player on a big wage who's heart isn't in it.
  10. Go on then, who's better? Absolutely nobody, is it because he's one of our own? Is it because LJ has criticised him so we all have to follow our leader, who has undermined him all season? He's our Baxter/Harkins this season and he's come through the youth, something to be proud of.
  11. Why is Carl Winchester not playing behind the striker when he's by far and away the best player at the club?
  12. He is the worst player in this team, but Johnson signed him so on he plays.
  13. It's blatantly obvious that Johnson doesn't like players he didn't sign. The fiasco with Winchester proved that.
  14. Philiskirk has to go, what on earth is going on that leads to him being picked every week, he's an absolute joke of a player. Is it a coincidence we beat Scunthorpe and Swindon without him.
  15. I think if he's been offered it he'll take it. Good opportunity for him.
  16. Top 10 would be massive progress on previous seasons, but away from league positions, it's just been a very enjoyable season (so far) for the most part. That's what matters most.
  17. Mellis was injured and out of the picture at Blackpool before he came here, he hasn't played much.
  18. I think the save Kean made towards the end made up for the error on it's own.
  19. I'm sure I remember somebody on here saying we've been asked to improve them, but we are reluctant to do so given that the new stand will have new floodlights.
  20. I don't mind as long as they're only temporary? Surely they're not the new permanent floodlights?
  21. Winchester looked like it was just cramp and tiredness.
  22. They were a very good League One passing team but they completely folded in that first 20. We seemed to be happy for them to get to the edge of the box, but once they got there they ran out of ideas a bit. I can only remember the one shot near the end that actually took place inside the box, other than that it was mostly long range efforts. Having watched the Bradford-MK game last night I'd be amazed if Swindon didn't finish second.
  23. Let's be realistic and concentrate on the last two spots.
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