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Everything posted by dec666

  1. Wouldn't be surprised if they're still keeping it under wraps. Latics have a good relationship with the Oldham Chronicle and MEN. Comes in handy at times like this.
  2. I've agreed with BP mostly about the two holding midfielders, but the system is working a lot better now and Kelly and Jones do try to get us moving forward. The balls Dayton and Turner knocked across the 6 yard box were nothing to do with the midfielders, it was the strikers that were nowhere to be found.
  3. 'Kareful' Korey is ripping up trees at top of the league Bristol City. They love him. He was clearly way too good for that team last season.
  4. We could have played without a defence today, Gillingham had very little interest in trying to score a goal.
  5. Winchester must be on peanuts really. Get a 3 year contract in front of him for improved money, show him just how valued he has become.
  6. Thought the first half was similar to the Orient game. Played decent football and the chances were coming, it's just the finishing that's lacking. Second half we sat a bit too deep but were solid at the back, with the exception at times of Mills, who let their number 7 in way too easily. Overall though it was very pleasing.
  7. I've already seen enough of him to completely disregard Leeds fans views. There was nothing wrong with his touch, he also made some decent runs and held the ball up quite well when he had to. Certainly didn't look like a brainless footballers to me. Promising start for him.
  8. Am I the only person who has never been that bothered by how Porter left?
  9. Fee for Poleon being reported as around 100k on Twitter.
  10. I have been a massive advocate for playing Winchester in the middle, but he's playing so well coming in off the right. Why change it.
  11. Peterborough gave him to us for free with a sell on.
  12. Rumour we're signing Anthony Grant on loan from Crewe.
  13. He needs to be given a long contract immediately.
  14. I get the feeling Winchester wouldn't be half as :censored: in some peoples minds if we had signed him from another club.
  15. Winchester is the best player at the club by a long stretch. He'll move on to better things.
  16. Wolves clearly saw enough to play him at LB in the Premier League.
  17. From what I've seen so far Jones will be a much better player than Wesolowski.
  18. That stat is completely made up, surely? Edit: I missed that you said home games.
  19. You are not allowed to stand in a seated stadium, what do you want the club to do?
  20. I thought we were pretty poor for the majority of the game, but Lee Johnson thinks we won the game on the grass, so that's all that matters I guess.
  21. Ok then, we'll continue to play 5 in midfield and be safe, while falling well short up front. We're setting up like an away team at home.
  22. Rachubka - Only because we have nobody else. Brown Wilson Dieng Mills Dayton Winchester Jones Forte Gros/Philiskirk Clarke-Harris
  23. Did he really talk about adding players? Now he's the one overreacting and refusing to have a look at himself. That performance today was mostly down to him and his awful tactics at home. Kelly and Mills aside the majority of the players showed me enough to believe they'll do a good job for us, in particular Jones, Dieng, Winchester and Forte.
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