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Everything posted by dec666

  1. Now I know Harry McGuire has had a decent couple of seasons, but I've just seen United are chasing him and he's rated at 4m. If Tarky keeps this up for the rest of the season, as far as I can see the only thing McGuire has over him is consistency at the moment, what do people think his serious value should be. Tarky is far stronger running it out, a much better passer of the ball and has scored a fair few goals, as well as defending brilliantly so far. Not that I want him sold and obviously he has to keep his performance levels up but it's hard not to get excited by what we've seen so far this season.
  2. We called Doncaster off last season. People over on the PNE board seemed to think we both promised Sky we wouldn't call this one off
  3. I thought last week, the difference between us being mid table and making a real push is a creative midfielder next to Smith.
  4. Two balls caused the keeper some problems, but only because they were so over hit.
  5. His final delivery is hit and miss but there's plenty to work with. Was great to hear him admit he needs to improve his shooting on an interview as well.
  6. He didn't play well tonight or Saturday, I don't think we're utilising him in the right way. He's not exactly a giant, but he's a very strong player, get it in to his feet in and around the box and I'm sure hell cause problems.
  7. I thought Rooney would be that man, but he causes no problems for the defence. He's a strong player, we need to get it in to his feet more as he's quite weak under long balls.
  8. They were either straight in to the keepers arms or effectively shots on goal! I do agree in a sense though, set pieces badly need to be worked on, delivery and movement in the middle not good enough on them tonight.
  9. Disappointed with Rooney again tonight, didn't win a single header! Schmeltz was ok in patches but needs to improve his delivery. We were brilliant in every area tonight, just like on Saturday, except for the area were it matters. If we can get that right, there's no reason we can't challenge at the top end. Mills deliveries were poor, we must have somebody who can deliver better free kicks/corners? Defending was brilliant, back 4 fantastic, it's just a shame their hard work was ruined by two poor challenges, Preston never troubled us in the slightest tonight so it's a shame! As for Tarky, majestic, again!
  10. Matt Chambers just tweeted he is on international duty with Slovakia under 21's
  11. The team is: Oxley, Lanzoni, Tarky, Grounds, Mills, Schmeltz, Smith, Wes, Dayton, Rooney, Philiskirk. No Rusnak on the bench, he's with Slovakia U21's
  12. At this point I'm starting to believe it might be intentional, how on earth can somebody who used to work for a paper be responsible for this mess!
  13. Great read, the more I hear/read what he says, the more my confidence in him grows.
  14. Judging by twitter, they haven't thought twice about adopting our song either. Since it became clear we sold him rather than him asking to leave, I'm glad to see him score, even if I have a strong dislike for Sheffield United.
  15. Believe me, you don't want this guy near our football club! It'll all go tits up at Salford eventually and the same would happen to us.
  16. I remember him being subbed at HT in the play off season, can't remember the game.
  17. Hope he's not another defencive midfielder!
  18. I expect Philiskirk to start tonight in place of Rooney or JCH, think he deserves a chance to show what he can do. Wouldn't be surprised if Rodgers started either but other than that, I think it will be same as Sat.
  19. Thank god LJ found Lanzoni, a real shame for Brown, much improved this season!
  20. I've seen the screenshot from Sky Transfers website, there's no mention of it on there anymore though. Can't see it being true, we're covered up front.
  21. I don't believe most things I read on here, hopefully this is one we can file under OWTB rumours and move on.
  22. Just spreading the word and praying it's not true!
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