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Posts posted by Davros

  1. I'l give 1000/1 that Trotters doesnt score! He is suspended.




    I couldnt care two toshes what score it is (obviously i hope we win) but its all about the occasion for me! Im as excited as a :censored: in a :censored::bobby:


    BUT for the sake of sakes il go for Everton 1 - 1 Oldham iv got that feeling like just before the Leeds game "i think we may pull this one out of the bag" Here's hoping.


    The daily star on saturday or sunday predicted Oldham to get a 1-1 draw and was their best bet for a cup shock!


    Attendance 28,254 (Have we even sold all our allocation when i went in before walsall game there were a good 1,000 tickets left??)





    P.s I also predict i hear the words " why are oldham playing in that funny orange colour" and that at least one person jumps up when everton score thinking were in blue what with the part time hardcore following of i aint been to oldham since we played chelsea at BP brigade!!!

  2. Fast approaching January 2007....yes, 2007....all over again. Be interesting to see how Shez performs this time. Reason I say that is coz last year, we faced a situation whereby we had Porter and Warne and Shez wanted a 3rd choice striker. The biggest sticking point was the settled 2 upfront meant anyone being offered knew they'd probably be coming here to play from the bench. The same can be said again....would anyone coming in (unless it's someone far better than this level) be played above Hughes or Davies? Can't see it. Really does leave us with few to go at in the market.


    Last Jan, Shez sat on this, said he would wait....and he did....and he waited still and he never acted quick enough and it appeared costly to us. Only when he finally plumped for Clarke did we turn things around slightly and stay in the playoffs. I hope when he says he's learned a lot from last season, we see him rolling the dice a bit more this Jan than last....we won't be getting the cream but we still could fall lucky if we act early enough. Scunny did with Beckford.


    Also, I've noted elsewhere that if KK stays or if KK goes and we get a loanee to replace him then I can see Kalala being asked if he wants to go etc. However, that above implies it might not be the case. Be interesting to see how that plays out.


    The greedy beggers wouldnt stay on in my FM2008 :angry: Killer even went as far as saying he wouldnt even consider Oldham.... I know its only virtual but it still counts!!!!



    Sorry il leave now!

  3. Anyone got a reply from this chap? I wrote to him immeditaley post meetiong and received a 'message delete unread' on my system. I have written to him again and copied David Jones in. I have an automated message from DJ as he was on leave but nothing from Mr Iqbal.


    I wonder if he can read English? Perhaps we needed to find someone who could translate English to Bengali or whatever?




  4. Read a few posts on here annoyed at Davies so wondered who we would rather have?


    2 Different kind of players i know but both employed to score goals.


    Please forget that Porter bent us over, base your response purely on footballing ability.


    Both, i think they both would be great together... Porter does the one thing we lack... find the net. And davies creates chances and gives so much to the team drifting to the right, I think hughes will find his shooting boots and become more ruthless in front of goal because i believe hughes will be better than Porter id say Davies! :grin: If you get what i mean! :huh:

  5. I love all this 'what do you expect' bolox. Nobody's expecting James or Robinson, but Ronnie managed to get Lee Grant on loan from Derby a couple of seasons back and Grayson seemed to do ok getting Joe Hart in last year from City when Rachubka got injured, both of whom I reckon we'd all have in the side before Crossley.


    Crossley made a couple of decent saves on Saturday but he looks desperately unfit - doesn't seem very mobile at all. He seemed to badly mis-judge a couple of shots on Saturday and he certainly doesn't give me a great deal of confidence. The other thing which I find very worrying about him at the moment is the amount of times he seems to keep looking over his shoulder to see where the goal is. A keeper of his experience really should know exactly where his sticks are without even looking back. I think it says it all when 'd much rather have Beresford between the sticks right now - it's a shame he got injured.


    Well what do you expect... we obviously aint got the money to be throwing new keepers in, Beresford was an exception due to having no one else as back up! The chances are Shez will get a someone in on loan replacement once Ricketts has been offloaded but untill then an unfit keeper who probably wanted more time to recover from his injuries is doing ok and shouldnt be slagged off!

  6. Oh my oh my! Crossley granted not the greatest keeper to have graced the earth but bleedin hell what do you expect! Dya think shez can get David James or Robinson on loan?? Even these two would be jeered by some so called fans of this club!! Crossley made some decent saves, kept the back line in order and all in all did a good job... His kicking granted was wayward (in terrible conditions) which Shez so kindly pointed out to him in the first half by a rolicking!?! To me Crossley looks desperatley unfit via his recent injuries and not being able to have the time off he needed from his injury to recover! Crossley is all we have no good throwing a rookie in and there is no one in the loan market worth throwing money at.. Granted he aint the best but i for one praise him for stepping in and doing a half decent job whilst unfit and kernobs at the game doing nothing but slating him!


    You can look at all the stats in the world but the reason for us not being in the top half of the table is because of how we play in the final third and the lack of composure in front of goal.. NOT NORMAN!



  7. Like on so many other occasions, it was obviously going to end in tears after he was given all that abuse! Why not wait until the final whistle to ask Wellens about the score? :bigcry::disappointed::ohno:


    I was sat in the mainstand and as Wellens left the pitch shez gave him a pat and said well played or something to that tune! Im no lip reader but it looked like that and wad friendly in nature! As he came off fans by him shouted "greedy" and whats the score but he sat down and didnt look bothered by it!

  8. What better time to post than the night of December 5th exactly a month after bonfire night and 20days off xmas wooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


    18 days till xmas now thats the best time to post!!!



    I WIN!!!! :first:

  9. cant wait to see the crowd reaction when they announce he is playing. he hasnt been one of the most loved players at latics has he. boo's maybe?


    If he was booed whilst here just imagine when he aint, with all the speculation surrounding his departure too!! Terrell F :censored: s got a bit of a slating last year.... i can see this being much worse!

  10. "Ricketts was allowed to play for Walsall in the FA Cup – and he will also play against Athletic in the game at Boundary Park on December 29."


    Why the hell are we allowing him to play against us....beggers belife!


    Role Model to the fellow youngsters until - - :pokeuu: and then :violent111: They shouldnt have allowed him to play against us tho it might come back and bite us in the butt...

  11. ...because today I got winked at by Roger Palmer!!!

    HA! I RULE!!!


    Me > Stares at RP like an excited school girl at a Take That concert

    RP > Winks

    Me > "****ing hell!! You're Roger Palmer!"

    RP > "Yep" ... GIANT GRIN and carries on walking!

    BEST DAY EVER!!! :grin:


    :bounce: Absolute ledge!! He lives in sale, and the barber's i visit always say he's always walking round but never had the privelage of seeing him.

  12. Some good ideas. Atmos went downhill when all seating stadia came into force. Sections of singers used to be able to stand next to each other at will. Also sitting down you cant generate as much noiz as standing up. I think really it is down to individuals passion and spirit. I think some people have seen a decline over the last 10 years that the spirit has been drained from them so their will to get up and sing has gone. I am utterly baffled by there only being half of the Chaddy singing and the other half not - very confusing. As I have said before, if you are sat amongst a group of people who clearly dont want to sing and you feel you cannot express yourself amongst them, come and sit at the bottom right hand side of the Chaddy. There are a section of us who will have a sing song regardless of whether anyone else is joining. As far as the drum is concerned, it DOES get people going but just needs to be a little more choicy of which songs it is trying to get going. Without it I feel we would be part of a Specials song (no not Much Too Young) - Ghost Town!


    Prime case was the home leg of B'Pool in the playoff i sat in the Chaddy end towards the left (away from the singers) who whilst your sat in the Chaddy were making a right noise... didnt help that game everyone being scattered about i stand up start singing and some miserable burk behind me tells me to sit down and be quiet!! Utterly astonished.... Another problem with atmosphere is over zealous stewards moaning about sitting down, that just annoys me especially when everyone is stood up, fair enough why seating was introduced but surely there are no safety issues if everyone is stood in front of their seat and no one around is bothered by your standing. I like to mix it about in BP and there is knowhere you can sit where the majority around you want to sing and thats our problem! You get the Chaddy lot and then the ones to the in the Lower and Upper NSM stand we could do with these lot joining forces in one area of the ground to bulster the vocals.

  13. Latics fans hitting latics fans ??


    FFS some people need to get a life! :angry:


    How old where the people involved ? To be fair I have seen how some "parents" react when someone tells there kid off for dicking around. If your kid is dicking around and someone tells it too sod off then thats right in my eyes and you should shout at the kid and appolgies to the adult.


    That said, no justification in latics fans hitting each other. Need to get the club to ban this prat that hit him!


    Im shocked i tell thee.... what a FOOL ban him... :jailed:


    Kids are kids and any adult instead of shouting at another's kid should approach the parents and ask them to have a word not punch him about!!! what is the world comin too

  14. if the area is 18 yards long then he shud be catching anything within 10 its a basic goalkeeping principle. maybe the def shud have headed it but as ive said before a keeper should forget that and just take ball, man, everything. he would have when he was 28.


    It was a team effort the Luton goal... :tongue1:


    Bertrand (i think) lunged in to conceed the free kick!

    The Ref - Because i want to blame him for everthing. :angry:

    Hughes - Played everyone on side!

    Defence - Maybe should of been cleared

    Crossley- Maybe should come out for it maybe he shouldnt :pizza:

    Davies - Has he not learnt yet to only score in the last min of either full or half time so we can have a breather. Everytime he does somethin silly like scoring this happens straight after. :dunce:

    Me - I didnt wear my lucky pants. :ass1:

    Oh and their number 33 for looking like elijah off emerdale(or however you spell it, the dingle one) not that i watch Emmerdale :unsure:


    All in all there was a few very small incidents that occured which all concluded in us conceding therefor official verdict crossley = not guilty, i think you will find many keepers wouldnt have gone for it as there were defenders in the way who maybe should of done better!

  15. im afraid you are wrong about wolves as they allocated 3150 seats and the crowd was 3148 the two seats were a few rows in front of me and my mate who slipped the steward a tenner to get in sat in one of them the guy there said they were his mates who had got stuck on holiday due to a cancelled flight. and anyways i distinctly remember it being confirmed sold out.

    also scunthorpe was i know of at least 10 who travelled without tickets and sat in the home end.

    blackpool away in the league fans were locked out of the away end.

    brentford already mentioned.

    BUT you are correct that anyone who wants one for leeds will prob get one especially as its new years day and people will miss it due to pagan festivities.


    There will be lots n lots n lots of tickets.......... anyway iv already got a plan B for the Everton game and its called sitting in the home end, but doubt very much we will sell all our allocation.. IF anyone is that desperate to secure their place there then why not book the executive trip on the OS £65 free meal, exec transport and champagne reception.


    Leeds game i cant see us selling that many tickets anyway... but if ya want one and dont leave it last minuite you will get one!

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