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Magic Mikey

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Posts posted by Magic Mikey

  1. With regards to them being refereded to The Latics its only a nickname


    How many teams have the nickname the blues or the reds Do Chelsea, City, Birmingham or Everton fans have the same discussion as to who is the real bues? Or do West Ham, Burnley and Aston Villa fans have the same debtae as to who is the real clarets?




    Firstly, I don't think Hammers and Villans fans are bothered that Burnley are nicknamed the Clarets, nor any club that another also, unimaginatively, use the colour of their home shirt.

    The word Latics was a shortened form of Athletic used by Oldham fans, they copied / stole it; that is the difference. If they had the slightest bit of wit or imagination, they would call themselves the Pie Eaters, but they haven't so plagiarism ruled.


    This! Everyone seems to have forgotten that, in identical fashion to Citeh, they've been absolutely bankrolled into the PL... Wigan's players are millionaires, the club get tonnes and tonnes of cash from TV and so on! Unlike Us v Liverpool/Everton, this wasn't David vs Goliath - this was very rich team vs very very very rich team...

    Exactly this ^. The vast majority of PL armchair football fans in this country are unaware that Whelan bought them a way into the top flight, much as Jack Walker brought a title to Blackburn with cash. They buy the likkul Wigan image, when in fact they were the Man City of their status and time. Whelan has gone right down in my estimation in recent times with his defence of Macmanaman's horrendous tackle and his comments about Thatcher.

    Relegation this week, Martinez to Everton and a slide to oblivion will do me nicely.

    Come on you Gunners.

  3. Nothing less than 7-0 defeat for Wigan will do for me. No hat tricks though, Stan should keep that, no modern day footballer should take it.

    Ideally Wigwam come close and have it torn away from them in the last minute. Ripping the stuffing out of them and further demoralising them, ensuring their slide into the Championship.

    I will be happy when we are above them in the league again, as per most of their history.

  4. The commentary from Southampton of Stitch's late goal was pretty special….


    Andy Buckley on GMR before he covered CIty

    Never heard it. It was pretty special in the ground though.

    One Roger Milford, there's only one Roger Milford, one Roger Milford, there's only one Roger Milford........

    On the highlights I remember the cameras going onto a young girl celebrating their "winner" . I laughed every time knowing what was about to happen.

  5. The stadium is being used for the U.K. shadow puppet championships. They can't kick off until it goes dark, things ran late when the Barnsley team, who only needed a point to qualify from their group, refused to make any effort to move from a basic dog shadow to a more elaborate one.

  6. Griffin Park - 4 visits

    Huish Park - 1 Visit


    Bramall Lane - 3 Visits

    County Ground - 3 Visits

    Brisbane Road - 3 Visits

    Stadium MK - 2 Visits (1 Visit to NHS)

    Bescot Stadium - 5 Visits

    Broadfield - 1 Visit

    Prenton Park - 9 Visits

    Meadow Lane - 7 Visits

    Gresty Road - 6 Visits

    Deepdale - 5 Visits

    Ricoh Arena - 1 Visit

    Greenhous Meadow - 1 Visit (1 Visit to Gay Meadow)

    Brunton Park - 3 Visits

    Broadhall Way - 1 Visit

    WHCS - 1 Visit (2 Visits to Layer Road)

    Priestfield - 1 Visit

    Vale Park - 9 Visits

    New York Stadium - 0 Visits (1 Visit each to Millmoor & Don Valley)


    Sixfields - 6 Visits

    Valley Parade - 3 Visits


    Molineux - 2 Visits

    Ashton Gate - 3 Visits

    London Road - 2 Visits


    So only 'new' ground is Rotherham's new stadium, you can see why i'm more than pissed off with this league…..

    Where will Coventry be playing? I thought they'd left the Ricoh.

  7. envy is for weak people, besides Yeovil deserve it we spent half the season passing the ball sideways and backwards, Yeovil spent their season putting the ball in the back of the net

    I'm envious. Now can anyone help me get the lid off this jar?

  8. I think the most enjoyable thing about it is watching it on Sky and listening to those :censored:wit commentators patronise Yeovil for 80+ minutes before Yeovil score and one of Sky's big clubs is sent packing.


    "What a dream it would be for Yeovil to beat a team that was in the Premier League just 5 years ago!!"


    Suck it.

    I liked the banner:


    Karl Robinson



    I detest that :censored:.

  9. It's all about percentages. If Peterborough had fallen behind in the very first minute I doubt Hudds/Barnsley would have stopped "competing" for 89 minutes (or until Peterborough equalised). They "competed" until news fed through that the scoreline as it stood would suffice for both teams - knowing that the likelihood of Peterborough equalising was either slim or non-existent.


    The line, as it were, is simply a judgment based on common sense.

    So if Posh were 6-0 down with 2 men sent off at half time it would be okay to do it for the entire second half.

  10. Yes it would although that's not what happened though is it? The game was a 2-2 draw with all the competitiveness that the scoreline suggests.


    Also, where do you think the line should be drawn? Should teams ensure that the ball spends so much time in the opposition half? Should the referee have instructed the Huddersfield forwards to press and risk letting a goal in? Should there be a maximum number of defenders on the pitch? The FL have already addressed the issue by making the final games kick off at the same time. This final minute didn't have anything to do with sending Peterborough down - their own 46 matches did.

    You agree ninety minutes of refusing to compete is unacceptable, but find a couple of minutes okay. So where would you draw the line?

  11. So where's the line drawn? Let's say both teams had known at kick-off that a draw would keep them both up, which is sometimes the case, and they'd tapped the ball a yard from the centre circle from kick off and then all stood still for 45 mins, then repeated for the second half. Would that still just be tough titties?


    Any comparison to running it to the corner flag are a nonsense; that's done to keep the ball from the other team on the pitch, who are trying to win it back and therefore both teams are competing in one way or another.

    This ^

    I don't understand comparisons to keeping possession or even running the ball to the corner. If they had carried on playing with neither team making a serious attempt to attack, then I would agree with the tough titty attitude. The fact is they simply stopped playing, as Stevie points out, where do you draw the line before taking action: two minutes, ten, twenty, ninety?

    Whilst I don't think that there is any need for anything like a points deduction, I think it needs to be made clear that this is unacceptable and future occurrences will be dealt with. Otherwise a dangerous precedent will have been set.

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