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Magic Mikey

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Posts posted by Magic Mikey

  1. To be honest, I'd say most people are over reacting about the whole situation. It's not the end of the world.

    I think that it has generated some sensible discussion about junior season tickets and the need to control antisocial behaviour during matches throughout the season.

    My final thought, cctv camera permanently on the creche area, monitored by the spooks in the shed on the paddock steps, coppers on hand to eject anyone seen throwing objects, setting fire to hair etc.

  2. I know Stone Island has a long-standing link to hooliganism, but as a clothing brand I've always been a huge fan of Massimo Osti (the late chap behind Stone Island and CP Company). Quite groundbreaking stuff he was producing (I bought quite a lot of it between about 1993 and 2000) which was effectively an exercise to see how different fabrics responded to different dying and manufacturing processes coupled with his love of military surplus wear. I don't think there's been a clothing brand quite like it and never will be.


    All this and it gets a huge rep from knuckle-dragging knobheads, 99% of them would know or give a :censored: about its back-story, how it was made and why it was made.


    Oh, and Sting's a massive fan too. Has a wardrobe full of rare Osti pieces. The :censored:.

    We were just talking in the pub after the game about his collaboration with Levis to make the OCD jacket and how it was so far ahead of its time. I wear mine to tidy up in.





    (I know it's ICD)

  3. I vote on content if I feel bothered enough to do so - sometimes ironically, I certainly do not rate the individual. I urge others to do the same.

    I rarely downboat, I didn't do so to the OP which O4U eloquently picked apart, something I couldn't be arsed to attempt at quarter to twelve last night. I did inflict one on you on another thread out of childish petty revenge. I just thought the second one for a single word question was a bit harsh.

  4. Did anybody that posts in here go on the pitch against Sheff Wednesday in 1991? Three pitch invasions during the game then. One of them for scoring a goal when we were losing 2-0. How silly.


    I also recall some people on the pitch after Liverpool this season - not all of them kids.


    Shouldn't have happened in 1991, shouldn't have happened then and shouldn't have happened yesterday but try and apply a bit of perspective. They're kids acting in a way they shouldn't but they didn't start scrapping or smashing things up as far as I know. Talk of pricing them out of attending is an odd way to encourage a fan base.

    I don't think it's fair to compare an incredible 3 goal turnaround in the last few minutes to give you the Championship (as is) title, to a meaningless goal at the end of an abysmal home league season.

  5. He clearly wasn't at the game, in other posts he says the invasion was at the end of the game, which didn't happen. But let's not let the facts get in the way of another opportunity to have a go at the stewards or condone the actions of these scroats because they sing.

    Cue another downboating from Rummy.

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