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Magic Mikey

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Posts posted by Magic Mikey

  1. Testimonials seemed to occur all the time in the seventies. I particularly remember Jimmy Frizzell's against Citeh with fat Francis Lee winning and scoring a penalty (that could have been in a different testimonial or friendly). My dad took me in the main stand paddock in those days, I used to stand on the wall behind the advertising boards, it sticks in my mind because I had a really smelly Manc stood next to me, but I didn't want to move because I had a prime position with a buttress.

    On the way home my dad bought us all a fish supper and got himself a new overcoat, all for a tanner.


    Andy Ritchie testimonial mug still going strong, I also still have a bottle of his testimonial red wine (unopened).

  2. Well said O4U, couldn't agree more.


    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Gary Linekar.

    Absolutely! Any donkey can stand in the 6 yard box hoping the ball comes their way. There is an art to getting into that area at the same time as the ball ahead of the defender, an art clearly not appreciated by some who only remember the last couple of seconds before the ball hits the net.

  3. That was incredible. Soccer Am really need to get the footage of that. Controlling the ball out of the air on the touchline, knocking it round the defender and carrying on was pure class!

    From the view I had in the Rocky my initial thought was that he didn't mean it. I would love to see it again and be proved wrong.



    Are they runners or ghouls? I'd say if they're runners make an escape in the opposite direction fast, if they're ghouls you still don't want to hang around but you have more time. We could make a fight of it from the main stand upper, dropping them as they shuffle through the paddock with overcooked pies, and take out any that get above with makeshift lobo's made from pieces of Gordon's cutlery, etcs.

    That's crazy talk. Pies available!

  5. I dont often post, just see what's being said, Latic for 30 odd years, go most home and away when I can, so was suprised to see this site which is linked to Latics official site was moderated by a foul mouthed prat that is based in London???? My kids access the internet and Latics sites as do loads of others, do you want to explain your comments to them?? Take facts off the forum and replace them with your childish toilet humour. Stand back and look at what a complete embarrasment you are, you must have a wardrobe full of fluorescent jackets as you must be the most self important no-mark I have ever come across?

    I love coming on this site and would really miss it if it wasn't here, I would like to thank the "self important no marks" for giving up their time to make it possible.

    I'm afraid that in the real world people swear, I heard someone swear at a football match once, I have even heard that some schoolchildren swear. Just explain to your kids they will come across bad language (not just Mr 24hours' grammar) and not to use it themselves. If they aren't mature enough to understand that, maybe they shouldn't be unsupervised on the internet.

    I assume you are referring to posts taken down that were lauding violence at the Bury game. I find your priorities on what you get irate about a little strange. If you want to bask in football violence I believe there are a couple of vacancies coming up at Millwall.

    This message board is what it is, if you don't like it :censored: off (after making your donation towards the mods' enormous salaries).

  6. I actually think it's very evenly balanced. It's quite likely Scunny will take 3 points at Bury and possible we get nothing from the last 4 games or very little. Shrewsbury and Orient away are much more likely to yield some points over our home games for me.


    Honestly thought yesterdays first half performance was worse than any Sunday league game I've ever seen and was actually coming to the conclusion that there are far better players knocking about even in the amateur leagues than some of that on show yesterday. The second half managed to restore a little bit of faith but it was still pretty poor for the most part, Millar and Croft looking way ahead anything else on show. We'll have stayed up by luck and circumstances (ie. Scunny also being a pub team) this season if we manage it.

    There must be some :censored:ing good pub teams round your way.

  7. So if say the £31 was handed over as a £20 note, a £10 note and a £1 coin, the turnstile operator had to remove from his other takings £7 to tally the number of clicks with the gate receipts for VAT purposes. If he had the organisational ability to keep each of the surplus £7 separate, he's too clever to be a banker and he could do a better job of running the country's economy than George Osborne.


    Keep a tally of how many adults have gone through, multiply by 7 and take that amount from the pot at 3:00. Not rocket science but still probably beyond George Osbourne. :grin:

    (To the Neil Adams types out there, that was intended as a light hearted quip, I am not a communist.)

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