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Magic Mikey

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Posts posted by Magic Mikey

  1. One of the Bury director's was interviewed on Radio Manchester before kick off and said there's a few potential investors who are genuine Bury fans that have been in negotiations with the club over the last couple of days and whilst nothing is signed yet, he says things are looking more positive...


    Gary and Phil Neville?

    I am sure any potential investors there today will be confident that their investment will be safe within this superbly managed business.


    Edit: got there and their wrong. I have given myself 100 lines (writing not drugs)

  2. 1.) Had a tweet of a Bury fan saying they gave Sheffield United what we had last year, the opposite stand and half the main stand and they brought 1100. He was less than impressed


    2.) About 30 Oldham fans got kicked out after celebrating our winner in the main stand and it then kicked off. Hopefully no one was hurt but I wouldn't be surprised if someone was. I doubt GMP will be all that impressed as apparently they were happy to let our fans in that were locked out but the Bury chairman said no.


    3.) The stand wasn't full. Officially there were 20+ spare seats but there was more than that. Probably about 100. Apparently due to the number of restricted view seats the actual capacity is less than the number of seats

    On point 2) As far as I could see they were allowed to come into the "full" away end.

  3. They cant change allocation 20 mins before kick off. If we had half an incline we'd fill the stand, we should of requested the side as well. Cant do it on the afternoon of the game.

    The stand we had last year should have been left empty for just this scenario, just as we left them the big section of the rocky just in case. I was kicked out of my seat for that reason. Piss ups and breweries!

  4. Sneaking the theme in to the artist name without overtly mentioning them. So bad it's good.


    The lack of water in the paddock could now lead to Fisherman's Blues.

    Ta, I thought it was too easy otherwise. Like shooting a fish in barrel (although it is actually very difficult to shoot a fish in a barrel (unless it's the singer from Marillion)).

  5. Broady has some new music lined up for the next game. Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Simon and Garfunkel's Bridge of Troubled water. Johnny Cash Five Feet high and rising

    We need some ruling on the introduction of sub pun themes within the original thread. This particular tributary of songs and artists will just open the floodgates.

    Our priority now is to get the RRE roof fixed. At the last home game you could look through it and see the night sky, I saw the crescent, from his seat our kid saw the whole of the moon.

  6. Well said Barry, as difficult as it is, we need to be positive. We hit the post, had a goal disallowed, but people are only seeing the negatives. On Saturday we made at least 3 quality goalscoring opportunities apart from the goal and lost to 2 fantastic finishes, on another day our play over 90 minutes could easily have given us a 4 -0 win.

    Chins up guys and gals, lets get to Bury en masse and sing ourselves silly.

    Don't fret too much about Jose, back in the day we won the odd game without Stitch in the team.

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