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Magic Mikey

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Posts posted by Magic Mikey

  1. Haha, in one sense you're right but it just appeared the tactic was to try and have them relieve the pressure by lumping it long to them so the could use their strength and height to hold the ball up....problem is, neither are good enough to do that

    Furry muff, I still think his intent was to win. In his GMR interview he bemoaned the lack of physical and mental fitness that prevented us getting down to their box as a team.

  2. I thought we were pretty poor today, lots of misplaced passes, nothing much upfront and left their players unmarked so many times in the second half it was untrue...they could/should have scored 4 after the break.


    Baxter had a poor game I thought and Tarky and Brown do not inspire a huge amount of confidence at the back.


    Big Jean was immense as always, winning everything in the air but the back four continue to provide the opposition with chances as they just don't seem to talk to each other.


    I don't think if I've ever seen a player as happy/relieved to have scored as Barnard and the way the squad celebrated with him said a lot about how his efforts are appreciated.


    LJ pretty well gave up on any idea of trying to win the game by bringing on Iweliumo and Smith who managed to win not a single header between them and we were desperately hanging on for the final whistle


    In the end you have to say its a good point won but its yet another reminder of what a poor, poor division this is if Swindon are anywhere near automatic promotion.

    I wasn't at the game, but I don't see how bringing on 2 strikers is giving up on trying to win the game, quite the opposite.

  3. Having been at the game I wondered what your observations were of the alleged racist chanting. I could hear his name on the telly but didn't make out the full chant. I can see the England fans being angry at him turning his back on his country, but not to turn to that. If anything I would think the Ferdinands are supported by the fans, with the notable exception of Chelsea.

  4. Bloody forriners, comin' over 'ere, tekin' us football clubs!


    *Just reading through some of the previous posts, :censored:ing hell this is one drab crowd.


    St. Pauli and the IRA... What the actual :censored: are you on about?

    There appears to be a link between Celtic and St Pauli (when do they find time to support their own club?) So it is feasible IRA sympathetic chants could arise, especially if they are copying the chant not knowing the meaning.

  5. Ha ha, you teachers just can't switch off eh MM? You must be appalled at some of the spelling and grammar on here. Detention all around :grin: .



    PS. I'm going to a 1970's fancy dress part tonight. Can I borrow your tweed jacket and sandals?

    I am just against homophonia, the BBC are doing a straw poll at BP on Monday for an article on homophonia in football, it is particularly bad in small northern towns apparently.

    I'll get the jacket over to you, I just need to put some dubbin on the elbow patches.

  6. Just been told to pass a message on so here it is...


    " St Pauli should not be tolerated in Oldham, they sing song's in support of the IRA, we should not support them and there attempts to impose communist views at Oldham games "


    Don't shoot the messenger


    Further more I have been informed St Pauli have links with FC United

    Apologies if I missed it, but do we have a link with St Pauli beyond one ex pat with a political axe to grind and a mission to impose his favoured style of support on a club he doesn't even frequently attend?

  7. Let's all remember "win or lose let's have a booze and if a draw let's have some more" come on the blues :D

    In the early nineties our post match drink was always in the Dog and Partridge in Springhead. The landlady used to put free sausages on the bar. Our motto then was "win or lose have a sausage" . Until the health and safety nazis banned it (the free sausages, not the motto)

    Had to find something else to do in there. :drinking45:

  8. Enjoy. I booked to see the Inspirational Staircarpets at the Ritz tonight when it was a Saturday fixture.

    There will hopefully be somebody Directing Traffic on the magic roundabout (named after me!) We may have the Biggest Mountain to climb, we don't have Joe to lead us but whatever the result it won't be Dragging Me Down, I won't be crying 96 Tears which is How it Should be.

    I'll get me coat..... :getmecoat:

  9. Beat me to it. I was only ten but those Southport games stand out in my memory. The away game was amazing I remember being on the funfair and seeing half of my class on there. Grass bank behind the goal, and I think it was the game where Grovesy kicked the ball against a hoarding, missed, and smacked a kid in the face, happy days.

    I was too young for Brizzle, but an older tick once reminisced about it to me, a load of them went down and slept in a Transit van, he said the next morning it stank of beer, farts, B.O. and Brut.......ah if you could bottle that.

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