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Magic Mikey

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Posts posted by Magic Mikey

  1. Whilst I agree about the singing, I think the implication is a little uncalled for.

    Possibly, the fact remains we are culturally very different and I don't see the need for having continental style supporting imposed on us. I suspect the majority of the advocates are on the younger side, so may I share my experience of over 40 years of worship at BP. When the product on the pitch has been poor and the crowds small so generally the atmosphere hasn't been great. Good football and bigger crowds make for a better atmosphere. You cannot synthetically generaterate that, football is emotional and crowds will respond to what they see on the pitch. A clown with a baton and a flag will never be able to create that, if we batter Colchester on the back of a good Swindon result it will be rocking, the reverse and it will be a morgue. Simple as.

    BTW I have no in depth knowledge of ultras, however when I hear the word I associate it with news items about English fans being attacked and extreme right wing attitudes. The general public hearing of Oldham ultras may well help to reinforce some of the myths that the recent BBC report shows exist about us.

    I will carry on singing my head off in the traditional way "oh when the blues..........." :OWTB1:

  2. Maybe I'm a bit switched-off to terrace comment.


    I've heard fattest chanting.


    I've heard foul language (and added to it).


    I've heard banter.


    I've heard horrendous criticism of our own players.


    I cannot ever recall racism within the chanting, banter, swearing and criticism though.

    All of the above plus some misogynistic chants. Almost exclusively from the creche. I haven't heard even them come out with anything racist.

  3. There's one; in Canada.


    The system works as it relies on a regular year-on-year stream of 200-300 collegiate players (out of around 10,000 eligible) coming through the hugely popular College game, to play in the NFL. Soccer does not, and probably will not, have this in place (soccer's current centres of excellence and scouting systems are inferior). One would probably only seen the draft system ridiculed by those who do not understand the game or the Draft selection process. The Draft Combine itself is an arduous medical, physical and mental programme, testing the ability of prospective players; not many physical field sports require an 60 minute Wonderlic aptitude test.

    That sums it up perfectly, completely different animals.

    BTW I saw Wonderlic Aptitude Test at the Academy last year, they were awesome. :icon_peace:

  4. Its funny that the american franchise and draft system is often ridiculed but doesn't it promote a level playing field? I wonder if one day the top teams in Europe will work in a similar fashion with a European superleague and the domestic leagues will turn into something similar to the college system?

    Are there any competitive professional leagues outside of the U.S.? I can't see how that system could work for the global sport of football.

  5. I doubt quite a few of the premier league players have ever practiced football for 21 hours a week for ten years. Does this rule apply to intellects too? or does IQ, Memory and genetics have a greater bearing?

    It is about repeating actions until they become automatic. Matthew Syed himself was a world class table tennis player, he initially thought he was talented, when he looked into it he realised that he was of average ability but a combination of a progressive p.e. teacher, unlimited access to a table and an older brother to practise with had allowed him reach that standard.

    In cricket and tennis the ball can reach the batter or receiver in a shorter time than the body can react, repeatedly seeing fast bowling actions allows the batter to read the body position of the bowler to predict where the ball will be going, the batter is moving onto the front or back foot before the ball leaves the hand. Similarly in tennis, at the top of the game if you wait until the ball is hit you aint getting there.

  6. Just read the thread and had to reply to this off topic post. Talent is not a myth. I coach a mixed race team and every single player has a different level of skill and talent. To say talent is a myth shows a distinct lack of understanding of the fact that we are all different and as such we all excel at different things and are utter :censored:e at others.


    Off topic? It was in response to a post saying Asian players aren't coming through because they aren't good enough.


    Lack of understanding? Quite the opposite, I am interested in this area and have taken the time to read into it before making my comments, the research is there in the literature. The fact is that you cannot become successful at any sport, or any other similar area in life without practice (10, 000 hours is the norm), whatever level of natural ability you have. Read the book Bounce by Matthew Syed, you might just change your mind.

  7. So like most of us, you thought he was too :censored: to be worth signing up again until the point where he'd been seen several times doing good things on national TV against top opposition. Bit hard to blame the club for not offering him 5 years on good terms last Summer?

    If the club had the original contract ending before he was 24 we would be getting some compensation when he left. That is the lack of foresight.

  8. Late kick off have done a very similar report tonight too. Straw poll seems to have been based on one of the RRE turnstiles.


    Even worse maths than I thought, extrapolating zero from one turnstile to the entire ground. Ignoring the cluster of 300 in the Chaddy, making 10% of the attendance.

    I did a straw poll at the same match at the directors' box entrance and found 20% of Latics fans are millionaires, why aren't we tapping into this wealth?

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