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Everything posted by thetramfixer

  1. as far as chanting goes, I don't think we have any room to talk .. some of our faithful can twist the proverbial knife at times ... in fact someone in main stand upper woke up long enough to REALLY have a pop at him when he was subbed. I think we need to remember that our skipper is as much a true professional as he is a hard nut who knows every trick in the book ( I'm not saying he wound him up, but he's not scared at giving his opinion out to a player who he thinks has gone a little too far!) it's great when we have decent derby games with our local rivals - come on, who doesn't miss Stockport and Tranmere? .. yeah, it was nice to silence the digs about Dale getting promoted AND relegating us at ISZ, but who seriously wouldn't enjoy winding said fans up if we were in their position .. If that's correct about Clarke putting a word in, then good! who knows they may have enjoyed a beer in the lounge today after the game - he's probably the type of player that puts games down as "it's all in the past" and cracks on with what is required on the day. Good luck to Dale IF you manage to get a playoff slot, but then again I'll look forward to the 2 games next season more! ... looks like Blackburn are joining us too ... simply put .... for a fan, there's nothing better than bragging rights at a derby!
  2. now that would be ironic, and even funny as they were banging on earlier in the season that they'd gain promotion AND relegate us! fingers crossed
  3. the next link below is from a young lad from London ... a notlob fan who interviews his dad who tells him that 15 years ago him and some friends nearly bought OAFC! about 1:20 in ...
  4. I thought he did what was required of him exceptionally well! shrewd move bringing him back for the run in!
  5. I did think as much, but that rule in itself is flawed as you sign a couple of loanees just for then to get injured straight away! Maybe a rule that if one does get injured and deemed long term unfit, then special dispensation should be given ... and then again ...
  6. if Hunt is done for the season, can/will he be sent back and if so do the rules allow us another loanee? (that's assuming he's a loanee in the first place as I can't remember who's who ha ha)
  7. nope! live close by so went to the window - old school lol or do you mean the Amex aide of things? I just realised it went on the Emirates Visa as they wouldn't accept Amex - apologies for duff info!
  8. didn't Cliff Byrne do something similar, albeit very briefly? ... and Lockwood for that matter?
  9. pard on Amex (just gotta get them Emirates miles!) £309 inclusive of the fee. ... also just found out that the skipper has signed up so that's positive news for once!
  10. renewed mine earlier ... bloke said around 900 have done so far.
  11. nice to get a mention! 5:10 onwards https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1456046311082798&id=126390330715076
  12. the only hope we have of him being here is that we stay in L1 and his club, whoever that may be, re loan him out again to us! but he could be loaned out to ANYONE if that's the case!
  13. Wasn't there an issue when the Rocky was split that opposing fans were always seemingly having a go at each other? Mind you I do believe that the confectionary sales were also high at the time! Aside from the obvious case in the main stand .. Wasn't the chaddy in a need of work? Maybe the location of them newer houses (ie the ones being built at the moment that back right onto the chaddy) has something to do with it? I dare say home supporters are better behaved, but if there's any work planned/dreamed of it would make more sense to inconvenience away supporters once a season as opposed to home support every home game? That said ... start afresh next season .. back into the Chaddy, split the Rocky and cheaper tickets on the proviso that you may be moved from time to time .. I don't think it'll bring many stayaways back, but I doubt many will go because of it! Only time will tell ..
  14. I think as a fan, it's a personal decision IF it were to ever happen for us! Yeah the group stages were awful in the sense that they were littered with academy teams that mostly looked like they weren't interested, but I'm of the thinking that they're our players, they don't get a choice in whether to play or not, and they deserve our support! The last several years has shown us that a playoff campaign is a pipe dream of the highest order, and I want to see my team play at Wembley.. let's face it, the old place had no luck for us and it would be so good to see a Latics captain lift a trophy! but alas, it's a personal choice .. each to their own! but it's a nice problem to have, to be arguing about whether to go to Wembley or not!
  15. He did ok to say he sent a video tape of his goalkeeping into the club to get a contract, assuming that's true? LP has long been one if not my favourite keepers at Latics but I'll never forget him having a truly awful game at ISZ and getting subbed! Even with his guaranteed departure at the end of the season, I think CR will always be one of the best, and should rightly be appreciated if and when he plays against us in the future.
  16. when had that ever bothered the press? probably got the phones tapped as well!
  17. aren't some teams (Russian?) allowed to use these pitches in champions league games too? I personally think it would be great for clubs that generally suffer from bad pitches/weather to be allowed to fit artificial pitches that meet particular guidelines ... whether that's by the means of grant or sponsorship etc. The clubs can generate additional revenue from using the pitches for schools finals etc etc Pipe dream I know!
  18. maybe he was about to authorise another season ticket spectacular lol it worked so well last year didn't it? ha ha
  19. yeah I agree with s'goat! we're 'usually' terrible at taking advantage of others bad runs - you used to be able to tell the result in Friday evenings newspaper- "xyz come to Boundary Park having not won away all season blah blah blah " ... Bearing in mind where they are, we definitely need to put them to the sword! we've put in some hard work recently and got the rewards .. now isn't the time to revert to type!
  20. how many yellows is Clarke on at the moment? Could we possibly lode both if, say for instance Clarke gets a yellow next game and triggers a 1 match ban? I know he's had a couple at least, but maybe not enough for it to count as yet?
  21. One of my many memories that I can still 'see' is playing Newcastle at home NYD during promotion season and trailing 1 nil until their Centre half (Stimson) back passed to the keeper (Burrage) and he missed it! I can still see it trickling into the net in front of packed Chaddy End! .. I thought the old boy next to me was gonna drop dead he went that crazy .. great times that I'm sure we all have, we all talk about and probably creates the magic that we believe in for us to follow Latics as we do!
  22. was that the game where Ernie smashed 2 players (1 of each team) into the corner flag and beyond for wasting time??
  23. Spartacus... " no! I'm their biggest critic! "
  24. just arrived in Melbourne for fuel stop on my way to NZ .. great news from Boundary Park and not only 3 points but out of the bottom 4 also! keep it up lads!
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