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Everything posted by rosa

  1. Sounds like iFollow didn't bother letting the commentary team know when they were back on, they sound as pissed off as us.
  2. "It is my belief that history is a wheel. 'Inconstancy is my very essence,' says the wheel. Rise up on my spokes if you like but don't complain when you're cast back down into the depths. Good time pass away, but then so do the bad. Mutability is our tragedy, but it's also our hope. The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away."
  3. That's EXACTLY the response i was expecting.
  4. Cheer up everyone, it'll be Christmas soon.
  5. Just been reminded that the same bloke screamed "WHAT'S HE TAKING LONG THROW INS FOR? IT'S WINDY!". Which is one of the funniest things I've ever heard at the match.
  6. Had a very entertaining bellend by us tonight screaming about (among other things) Hamer being 'naive'. Really? Our 18 year old full back lacks tactical nous and experience? Thank fuck you're here to enlighten us. Pretty crap, that, but can only hope the result kick starts us.
  7. Nah, my house is nearer than yours, and my drinking is heavier.
  8. Aye. The player who was most up for it was the one who can probably afford to not get paid. Bit odd him being out wide though.
  9. Yes. They must turn off the water supply or something.
  10. Hardly any shots any target. Players quite understandably putting in a half arsed effort after not being paid. The women's toilets in the RRE don't flush after half time. The fucking button for the fucking bell at the ticket office window has gone missing and when you point it out the staff laugh, shrug and say "yeah we know" instead of sending someone over the road to fucking B&Q to get a fucking new one. They don't deserve us.
  11. He left that Macclesfield defender for dead.
  12. I'm looking forward to Gerrard getting done for pace by Miller. The fat wool.
  13. I'd like to see how he does up front with Surridge. Actually I'd like to see us throw caution to the wind and play them up front with Baxter behind them but I think I'm gonna be disappointed.
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