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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. I read a report the other day that said the last time the season was shortened it was awesome as well. I've often thought they play too many regular season games tbh.
  2. I've not really romanticized about anything... everything that I have said there has happened to Baxter. And these are things which won't happen in our job. And nothing would be close to it. You might think impressing your superiors would be like having a good game in front of the TV cameras. But it isn't. I've said that football is not like any other job, and shouldn't be compared to any other job (well, except maybe that of other professional sportsmen). There will be plenty of things which Baxter will be taking into consideration other than just more money. Plenty of things which wouldn't apply (or anything like them) in any of our jobs. Likewise, if I was offered a new job, there would be considerations I would need to make, that a football player wouldn't ever think of. I'm not saying that playing football isn't a job for these guys. But it is unique. There is hardly anything like it, and I don't think we should fall into the trap of comparing their careers with our own. For what its worth, I think Baxter will leave. He will be offered a lot of things that we can't offer him, which isn't just money. Though I do agree with the manager. Staying until the end of the season could be a very wise move for him in the long term.
  3. No, they don't. That's why they shouldn't be compared.
  4. It's a job. But it's a job unlike one that any of us know about. None of us know anything about what it's actually like to be a professional sportsman. What it's like to score a goal. What it's like the have a few thousand people worship you. Or what the allure of playing against Liverpool would actually be. It's nothing like a big meeting in work, and shouldn't be spoken about like it is. Unless of course somebody has a meeting coming up in front of a 10k strong crowd, a TV audience in the millions and a chance to progress to the next round of the meetings cup, and the glory/cult hero status that could possibly accompany it.
  5. The idea that a footballers career can be compared to a job that any of us do is also laughable.
  6. I understand the point of trying to milk fans for all its worth, but that doesn't make it right. Of the gate, 3000 will be Liverpool fans. Of these, hardly any will be kids because of the way they sell away allocations (points schemes and whatnot). So of the remaining 7500, I can't imaging there will be 4000 kids. 1500-2000 maybe. Once vat is deducted, and we take our share of the gate, how much in lost revenue is that? £8k? £10k? Ok, its a fair bit of money, but when you consider we have just got £135k for being on telly and £65k prize money (none of which we were expecting), maybe we could have afforded to not rip off our future fans. But instead, its short term thinking to plunder as much money as possible now.
  7. They paid £10 for 23 league games at the start of the season. The Liverpool ticket cost and the season ticket cost have absolutely nothing to do with each other. I'm guessing the other perks weren't really thought about, except maybe the priority on the cup tickets. But I'd reckon there would have been an expectation that they wouldn't get fleeced on the cost of a cup ticket. And mentioning friend for a fiver, thats brilliant! Most kids (I'd guess) friends would also be kids. So they can bring a friend to every league game for a fiver, without the voucher. £10 for a kids season ticket is an absolutely brilliant deal. We should be attracting kids to come to games as they are the future of the club. £20 for kids to watch the Livepool game is not a good deal or good value. £20 for a child to watch a football game (at any level) is ridiculous. And you can't even claim "yeah but they get to see Liverpool", because if it was at Anfield it would only be £5. So why should we charge £15 more than one of the biggest clubs in the country would? Thats not a good deal for anyone. We give cheap season tickets to attract future fans, so they can watch us play the likes of Yeovil and Scunthorpe. But as soon as we get a glamour game, they can get f*****d, because we will fleece them like everyone else. This is the sort of game which could get a kid hooked on Latics for life. We really shouldn't be ripping them off. SC said this game is not just about the money, its about the fans. But it's not really is it? They increased adult prices by a fiver (expected that and not too bothered), but increased kids prices by £15, increased the cost for pensioners, and are even making loyal club staff pay to attend. But its not just about the money... honest.
  8. I thought it should have been a tenner for u16s. Stick £5 on all the matchday prices would have been fair.
  9. Yeah, kind of already made my choice. Never complained about the price for the adult tickets, nor said I wouldn't go. Don't think we should be ripping off the under 16's though. Though clearly others disagree.
  10. Its a shame for the kids that we haven't drawn them away this year, as the maximum price for a junior against League 1 oppostion this year would be £5. http://www.liverpool...stic-cup-prices *edit* - didn't realise it was only a fiver last year too.
  11. It was £20. No I didn't pay it because I'm an adult and therefore I bought an adult ticket. And with a years reflection, that is still bloody steep.
  12. I suppose kids got a good deal earlier in the season so its only fair to rip them off now. £20 for a child to watch a game of football at any level is scandalous. Even more so when one of the teams playing, the one that they are going to watch, is languishing in the lower echelons of the 3rd division.
  13. There is cashing in, and then there is quadrupling the price of a normal matchday ticket. Takes the mick really.
  14. £20 for kids is disgraceful. "We will let you have £10 season tickets to attract you and get you going, but as soon as we get a big game we will price you out."
  15. I don't remember anybody saying we should keep him at the time.
  16. They don't televise cup games on a Friday night, so that rules out Friday. And like you said, Liverpool have a league game on the Wednesday after it, so it won't be Monday night. In the FA Cup, United are on ITV no matter who they play. If they are in the competition, ITV pick them without fail. But if there are 5 games on TV, there is no way we won't be selected for one of the remaining 4.
  17. I've never heard any noise come from the main stand. Why don't we just put the Liverpool fans in there?
  18. For those worried about not getting a ticket... 1/2 season tickets are on sale.
  19. I wouldn't say I have any superior knowledge of building things (at all). But I do know that I sat in the thing. They might have made a loss on it though. If I remember rightly, the game was televised subject to Chasetown playing at home, and them not moving it to a nearby bigger ground. For them to play at home they had to erect the stands. So the TV money probably made it worthwhile.
  20. They did put a couple of temp stands up though. Think the one we were in was 500 capacity. If I remember right it was only a tenner to get in too.
  21. £35 a month for 10 months is what I pay. Works out £20 more expensive than paying in one lump sum. £2 a month interest...less than a pint in the White Hart that.
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