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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Definitely not a dud. Playoffs every year. Join the club. But be warned.... we aren't the most exciting team to watch!
  2. I do understand the rivalry between Wolves and WBA. That, along with his past, is why I think he shouldn't be stoking it up. You are right, there are no personalities in football. There are a lot of goons though.
  3. Forget the Wolves fans response.... Lee Hughes is an absolute tool. He wasn't reacting to taunts, as he had pre-planned it by wearing the thing. Instead of thinking "I'm gonna get loads of abuse but I guess I have earned it. Head down and get on with my job" he decided "sod it, I am going to get loads of abuse so I am going to give it back." Why did he feel the need to do that? What is wrong with just ignoring the and doing something normal, like celebrating with his own fans. The guy is a cock. He is bad news, and I am glad he doesn't play for us anymore. Especially glad that he hadn't signed for us when we did play Wolves, as that walk back to the coach really wouldn't have been fun if that arse was playing for us.
  4. The was definitely could have been better set on the second one. It was horrendously positioned. Where I sit in the Chaddy, I am dead central. The ball was pretty much dead centre, and the way he positioned the wall, he could have kicked it dead straight and it would have gone past the wall and hit the target (a bit like the Hartlepool one last season). The wall positioning made it extremely easy for their guy to curl it where he did. Lining up his wall is something Brill has absolutely massive problems with, and he really needs to work hard to sort it out. However, he clearly isn't learning from his mistakes as he keeps making them.
  5. He is one of the few players who looks like he wants the ball, so apart from the beating his man question I'd say the answer is quite a few. As for giving Brill an option, well he did, but all Brill ever does is lump it long to the forwards. Usually to the smaller of the two aswell. Taylor isn't playing as well as he can at the moment, however he isnt doing badly. He didn't have much of a pre-season due to injuries, and he was put back in the side quicker that he was going to be back in because of Alessandra's injury. He is getting there though. I just don't understand why so many people seemingly can't wait to have a pop at him.
  6. Yeah, you can probably put that in his contract or something.
  7. Absolute b******s. Ok, he didn't skin anybody. But how many times did he give the ball away? Every time he had the ball, he looks for a blue shirt and found it. Pretty much every time it was a short ball. Nothing wrong with that at all. I'm not saying he was great, a 6 maybe 7, but he did alright. 4/10 is absolute s***e. The team performance wasn't great, but there are two teams on the field. Bournemouth, without being great, were organised and made if difficult for us. We kept going, which was good. We showed good spirit, and eventually we got a break and we are back in the game. It was not a great game, but we stuck at it and in the end got the 3 points, so I was well happy.
  8. I voted no for this reason. If the question was "Would you mind if..." then I'd have answered "No. As long as they dont start spouting off when we sing anti-City/United songs."
  9. I think it was more his presence on the field rather than his stats that told a story. Just having him in the team gave everyone a lift and made the opposition worry. And the fact that he was capable of match winning moments of brilliance only helped his aura.
  10. Just played the Fifa 11 demo. Penalties seem impossible. Apart from that, it felt like the exact same game as Fifa 10.
  11. Thats strange....the Hangover ripped first time for me.
  12. That's not "hard". I have seen Ackey do that, and he is well soft!
  13. Channel 4 do have SNF, with Imlach and Carlson presenting. NFL Sunday Countdown will be live on ESPN at 4pm on Sunday, followed by 2 live games on Sky. ESPN have Monday Nights this year. Looking at the Sky Sports site, the season opener may have the US coverage pre and post game, but it does say the regular studio team will be presenting on Sundays. I reckon Green Bay for the NFC. I always pick Indianapolis for the AFC and they usually do pretty well, so I will predict Indianapolis again. Green Bay to win it all. NYG... remains to be seen if the secondary is fixed. If people step up on defense I think we will make the playoffs. If they don't, then we could struggle like the second half of last season.
  14. Piss off Ackroyd. When you go in Troff in then Northern Quarter, and you go up them pretty narrow stairs to the lav...when you wait at the bottom to let someone past and they dont say thanks. That does my nut in.
  15. You should get to see Kovy, now that we have signed him.
  16. Once saw a girl at the match with "McNiven 2" on the back of her shirt. This was well before he improved to being nearly mediocre too. Has to be the worst.
  17. Mvoto and Tounkare both missed headers early in the second. Mvoto did well with his and was unlucky. Tounkare's wasn't as easy as his one in the first half but I think he should have still done better. Brill - Some good saves. 8 Lee - got forward well. 7 Jarrett - should have done better for their goal (good finish though) 6 Mvoto - looked shaky early doors. 6 Black - Given the run around in the second half. They definitley targeted him and it worked for them. Felt a bit sorry for the young lad. 5 Dikaba - Hugged the touch line. Looked good on the ball. Crossing was poor. 7 Stepehens - Good from dead balls but otherwise was dissapointing. 6 Furman - Engine in midfield. Played really well. 8 Taylor - Good goal. Looked a threat. Getting there. MoM. 8 Tounkare - Big. Handful. Shocking miss. 6 Kelly - Worked hard. No goal threat though. 6 I thought Jacobsen looked alright when he came on. Dickov just had that one glancing header, but apart from that not much else. All in all, it was a good game. Shame we didn't win. We deserved to, but at least it was entertaining.
  18. I went Glastonbury last year and thought the same. However, me and the Ackroyd went to Kendal Calling this year, and that was absolute quality. Definitely always steering well clear of Leeds though.
  19. Just got my free case through the post today. The app is pretty handy too.
  20. She isn't "far from" being the best looking at all. Millie Clode is the best. Natalie Sawyer is pretty damn hot (but I prefer Charlotte Jackson). But to say she is far from it is ridiculous....Claire Tomlinson. Now thats "far from the best looking SSN presenter."
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