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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Just out of interest... was this conversation with me? Most my conversations with you are drunken, and I cannot remember.
  2. That Boston - Philadelphia game looked very good! Glad Boston won.
  3. I know nothing about NBA, but do know a little about NHL...so I will say.... HAHAHAHAHA!!
  4. 2 of my teams play each other...cool. Seriously though.... if anyone wants the Flyers, they are yours.
  5. I probably would give almost anything to get up that Pole. It had to be said.
  6. You gonna give up on Hockey this season then BF?
  7. You can have the Flyers is you want. Slags. Me... bitter? You bet your ass I am!
  8. I'm not really that surprised. He is 65 now, and we are a playoff team but don't really look that close to winning the cup, so I guess he just doesn't want to spend a good few years turning us into cup winners, especially when he can deservedly put his feet up.
  9. Our playoff hopes aren't over yet, but I think the fat lady is warming up her vocal chords. We haven't got it in us to win 3 straight.
  10. Anyone else find that the audio on game highlights on the iPhone app goes horribly out of sync?
  11. Just looked into it, its South Korea. North Korea are in Div3.
  12. GB beat Korea today, 2-1. Won the first two games, but I think by the sounds of it, the tough games will be coming up now. http://www.iihf.com/channels0910/wm-ib/div....html?tx_ttnews[backPid]=3043&cHash=46949227c8
  13. I've been Notts County a few times, and from what I can recall, we usually get a positive result.
  14. I've just watched Letang's winner for the Pens last night. The assist from Crosby was phenomenal!
  15. I might fall in love with him? I always thought it was you that had the man-crush on the goalie? I've always been more of a John Madden kinda guy. Damn you Devils, why did you let him leave?!?! 5-3 last night, get in! I was going to watch it, but I was pissed and falling asleep, so just watched the highlight on the iPhone app. I love the way you can set it so that it doesn't tell you the score when it loads up. I watched the highlights not knowing the score...I actually cheered when we made it 4-3.
  16. Just paid for the NHL app. Best. App. Ever.
  17. Anyone want my Flyers? If they knock us out, they can get f***ed if they think I'm cheering them on.
  18. 3 and 4. Charlton is a Saturday, we are at home, I will be in the White Hart before and after the game, no doubt about it.
  19. It now goes to the league. UEFA changed the rules a year or two back so that Cup losers no longer get in the UEFA/Europa league, only Cup winners get in, so if the winner has already qualified for Europe, then the spot goes to the league. As Pompey can not pay in Europe next season, and Chelsea are already in the CL, then the Europa League place goes to the league. United won the Carling Cup too, so the prem now has 3 Europa League spots to play for.
  20. My top 5 players in the world based on ability: 1. Messi 2. Ronaldo 3. Xavi 4. Iniesta 5. Rooney I change my mind on Xavi and Iniesta quite regularly, and Rooney gets in that 5 on this seasons form, but no higher becasue you have to do it consistently for a few years (like the other 4). If I had them in order of how much I actually like them, then Ronaldo would be so far down the list, and Rooney would be nowehre near either (Red b*****s). Messi 1, Iniesta 2, Xavi 3. I also really like Wesley Sneijder, the guy is class.
  21. Last season Ronaldo bagged against Inter and a wonder strike against Porto in the knockout stages, and also got a double at the Emirates in the Semi. Season before in the knockout stages he scored against Lyon, Roma and in the Final. Also scoring in the prem in two games against Arsenal and against Liverpool. The season before that he bagged against Roma and Milan in the knockout stages of the CL, and also scored the winner in the Manchester derby, in a game that basically sealed the title (ie, a big game). So I guess you're right, he doesn't do it in the big games.
  22. He did do it in big games for United. Unfortunately for him though, whilst he is the second best player in the world, the first best player is streets ahead. Leo Messi is simply amazing, and he keeps getting better. He needs to do it at the World Cup to end up ranking alongside Maradonna, but he doesn't necessarily have to do it in South Africa. He is only 22, so you could easily be looking at two, if not three, more world cups after this one. Also.... Xavi. Wow. Best midfielder on the planet, he is phenomenal.
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