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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Yeah...but the have to win the CL to win the Super Cup again!
  2. Couldn't give a toss? Is that 'cos you're teams season has ended prematurely?
  3. £90 for the cheap seats was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Getting there and accomodation might be relatively cheap, but in the end it would prob be an expensive couple of days.
  4. He probably is dying to get forward, but he isn't allowed. On Tuesday night when we were chasing the game and he had been put at left back, he played a ball to Taylor and started bombing forward to support him. He took a look over to the bench and immediately dropped back. I think the problem with our fullbacks not overlapping is not the fullbacks fault, I really do think they are told to stay back by the manager.
  5. Yes, I think he has done enough for another season.
  6. Looking at the pictures of previous winners, it looks like whoever wins gets shipped out.
  7. I stopped reading after that. No. Not ever. Get behind your team. Saturday is hugelarge. We are desperate for a win. Get behind the lads or piss off to Eastlands/Old Trafford/Spotland/Wherever. Its a bad run, a bad season. FFS, we are Oldham Athletic. Its not meant to be easy.
  8. "I feel good" if we score (and that's a HugeLarge if) is a must.
  9. It looks like you follow people who recommend music to you. If you like, you buy and the person who reccomends it gets 20% commission in credit to buy tunes. If a few people go on it, it might be useful for discovering new stuff. DaveRagg is my username on there should anyone wish to follow me.
  10. I've had mine since October and haven't put any AV on it. No problems yet (touch wood), justmake sure you got the firewall turned on.
  11. I missed the fight. I put it on at 20 past midnight thinking it would be midway through the first, not realising it started at 11 and was midway through the second. I only realised when they said "there are 6 minutes left in regulation." Theres me, thinking we got plenty of time to pull this goal back, its not even the end of the second yet, and the game is nearly bloody over.
  12. Looks like another big crowd inside the Rock tonight. Maybe the people of Newark have finally realised they got a quality hockey team on their doorstep.
  13. I think he meant sacking the manager at this stage last season didn't work, in so much as we only won one more game. Same could easily happen again.
  14. Bordeaux - Inter final. I'd settle for that.
  15. If you keep giving the puck away, that is what will happen. Ack... do you know why the crowds have increased all of a sudden? Monday night there were 15000 in against Boston, and last night is was pretty much a full house.
  16. I hope he does alright at Bury. Well enough so that they want to keep him and we never have to see that lazy b-d wearing a Latics shirt ever ever again.
  17. His England experience mainly comprises of failure to deliver on the biggest stage. He was a good player in his day, but he is past it now and he isn't really that big a loss to the squad. It's a shame for him that it's ended like this, but he has had a good career and made a hell of a lot of money...he won't be getting too much sympathy from me.
  18. No, it won't. It is embarrassing that RJJ is still fighting. Please Roy, do the sensible thing and retire before you do yourself serious harm.
  19. Thats just shockingly bad. It's like they are giving up completely. England merch I can understand, but the day Latics start selling other clubs stock is they day I never ever buy anything from there again.
  20. Saw Zombieland at the cinema, was impressed with it. Just watched Hurt Locker. Pretty damn good. Some of the scenes were very tense, I liked. Reckon Inglorious Basterds was better though...that should have won the best film Oscar for me.
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